First, I am sorry that you have been subjected to such nastiness Allison. That sounds horrible. Second, I 1000% agree with you! I am proudly and happily ridin' with Biden and have trippled my efforts to make that happen. And word from the ground, I organize postcarding and boy have my new volunteers been pouring in since the debate.

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How go you do the postcards? I want to do that but don’t know how.

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Can you DM? Happy to set you up!

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thank you Jennifer B!! It does my burnt out old battleaxe peace-marching heart good to see how hard volunteers are working the postcards, phone lines, p2p networking, whatever it takes. So grateful for your work and also the mentoring!

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There’s also Activate America. Lots of candidates to choose from. Many in battleground states. I find their response to my signing up to be within the hour. https://www.activateamerica.vote

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For Postcards To Voters, email join@TonyTheDemocrat.org You supply your own postcards and stamps. Note that other organizers have postcard and letter-writing.

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I’m on my second batch of postcards!

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Invite some friends and have a party!

I did that in 2020 (outdoors) and 2022. Believe me, people are happy to have something to do, especially when they're flailing about with anxiety.... Set them in front of a stack of postcards with some colored pens and it will help take the anxiety down a few notches!

Taking action is the antidote to despair!

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Joe Biden has exceeded my expectations, he was my last choice for 2020 candidate, but I have come to love the man and what has done as president, though many times I have strongly disagreed, and grieved over the present day political status quo in which he must operate. That being said, I hope that all of us unite behind whatever the Democratic Party offers in November, the time for thrashing out our differences is during the primary season - which I hope there will continue to be…

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Thank you! I think you are dead on 🎯 target.

BIDEN is the most transformative POTUS since FDR and certainly in my lifetime. There is no way that I am abandoning him, especially because he has done so much for our country and our alliances abroad . I care about saving our Democracy. We are a hairs breath from losing it this year, and god knows if we would ever get it back.

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I agree. Why do Democrats constantly bicker instead of uniting against threats? I just want to defeat Trump. The news media is unwatchable. I’m writing postcards, messaging my senators and representative, contributing some money though I’m retired and it’s tight. We have to win. Biden has accomplished so much for all of us.

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Me too Jeannie! We can all help in some way.

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I'm totally committed to voting blue up and down the ballot. If Joe Biden chooses to continue, then I'm voting for Joe. If he doesn't, then I'm voting for whoever is the Dem nominee. We're not voting for which one we like better, what the polls say, or who sounds better on the debate stage. We're voting for democracy. Dems=democracy. MAGA/not voting/3rd party=NOT democracy. All of the MAGA threats (Project 2025) are all for naught without Trump in office.

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You are so right!!!!

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There you have it…. Distilling Julie’s comment:

Dems = Democracy. Repubs = Dictatorship & Autocracy directed by Project 2025.

This has got to be the new campaign message. The horrors of Project 2025 doctrine can’t be exposed enough. In fact, it needs more exposure. I’m really tempted to put this message on postcards I write.

Proj2025 has been in the works since Reagan was in office. The Heritage Foundation joined in. Then the federalist society and Christian nationalists. Repubs have always been patient with their long game; Dems strategies have not.

Biden was not my first, second or third choice. But here we are, so I’m inclined to keep ridin’ with Biden. But yeah, he needs to do well with George interview.

Thank you , Allison. I’m pretty much with you.

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I agree with all of your points. I was despondent after Biden’s performance, but honestly- never thought he should step aside this late in the campaign. Regroup and keep our focus on voting blue up and down the ballot. I love Rep Crockett’s take on all this replace Biden nonsense.


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1000% agree. We must all hang together on this. Unity behind the leader is the only way to beat the Orange Menace, and that is the singular goal.

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The media narrative is a GOP dark $$ billlionaires' agenda. Ignore it.

Biden is stubborn - it's why he was never on my favorite candidates list. However, he's also got political smarts, knows his way around policy-making and fund-raising like no other. He has surrounded himself with a highly competent, expert and qualified cabinet. He relies on them for key decision-making.

His campaign should highlight and harp on his record, his partnering with Kamala Harris, and should put his cabinet members front and center in campaign ads, public events and on TV. Pete Buttigieg is hands down the best, and Deb Haaland has outperformed expectations and holds a critically important post in Native American outreach and advocacy.

Use the most effective messengers in Congress to the best effect. There's no one like a Rep Raskin, Swallwell, Schiff, and AOC, or a Sen Whitehouse, Klobuchar, Warren and Markey to explain the benefits of Biden's work.

Biden is a terrible public communicator, and the domestic enemy GOP uses this along with ageism, lies, misinformation and Putin propaganda to attack him - quite effectively. This underlies the "debate" performance problem.

Finally, this election is truly one which will determine America's experiment a failure or fragile continuing success. The election must be framed that a vote for Biden is a vote for democracy, and a vote for Trump is a vote to forfeit EVERY American's rights forever.

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I don’t think your asking the right question

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I'm missing any questions in the above post. What "question" was not "right"? Or did you mean to say you disagree with lobsternanny?

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Thank you for this well-written exposition that expresses my own feelings much better than I could have done. What you lay out is, I believe, the best course for defending freedom and democracy for ourselves and for the nations who ally with us.

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Thank you, Allison and keep up the good work! I have found that by reading a transcript of the debate there’s a much clearer picture about who is honest, who has logical plans and who’s done so much for this country already. And it isn’t the orange wonder!

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Thanks for this reminder about the transcript. Others have noted that non-English speakers who were able to view captions in their own language got a much clearer picture of what was said by the debaters; they saw that Trump didn't answer the questions while Biden attempted to do so, and that Trump was spewing bs and bluster. It might have swayed more than a few voters.

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What happened to all those people who said that they'd vote for a rock over trump? Not voting at all or writing in some random person isn't a protest vote. It's a vote for trump.

It's logistically and financially impossible to change the candidate at the top of the ticket with only 4 months left to go.

Financially the only person who is viable is VP Harris and I don't care what the polls show. There is too much racism, bigotry and misogyny out there especially now.

I was horrified by that debate. But it didn't make me think about replacing President Biden with another candidate. It made me think I might have to figure out a REAL plan on how to get out of this country if trump were to win for about 5 minutes. Of course that fear is still there and quite real but the only way to stop it is by supporting Biden/ Harris and voting blue up and down the ticket.

There's nothing wrong with being afraid of fascism. That's what is going on. People are afraid of a fascist dictatorship. An AMERICAN fascist dictatorship?


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CNN? Have they been overtaken by Russia? This constant drumbeat about Biden stepping down and crickets about Trump being a pedophile!!

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It's the same with the NYT; I cancelled last Saturday but my subscription runs out on July 16th. I go to the main page to access the games but glance at the headlines and they're still moaning about Biden stepping down. I'm heartsick but I have faith that the US will do the right thing in November.

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Joe all the way, Democrats no matter what, exercise your right to vote like your kids’, grandkids’, cousins’, nieces’, nephews’ lives

are on the line! Vote BLUE

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Thank you Allison for all you do. I agree with you, we’ve got to stick with Joe. I hate debates, but Joe was exhausted from all the traveling and sick. I just wish the media would focus on the liar that he was debating. But it’s over and everything Joe Biden has accomplished and will continue is why I want vote for anyone else.

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I wish the media would stop asking him if he plans to step down. How about asking him if he has modified his stance on packing the Supreme Court. A yes to that would get the positive buzz he needs.

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SO exactly exactly RIGHT

you go AG 🎉🤗🤺🎉

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I hate that the MSM follow maga talking points every time. The right is fueling this narrative. They know Biden can (and will) win and they’re getting desperate. But man I’m disappointed in some of my fellows. It’s Al Franken all over again. It needs to stop.

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