I’m saddened about Biden. I’m also worried that the same powers that forced Biden out will sabotage Harris. AOC spoke about this…the Big Money doesn’t want Harris, either. The Dems better not fuck this up. I am NOT proud of Dem leadership right now. I hope they prove me wrong.

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Two things can be true at the same time. I’m so proud of Biden/Harris, and as you point out Dems better not fuck this up!

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May I also add if Harris isn’t nominated, then the Dem ticket will be someone that We the People didn’t vote for or choose. It’s still super-sketch and our democracy was not made stronger by this action of pushing Biden out.

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As Heather Cox Richardson says it is not wrong to feel angry for a minute, but you definitely don’t want to be angry on Nov 7th if Trump wins for not having (each one of us) put our best foot forward for saving our Democracy.

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If it’s not Harris then the choice is a less violent autocracy over a violent autocracy. If our votes are pointless and can be hijacked by money what does any of it matter?

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Nov 5th! (7th is the Thursday). I know, i know, i'm being a typo weenie and that's because I AM PSYCHED and also anxious, and euphoric, and hypervigilant toward all those women in my white middle-aged cohort who were the 53%. in That Bad Time A Few Years Ago. #TogetherWeBetterStandOrElse

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Biden as president = success

Biden as candidate = on his way to failing

The only "pushing"that was done was directing the indisputable facts about the state of the campaign past Biden's gatekeepers to the man himself. He took everything on board and did what he had to do.

Sure, 14 million Democrats voted for Biden in the primaries...and who were the choices on the ballots? Dean effing Phillips? That's a choice? Yes, I voted for Joe in my state's prez primary, but ONLY because I didn't want to see tRump outpoll him in the R primary vote. Beyond that, just baaaad feelings how this would have played out in the general election.

OK, the change happened, we have a super-focused and energetic replacement, as things currently stand, and I and my like-minded friends and family are 1000% behind VP Harris and whoever she chooses as her running mate.

Let's go to war, people!

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War is the correct word to use. Not a bloody war, one where facts and logic are the weapons. The liar spews out preconcocted nonsense to rile up his followers. She can present the truth, attack him from all sides, and make him look like the liar, fraud and danger that he is. No blood, just words from our commander with her army behind her pushing the little man down.

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Oh, yes...Charles Austin, are you still here, mate?

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To be clear, ‘we the people’ didn’t exactly vote for Biden/Harris either as the DNC and party power structure prevented an actual primary. Imagine where we’d be had we seen Biden debate RFK Jr. 6 months ago. Biden would have been exposed and the party would be forced to run an actual nominating process. Instead, as was the case in ‘16 and ‘20, the party elites and donor class are installing their preferred candidate. I personally dont think the process is complete…Harris is such a weak candidate/leader…they can’t let her be the nominee.

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So the “Democratic Party” are not democratic at all yet it’s Trump that’s supposed to be the threat to democracy. You all need to give your head a shake. The global elites are pulling the puppet strings.

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RFK jr. is problematic, he has personal issues and no real experience as an effective leader.

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The delegates are constitutionally responsible for making this decision on behalf of We The People.

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I feel the same and am pleasantly shocked to hear that the Hollywood donors are happy about Kamala Harris. That said, they should not have this much power. They could have used their money, platform, and talent to help Biden’s image instead of tearing him down with ageism and ableism (re: his stutter). If the campaign against Biden was based on truth about his health and competence, or if he was a disappointment as president, I wouldn’t be upset.

I like Kamala Harris and will be thrilled if she wins. But can she be as effective as Biden? Will she support his surprisingly progressive agenda? I am cautiously optimistic, but I agree, the way we got here is worrisome.

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Joe had so much against him. First, he is actually acting as President, unlike tweeter bug/golfer who never went to briefings or understood how to create a policy. Second, his age compounded by the illness and travel schedule wore him down. He couldn’t fight the way he needed to, so he was perceived to be weak, frail and angry. That debate was absolutely pointless. Anyway, before the 2016 Beau died. I think he’d have won then, but he needed time for him and his family to grieve. This time he’s dealing with the grief of Hunter being convicted and awaiting another trial. How can anyone deal with all of those issues and fight a madman? The media and politicians railed against him with vengeance. It was awful. I was angry. Now I’ve accepted what happened and will support Kamala all the way!

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Please clarify, I believe the only Biden “illness” actually confirmed was the most recent COVID-19, which is bad enough for anyone especially at an advanced age.

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Agree. What was done to Biden should not have been done to any person. After his years of sacrifice to this country, the treatment of this honest man by his own party and the press is shameful.

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Harris was in on it

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They only have 107 days!!!

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It wasn't too awful for me when I heard the news. I was voting blue no matter who. But I am still furious over the way Joe Biden was treated. He deserved better. But on the other hand, maybe we needed this turmoil, just to remind us what's at stake. And I can't say I'm sorry to watch Trump have his meltdown. Kamala Harris has to be Trump's worst nightmare.

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Thank you AG! I felt sick for 10 minutes. Then I saw on threads Joyce Vance White commented how poetic for Trump to get defeated by a black woman. He’s gonna hate that! I’m here for it! And we get to help her! Hell yeah!

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Donald is already facing Black attorneys who are bringing him to justice. He’s appealing his loss to Letitia James in NYC, has charges brought by Fani Willis in Georgia, and will be facing a Black woman judge, Tanya Chutkan, in D.C. Huge props to Alvin Bragg, of course, the Black male prosecutor responsible for Donald’s 34 felony convictions. For Donald to lose the presidential race to Kamala Harris - daughter of immigrants, no less - would be the ultimate poetic justice. So much for white boy summer, MAGA losers!

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You can use the other hateful slander but saying he hates immigrants is silly and makes you look foolish. Both of Trumps wives were immigrants and JD Vance’s wife is an immigrant. I’m still trying to understand where all the hate comes from in our politics as a whole. It never seemed to be that way until Trump came along. There was the usual rhetoric and poking fun at each other but the vitriolic HATE towards Trump is unprecedented and I’ve watched 100’s of hours of video to look for the root of it. Admittedly I’ve only watched a few of his speeches and that’s all I can handle. But I still didn’t hear anything that warranted the unbelievable amount of deep soul crushing hate. Can anyone enlighten me as to where this comes from? I’m not Trump so don’t be a rude prick about it. I’m asking a question about something I don’t understand. The media hate him too which is what I’ve always assumed caused others to hate him. Getting media to respond to that question isn’t so easy. To sell stories of course but I want more than that. Thanks for your input in advance.

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They aren't immigrants from countries that have melanin in their skin. You misunderstand the hatred by a long shot ... because you're not BIPOC. That MF is a White Supremacist using a Christian Nationalist agenda to bring this country down.

What's difficult for me to believe is people can't see/hear covert racism when they hear it. That a-hole has said plenty and the insurrection was a direct result of Black people having the power to take him out. We know what it was, while others dance all around it. Where I live, they immediately started redlining districts and doing their gerrymandering thing. All his lawsuits were directed at States/cities with a majority Black folks in them. Didn't get that? Well, I'm telling you now.

Folks just need to wake up and get out of denial. HARRIS 2024!!!

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Well it’s easy to see the vitriolic hate you have for him. It’s doubtful I’m the first person to point that out lol. As someone who has done research to find the source of this hate you’re displaying here, I think the motivation you point out must be going over my head. I grew up in the Deep South originally born 30 miles from New Orleans and I also spent my teens in southern Mississippi. Believe me when I say I know racism and I know it well so your criticism of Trump being a racist are entirely misplaced and just plain wrong. They are plenty of people with “melanin” that have shared many stories of how Trump showed enormous compassion and grace towards melanin challenged people. As I’m writing this response I’m thinking to myself wtf am I doing. You’ve given me the same nothing burger as everyone else that shows this demonic hate towards Trump yet give zero ZERO evidence of this racism. If it exist and it’s true I want to know because I’m not going to vote for a racist. I keep asking everywhere but all I get is basically your response just worded differently. Hate hate hate but never any proof. To be honest I’m tired of asking and I’m leaning towards the idea that maybe he’s not a racist that’s why nobody gives me anything of substance. For the record I say “melanin challenged” as a mockery of those that say race shouldn’t matter yet they always seem to point it out. Also if he’s such a melanin hater why pick JD Vance whose wife is Indian and has lots of melanin. Maybe it’s just hate for hates sake idk

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I'm not trying to motivate you. What gave you that idea? I'm a cantankerous old man who doesn't give a crap what people think of me, my ideas, my experiences, etc. I only have a filter when I choose to; most of the time I don't. When people show blatant disregard for what they're doing to people who don't look like them, I care even less.

If you aren't Black, you don't know it from experiencing it. I can't stand white people who think they know more about racism when they have never lived up under it. I said experienced it, not known it from the outside-looking-in. I'm writing a book and then people will see it through my eyes. Trust me, white folks will stop stepping to me gaslighting our experiences. You would be one of those people. Tim Wise, YOU ARE NOT!

It's like eating liver. I can't stand liver. You are liver to me. I am a loving man, but I will no longer forgive, forget, or tolerate bullshit like what you're spewing and that crazy old man too. Maybe you're crazy, because you certainly seem OFF. I call out racism, and for that I get called racist. That's basically what you're saying. Just because I'm loud, proud, and will point this shit out doesn't mean I hate anybody. Stop spreading disinformation because you do not understand our plight. Just stop it.

Your misrepresentation of my character is putrid, vile, and full of shit. Are your eyes brown too? Jesus. SMFH

BTW, I'm more like Malcolm X than MLK. Keep that in mind. I tolerate your existence just as you tolerate mine. Oh, and that MF is starting to doubt his choice with JD Vance ... who is just as much of a clown as he is. Fool didn't know what his wife was. LOL ... OMG you are clueless. You learned nothing in the "South"

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Go Kamala!

So now if the MEDIA wants to discuss AGE the old guy is the Republican candidate.

Now if the Media wants to think about it Harris is a much younger candidate. But I guess they won’t speak of age now because the old guy is the R.

However, an intelligent woman is far superior to a dwindling man who rarely gets history correct, mangles words and speaks predominantly of his love for hateful dictators. And he who does this has the audacity to hold a bible in his hand while preaching hate and cruelty.

New candidate, same mission:

Beat Trump and make sure Project 2025 NEVER becomes law. We have a cult that wants to push America back to the 50s…and beyond.

This "VOTE removes stubborn orange stains" shirt is more alive than ever 👇


We have a Democracy to save.

Vote blue!

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It’s us versus the heritage foundation. That is how i’m also viewing this election

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If a Harris / Trump debate takes place I want her to be ready for a relentless

GISH GALLOP of LIES and BS and Gaslighting that will surely occur. Kamala is a former attorney general of the state of California. It will be interesting to see Kamala vs a 34 count felon rapist.

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He will back out. Already demanding the debate be moved to FOX. He seriously thinks he can bully Kamala? He’s not going to know what hit him.

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I doubt Trump will back out but agree with you on the rest of this-

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AND, she'll wipe the floor with him & his diapers. LOL

He'll back out for sure.

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Of course it will be satisfying to see her debate him. But she needs to do is defeat him in the election. The debate’s just a side show.

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I'm like you still sad about Biden dropping out. But he showed how he was, a kind man that knew what was right for the country. These 3.5 years have been so transformative and now it's Harris' turn to beat Trump

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Yes yes!! Earlier this afternoon, I was thinking tomorrow’s episode would be called “what the F$!& is happening??” But with his swift endorsement of Kamala Harris, I also feel invigorated, which I didn’t expect.

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One of the only things I have been looking forward to after all this chaos, suffering, and bilous hatred was to see him lose, again.

It will be even sweeter, now.

There's a number of prominent Black women that are holding Trump to account (James, Willis, now Harris). It's not fair that they are drawing all this fire. I am grateful and I believe we must support them.

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I want her to take Trump out in the court of public opinion. Hit hard Harris.

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Kamala: get ready for Trump’s

GISH GALLOP lies, BS, and relentless gaslighting! I know you are a tough lady! Be ready. I know you will!

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I am sad about Biden. He is a kind, intelligent human being. While I disagreed with him about the Palestinians, he has done well.

As for Kamala Harris, I am 100 percent behind her. She rocks!!!!

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I am an avid follower of you on Daily Beans. Through the Beans, I learned about your Mueller reports and I followed every moment of the Mueller hearings with unyielding hope . So may latest obsession, Why don't we all ask President Biden to use his SCOTUS given Super Presidential Powers and release The Mueller report -unredacted version (except for those names that would definitely put people in harms way; be put in harms way if released ).

Hell let's go for it all. Let's ask for The January 6th Report release and release of the Kushner agreement with MSB, and , and, and....Ask President Biden to arrest and jail the participants of the coup, you know, Mark Meadows and all the others.....

Sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm sorry President Joe needed to end his campaign. He gave his ultimate with approximately 6 more months to go.

Go Joe! Bring it home!

Aaaaaaaaand - GO Let's Go Kamala!

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Great idea. Didn’t think of it. These would be “Official Acts” just like Justice John Roberts outlined. Maybe President Biden can get rid of Alito and Thomas as “Official Acts”. As I think of your idea I realize there are many “Official Acts”, dozens, maybe hundreds, thousands! Official Acts” that President Biden can implement.

Great idea!!! 💡!!!

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Wanted Kamala to be his running mate in 2020, so I'm all in. I'm donating. I'll be phonebanking. I have a plaec to stay in NC. Hope to canvas in October. LFG!!

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Amen. Today I am saddened and relieved, And slowly becoming elated.

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You nailed it in a nutshell .

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

I am all in for Harris.

I am still very angry indeed at the NY Times, CNN, and --- surprisingly --- MSNBC including Rachel Maddow.

I am still very angry at the Dems who did Biden this way. Why do we have so much trouble recognizing and celebrating success?

I am furious with Jon Stewart. (I guess Biden was still in possession of all his faculties when he signed that Bill and spent over two minutes honoring Stewart?)

But. I am confused and worried about the Dems who obviously were behind the scheming to get the best President in my lifetime to step aside and haven't endorsed Harris yet. (It's Sunday night.) What is up with that? Nothing from Jefferies, Sanders, Pelosi. Schumer spent all day posting about his accomplishments alongside Joe Biden, and did not mention Harris once in any of his self-aggrandizing stories. (Well, in fairness, maybe we CAN recognize and celebrate success when it's all about us, right Senator?) And Obama. Come on, man. Who are these guys keeping their options open for?

So, yeah. All in for Harris. And no time for grieving, apparently, because as Nick Lowe once wrote:

"Where are the strong, and who are the trusted?"

I still feel like my head needs to be on a swivel.

And I'm so sad.

Thank you, President Biden. Thank you. You deserve so much better than this. Please spend your remaining days in office packing the Supreme Court, forgiving all the loans, releasing the full unredacted Mueller Report, and pardoning your son unconditionally. Because f these guys, that immunity thing is going to come in handy.

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I agree. My list of the strong and trusted has gotten a lot shorter. Et tu, Rob Reiner? I see Pelosi has publicly backed Harris. Time will tell what the others are thinking. I love your wish list for Biden’s final months in office.

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Yeah, Biden had some enemies in his camp. I think, including “nice guy,” Obama. I am very sad about Biden, and will never watch MSNBC (except O’Donnell) again. CNN long dead to me. 💙

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You said it best. Thank you.

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Thank you. You are very kind.

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Same. The only reason I haven't just abandoned this godforesaken experiment of a country is that Biden seems to have stepped down voluntarily, did so with masterful timing, and named a preferred successor, whom the party seems to have miraculously coalesced around. Harris wasn't my first choice in 2020, but she was ahead of Biden. So, yeah, damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead, Harris 2024! (I suppose Harris/Porter or Harris/Booker would be too much to hope for, sigh.)

That being said, because I have the ability to hold more than one idea and/or emotion simultaneously, I am still SO damn angry at Colbert, Stewart, Tapper, the NYT, the WaPo... Rachel Maddow in particular disgusted me. Seriously, Lawrence O'Donnell is all standing between me and a career as the scary old witch in the house up yonder. I grew up revering reporters. Elizabeth Cochrane was one of my very first heroes. TEN DAYS IN A MADHOUSE was the first long-form investigative journalism I ever read.

And do NOT get me started on the undisciplined idiots who got us here by airing every single piece of dirty laundry in front of--LITERALLY!--Dog and the world.. F*ck, if Joe had stayed in, the RNC wouldn't have had to hire a single ad copywriter. Schiff et al had done a fine job already. I want to see canceled checks from everybody, starting with at least EIGHT digits before the decimal from Clooney and Reiner. EACH. You got what you wanted. Pony the hell up.

And if ONE MORE F*CKING "WELL-MEANING" person tries to tell me that this all for the best, I will not be kind. I am DONE with Hanlon's razor. Stupid and malicious now get the exact same treatment from me. There's not enough of a difference anymore to merit anything else. I am too angry, and I will be for a very long time.

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I’m so very proud of President Biden and Vice President Harris. We’ll take it from here and bring it home!!

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I choose to believe President Biden is well aware that he’s free from many self imposed adherence to norms like undue deference to Article 3 at this point.

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I'm in complete agreement. We all just need to make certain that this momentum continues.

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