Thank you a thousand times over - for your passionate, well-organized, well-informed, straightforward, clearly stated, fact-packed INFORMED information!! Keep on Keepin' on!!

A little old white fan-girl from NorCal ;}

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I am still laughing about how Dumpypants attorneys confused the Mea Culpa merch store with the MeidasTouch merch store. And now that the t-shirts & mug were shown in court proceedings, MeidasTouch is selling merch like crazy.

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MediasTouch thanked Blanche for the shout-out!

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My newest favorite phrase: "These motherfuckers." This is precisely why I follow you and other independent journalists. MSM is in it for the clicks.

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“Gestapo soup” is so wonderfully, snarky, right on point!

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LOVE this stack - especially "And Biden is *actually* the president and *actually* HAS executive privilege." Grateful for the years of your insights, analysis and consistent barometer check. ♥

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The DOJ should send them that trump interview with Hugh Hewitt: "“you know water. I had a deal for water, to come down from the north. they have so much water. and they don’t do it because they’re trying to protect a tiny tiny little fish that hasn’t made it, and millions and millions of gallons of water are sent into the Pacific Ocean, routed right into the Pacific, instead of coming down throughout California. it’s so—”

And just say "oops. Our feeble fingers clicked the wrong button."

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I’ll try to translate the poof-crested shitbird’s remarks, because for once I’ve got a clue what he was getting at. When he tries to get his sticky grabby mitts on Northern California, where I live, I really lose my religion.

So, we have a situation out here where they’re trying to save native fish by blowing dams and diverting water. And agribusiness—particularly the fine folk that grow thousands of acres of monocrops like almonds—feel that water is rightfully theirs. Certainly these very very very rich people bent the Orange Demon’s ears with their lament and Trump’s rehashing it. The fish you’re thinking of is the Delta Smelt, dotard.

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I knew something of this. But it was all a while ago, wasn't it? He said this babble only a couple of days ago. That is really scary--if he is starting to mirror things he said ages ago. My grandmother would do that.

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I mean, if he’d been complaining about the dams coming down on the Klamath, California’s second biggest river, he’d be talking about something taking place now. But he’s not. He’s yammering about stuff that happened years ago. The Klamath situation is a good thing, btw, an effort to bring back salmon. Biggest Indian nation in California, the Yuroks, depend on them

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Yep, he’s losing it fast. And he knows it.

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Poof-crested shitbird.

Respect. 🙌👏

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I am starting realize how much danger democracy is in right now!! Now with Trump on trial the Republicans are seemingly going all in on attacking the justice system. Our system has a lot of flaws but calling it corrupt and then having the power to destroy it is very dangerous!

This 2024 election t-shirt is funny and clever 👇😄


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Just to cover my ass I looked up the definition of corruption. IMO, SCROTUS IS CORRUPT.

In my time sitting on a grand jury, twice a week handing out probable cause indictments for alleged criminals, I mostly saw great ignorance from the jurors but also saw a couple of examples of what appeared to me as corruption from a prosecutor,

In my 25 years doing expert witness work I have often seen this warm goo of a mixture ignorance, lying, dissembling.

To me judge shopping is corrupt.

To me what Judge Cannon is doing is corruption.

I’m sorry but I disagree with you. Our legal system is corrupt, a system where even the lawyers admit one can get as much justice as one can afford.

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I agree with you. My prior jury duty had jury stacking along with people who complained incessantly about how much they would be paid for (grand) jury duty (they were only there for the $). They didn’t give two sh*ts in the wind about the people’s lives that would be affected. They literally believed everything the DAs were saying without asking questions (there were many red flags). When I did ask questions, one DA from Gulfport area mocked & laughed at me, so I mocked him back. Too many DAs do not like women. Funny, I was called for jury duty again the past 2 weeks & it was cancelled both times.

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We had a women accused of stealing furniture from a model home where she was the sales agent. The builder had a very large warehouse of show furniture. I simply asked what was done to see if the furniture was there. Nothing. The DA pulled the case from our grand jury and took it to the second grand jury.

We were instructed when originally sworn in to make decisions only on evidence presented. However, jurors constantly opined that the prosecutor MUST HAVE MOR4 EVIDENCE THAT THEY JUST DIDN’T SHARE.

Oo the other side, we had one juror that for every case involving marijuana use—which was illegal then—her ALWAYS voted not guilty even if the evidence was very strong.

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Good for that one juror.

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I had mixed feelings about that juror, I recognized he was voting his principle that I was sympathetic to but he was not following the law. On thinking about the dilemma a lot I concluded more firmly that laws are written by imperfect people to protect their perceived interest or beliefs.

Therefore, just another illustration that people are deceived if they think the world can operate with justice. Competing interests will see justice differently.

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Your point is, of course, valid. I do think that the proportion of people who don’t have some such issue (where one’s own judgment overrides) is very small. IMHO

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Gulfport? Is that Gulfport Mississippi?

If so I have a little true story.

I taught a seminar there a couple of decades ago. It was on a big flat bottom boat anchored there. More like a floating hotel. Why a boat? So that they—the people taking the seminar—could gamble while they were drinking and having a great time the night before and the evening after. Apparently gambling is illegal there.

I was asked what I was doing with my time there. I told the people that I had never been to New Orleans so I came early to experience it. They responded “New Orleans is a little too Catholic for us.”

I felt very uncomfortable in the Deep South as after I was done I traveled over to Mobile Alabama where I found a BBQ place. Loved the BBQ but felt something not right. As I was driving north from Mobile I remembered that the time I ate there was not peak eating time and not crowed. But the issue may have been that I was the only white person there.

I could elaborate more. But you get the drift.

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And NO gambling is not illegal here

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He was from Gulfport and it was a white DA. Funny thing is, we have gambling here too. I’m not surprised you felt uncomfortable here. You should.

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This was not a legal seminar. I was teaching real estate appraisers how to use regression analyses to study sales data and make value predictions.

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Nailed it again, AG.

Gestapo Soup 🤣🤣

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As usual, AG, nailed it! ⚖️🇺🇲

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And you can add congressional representatives to your list of those who evaded subpoenas, like gaetz, and others like stone and bannon, all TRAITORS to our country. ALL LAME-STREAM MEDIA IS CORRUPT.

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Clear, cogent, intelligent. It's why I've listened since the kitchen table days.

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The corporate media, as is the case since 2015, is normalizing this insidious political environment and the blatantly incompetent former president's actions.

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I agree that it shouldn’t be released because it’s already drawn too much stupidity. Is it because campaigns, etc., would use snippets to convey lies? Or more? Thanks

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He's just following precedent set by R's so eff off Corporate Media

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It makes me so crazy I could run in circles and bite the air, but EVERY FRICKING DAY, these motherfuckers try to delegitimize any and all things done by Democratic administrations. Their totally F'd up philosophy of "it's ONLY ok if a Republican does it" needs to stop being treated as valid by the press. I just don't understand it!!

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I gnash my teeth, to my dentist’s dismay, and I promised him today that I would try to but the air instead. Much healthier.😊

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My Dump voting in laws are both retired civil servants who are utterly dependent on public money for their cushy benefits. They vote R every chance they get.

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If this doesn’t get you out there busting ur rump for this Democracy, then we got problems.

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Thanks AG!

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