I heard that Popok has started a legal firm that will help anyone affected by this coup—only pay a fee if or when there is a win..check out with Michael Popok. Maybe you could also arm people with a phone number—nationwide legal people signed up to help.

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I can't help much, but the fund will get a little something from me every month. It needs to happen.

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Is there some other way to contribute to a defense fund other than subscribing to a new blog? I’d really prefer that. Can you think about that?

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Agree. And a way to make a one-time contribution--hate signing up for monthlies.

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Yes, something else please.

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That’s in the works 👍

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I can only help a little, but every little bit helps, right? Have to do something! Thank you, Allison, for stepping up!

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The Supreme Court is backing President Trump's move for more power because they no longer enforce or defend the U.S. Constitution or Democracy. The Supreme Court Justices have broken their sworn word to serve.

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As a Canadian, I applaud you, Allison, for your organized effort to help federal civil servants. I spent 35 years working for the Canadian federal government (Environment Canada) and worked so closely with our US counterparts in EPA, USF&WS, NOAA, etc. I fear for their jobs every day now. Good luck!!

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Thank you for doing this. I am simultaneously glad that I am financially able to help these people (and happy to do so), and ROYALLY PISSED that I have to spend my money for this.

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Great initiative and lots of enthusiasm and idea input for support !

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Thank you for doing this, Allison. Please liaise with others like Popok who are trying to help also. Let's collaborate as much as possible so as not to duplicate and waste badly needed funds. Bless you for all you are doing.

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Allison, I would prefer to make a one-time donation. How can I do that?

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This is great! Can we do 1 year subscriptions?

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I’m a subscriber but my emails keep asking me “Subscribe”, why? Please help. Thank you.

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I see that on all my paid Substacks. Seems to come with the platform.

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Thank you, Allison! What is the best way to access these funds? My partner was fired last week from her DEI civil service career: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/dei-public-servant-fired

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One republican flipped yesterday… 5 more seats going up in the next 60 days from Maine to Florida. WAKE UP! VOTE AT YOUR PRIMARIES,

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Anything we can do about the House VA Committee's post that Musk and his minions gained access to VA records? I receive all my care through the VA and have for almost 20 years. I'm also 100% disable. There's a lot of personal stuff in all those records?

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I wasn't aware Obama served in the Navy!!!???

"As you know, after a brief career in the Navy, President Obama called us to service in 2008"

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Already joined the Patreon!!!

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