And don’t forget all the employees of trumps casinos who not only lost their jobs but everything they invested in company stock. “More than 400 employees lost a total of more than $2 million from their retirement accounts according to a class action lawsuit. The lawsuit was ultimately dismissed when a judge found no illegal actions on the part of Trump’s company. But the conflict shows how Trump’s exploitation of bankruptcy laws for his personal gain did end up hurting his employees.” And as he left his employees bankrupt, this is what he had to say after it was all over. “Atlantic City fueled a lot of growth for me,” Mr. Trump said in an interview in May, summing up his 25-year history here. “The money I took out of there was incredible.”

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He's actually rubbing people's faces in it and they still fall for it! It beggars belief. His attitude is utterly contemptible. He's crying out “Suckers! Losers!” and they're lapping it up. It's probably the only truthful statement he's ever made. My uncle who was a wise, gentle and beautiful man once said, “If I believe in the ideas of people who think I'm stupid, then I'm stupid” (his name was Peter Schmidt. He was an artist – he died tragically in 1980 age just 49; I still miss him terribly. You may be familiar with his work? He was a close friend of Brian Eno's and did a few of his album covers: Taking Tiger Mountain (by Strategy) which used a lithography process he'd developed which made each print different and unique, Before and After Science (14 Songs) the album actually had ten tracks but the first 1,000 pressings included four prints of his and the cover had pen & ink outlines of the prints on the back cover) and a Fripp & Eno album named after the cover painting, Evening Star. In case you're interested here's his Wikipedia entry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Schmidt_%28artist%29?wprov=sfla1). What would it take to wake these people up? If he came round to their houses and shot their families they'd say they must've deserved to die 'cause they didn't donate all their money to pay his fines. No doubt he'd use. a solid gold AK-47, he's stupid enough (to want a solid gold firearm – gold is much too soft a metal and the gun would likely deform, crack or disintegrate after a few shots. Lucky you! The gun didn't last long enough to kill all of your family. Of course it would be Biden's fault. His syndicate of conspirators tampered with the purity of the gold).

There's a limit to the amount of stupidity you can excuse or sympathize with.

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Operative word TOOK!!Motherfucker!!😡😡😡😡

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I agree with you completely. I also don’t know how to feel about it. Maybe it is ok to feel both?

Democrats are amazing - even with all the horrible things MAGA stands for we feel empathy for them.

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Mr Rogers used to call this Double Dip feelings. Two emotions at once that could be contradictory. It’s normal.

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Michelle -

Speaking for yourself?

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AG -

These are the people who wore shirts that say f*ck your feelings.

These are the people who would not wear masks, even though it put people like me and my clinically extremely vulnerable husband directly in the path of danger. Because f* my feelings.

These are the people who would happily shoot us all down with their fully automatic weapons.

These are the people who don't think that I and my queer friends and family deserve to live.

These are the people who would rather see someone bleed out in the ER parking lot than provide basic, lifesaving medical care, and are on the road to insuring that no one will even know how in the coming years.

These are the people who think that migrants are a scourge.

Am I having a hard time deciding whether to feel sorry for them? No. No, I am not.

Thank you President Biden and preceeding generations of Democratic Senators and Congresspeople for social programs, for consumer protection, and for agencies that can mitigate investment and/or banking fraud. We are all lucky to have those agencies, and now is a very good time to let them do the work they were created to do. None of that requires me to feel sorry for the people who would f*ck my feelings.

Wouldn't it be great if I was a more compassionate person and could act with compassion towards these people who are diametrically opposed to the concept of human decency? Yes, yes it would. And there are those who argue that I'll have to answer for this someday.

But compassion is a feeling, too, so I guess f*ck that.

And as long as we're discussing feelings, can I just express that at 71 years of age, I feel exhausted and angry for having to keep protesting the same things I protested in 1970's, the 80's, the 90's and right on up to today. And possibly into next week, the way things are looking.

I think each of us has to look within and decide whether to feel sorry for these people. I'm at peace with myself about this. I hope you can find peace as well.

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Cate, your eloquence is inspiring. And you are correct - the choices that so many MAGAts make shows them unworthy of empathy. I come at feelings from a different direction, and while I can feel a sense of regret for them being preyed upon by TFG, it does not excuse them and their choices. There is no freedom without the freedom to accept the consequences.

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One of the things I find most interesting about liberals is how they view themselves with such superiority and righteousness while at the same time summarily dismissing literally half of the country as ignorant, hateful, simpletons who have allowed themselves to be conned by a snake oil salesman. Have you ever given a single thought as to why people vote for Trump, other than the caricature of both Trump and his voters that you’ve built in your minds and have had re-enforced by you echo chambers? It must be so easy for you to congratulate yourselves for you eloquent self-aggrandizing soliloquy while not actually addressing the reasons people are rejecting your policies (because they’ve proven to not work) and your worldview (because it’s elitest and detached). Perhaps open your minds a bit…tune out the talking heads and actually converse with people who perhaps support the other guy. You might learn something.

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I actually feel sorry for the relatives of those who have invested in Trumps stock. I hope they realize that inheritance that grandma or grandpa had planned for them is slowly being evaporated by their continued loyalty to a con man. I would hope at some level that they have some monitoring of whats happening to their inheritances and speak to their elders.

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I agree, and I also feel sorry for the families that have been torn apart by the ones who worship the walking turd and refuse to acknowledge that they're the reason it happened.

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Does Orange Turd fit?

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Yes, yes it does

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Monitoring by a Republican judge?

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I have a hard time feeling sorry for the ones who choose to be willfully ignorant, the ones who are shown facts about Trump's history, feel the pain of cognitive dissonance for a fleeting moment, then scurry back to their echo chambers for solace rather than let their discomfort lead them to the truth.

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My thoughts precisely. Anyone ignorant of Trump's crooked behaviour is just flying in the face of all the evidence, they had ample warning.

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They would rather twist themselves into a painfully contorted pretzel than admit they were wrong about him. So be it.

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They are in a right wing and/or “religious” cult. They believe whatever dear leader tells them. They are fanatical about their support for him, and are voting against their own best interest. Their actions could very well ruin democracy in the USA. And it’s not JUST the USA. We have our own right wing/“religious” cults here in Canada. And the media is spoon feeding us the same shit they are spoon feeding Americans.

AG, I know you have empathy for them so suggest you/your listeners listen to podcast “The Influence Continuum” about how to talk to your loved ones that are in a cult. This guy wrote the book “the cult of tRUmp.

Stay frosty. The rot runs deep.

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I totally understand the back and forth about trump supporters. I lost a mother and brother to him. This is how I’ve been thinking about this as well. These people are in a cult and go against what’s best for them because of the power of the cult leader.All people are deserving of compassion. Hating them is being them. They will get my compassion. I will do all I can to stop trump. Even he is deserving of compassion and he needs to be STOPPED!

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I'm not advocating hatred, but I won't spend a lot of time and effort manufacturing sympathy for those who by their own choices are losing their shirts to fund a person who claims to be a billionaire.

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No fucks left to give. Don’t feel sorry for them. Sick of the pestilence they have unleashed on the US between their support of Trump and other vile members of Congress, who would gladly take away all our rights. Theirs and ours. Done.

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If tfg wins the election, they’ll find out how wrong they were when his polices take hold and ruin their lives. Otherwise, I agree it’s hard to feel sorry (or not) for people who are making it easier for him to win, EC-wise.

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TFG = The Fat Grifter?

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Hahahaha! Thank you! I needed a good laugh out loud!

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I believe there are only a few hundred people who we may feel something for. These other people know,it’s why his donations skyrocket every time he gets himself in trouble!

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Trump is like a casino wrapped in a fantasy football league wrapped in a loan shark. He is rotten fake crab meat you forgot about in the fridge. An old scab you find on a restaurant table, the roach crawling along the wall while you are eating lunch. Why Jay Gatsby died.

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I feel absolutely NO sympathy for them. They know who and what he is and they STILL continue to support him and his hateful criminal behavior. THEY GET TWHAT THEY DESERVE.

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I'm sorry but I find it hard to sympathize with the victims of Trump's scams. Unlike most victims of frauds and cons there were plenty of warnings and indications that Trump utterly untrustworthy, that he's a grifter who's conned millions out of people, that he has nothing but contempt for them and only sees them as a way to line his pockets and continue his lavish lifestyle. Nor would I call them innocent victims, they chose to turn a blind eye and continue to do so and in so doing enable him to continue with his misanthropic, hateful and despicable behaviour. Four bankrupt casinos (how can you lose money on a casino?)?! The fortune he inherited and squandered. Even recently, his Trump dollars, gold trainers (sneakers) and joke of a bible (I'm sure he thinks the first commandment is about him. He certainly thinks it should be), all sold as an investment only for them to be virtually worthless. The only people interested were the suckers who bought them in the first place. When his dishonesty is staring you in the face you only have yourself to blame if you ignore all the evidence. I'm sorry if that sounds heartless but they're fools who had it coming to them – some of these people are actually proud of their lack of their ignorance! It's only willful stupidity that caused people to fall for for it. I'm pretty certain it wasn't the first time that most, if not all, of the investors have been scammed by him. After all, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

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That's right🎶 the women are smarter!🎵✌️💙🎯

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In every way

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The people who've invested in DJT stock are adults and they probably contribute when they get his fundraising emails. I do feel sorry for them even though they'll blame Biden and Democrats for their losses. But, there really isn't anything we can do about it.

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Correct 👍🏽

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I think we need separate out feelings for "innocent" victims of financial scams who blindly believed a charlatan promising them financial gains for their investments, versus small value DJT investors who, in all likelihood, weren't primarily investing for financial gain, but to support their god emperor. We can reliably assume they follow Trump for all the hateful invective he spews, and therefore their investment is in furtherance of his disgusting and immoral rhetoric.

They are knowingly complicit and we should not feel sorry for them in any way. They are adults and have made their choice. They can live with the consequences.....we definitely have to.

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