I want to know who is coaching her. With all the corruption in the Federalist society, judicial system, SCOTUS and the GOP, where are the hot mics, recordings, texts etc. Surely someone is investigating??
She doesn’t need anyone coaching her. It’s been previously noted (perhaps by Allison) that she’s been educated at "the best schools"), so she abso-fucking-lutely knows exactly what she’s doing. I believe she’s an active MAGA/GQP/WCN Extremist Cult member doing whatever she can to assist THE ALWAYS-WHINING, BIG FAT, CORRUPT, DEMENTED, INCOMPETENT, RACIST, SEXIST, SERIAL ADULTERER, LYING RAPIST, AND NAZI.
On her $10000 all expenses paid retreats funded by Leonard Leo that she failed to disclose, I’m sure she got plenty of tutoring on how to protect criminal Rethuglicans
Well jackass swamp dwellers this is the opposite of what the CRIMUNALLY CORRUPT JUSTICE SYSTEM is doing to Obidens political opponents. The day is coming that all your commie regime will face charges & hopefully web get to see military tribunals against these treasonous jackasses. They have NO EVIDENCE of any crime or theres no victims. Yall seem to ignore all the crimes Obiden & Hillary has commited havent you and millions of deaths Fauci is RESPONDIBLE for . yall are so lost in the crime / corruption by this administration & Obamas roll in this as well just proves your a commie supporter & should be exile from the USA.
How the fuck can you leftist pieces of shit not already know that Biden sent a pallet of records to mara logo and then got the FBI to raid the place and then take pics and release to the press. The whole trial is a lie. This is the point of redacted files. You are disgusting suck fucks. Do the world a favor and hang yourselves now.
That is exactly my thought, she is not bright enough to plan this assault on the judicial system. Leonard Leo fingerprints? Clarence? Alito?
What might the penalty be for interfering in a Federal case or “undue influence.” Hmm. If the 11th does not remove her, we can just close the book on the Judiciary supporting democracy. And in that case options for redress are few.
Alright. Gloves off, media. FIND OUT who has been coaching Judge Cannon (It's a short list, people, with Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation folk at the top), and expose that. The departed law clerks are a red herring. This is someone who knows the11th Circuit inside (hint, hint) and out. This is a fourth estate task. Let's get'er done.
While your at it look at how many times these corrupt AGs , DAs & Judges have had meetings with the WH! WHILE your digging insist on seeing Pelosi's communications regarding J6, you get that & only then will you know the truth about the events of that day. So glad to tell you that every chit thing this corrupt justice system is doing KARMA will gladly recepcate 10fold on to these commie traitors. You do know they are trying to put the UN in charge of USA don't you! You jackasses are the problems we are having in USA!! & YOU will be held responsible, & when Trumo gets back to the WH & reverses everything this Pedro, liar, criminal treasonous jackass gets hauled out of office then USA can start getting back to the great country it once was before Obama started the race war and communist takeover. Pull you head put of your asses.
Sorry, i’ve lost hope that anything will definitively end trump. Only hope is to defeat him this coming election. Why do people want him as president so badly?
Thanks, AG. I’ve been anxiously waiting for your take on this nightmare & also your next Jack pod w/ AM. This is absolutely horrifying to me. National security type horrifying.
well, there are others: e.g., Joyce Vance. But AG: No one does it with the poise and humour that you (and the excellent Andrew McCabe) bring as a necessary emollient to these harsh times. It's time to hum that James Bond theme....you know the one....
How true! Allison needs to be brought in by the news networks - MSNBC and CNN keep shuffling the same people through - the same commentators and their conversations (I notice this on Nicole Wallace in particular) seem canned. Let’s all tweet at msnbc and cnn and Fox godammit! That they are missing a unique, thorough, CRITICAL voice by not inviting Dr. Gill on to share some of the thoughts that she shares in her utterly brilliant posts here, on her many podcasts which “A listers” in the news are happy to be on! Tweet at MSNBC and CNN and demand that Allison be brought into a roundtable discussion or interviewed individually - whatever. But more people need to know her.
And your swamp scum brain doesn't think Obiden is corrupt & he's the REAL DANGER to our national security do you. How many times are you jackasses going to stick you asses up to be butt fuked by this commie regime. You ready for another pandemic they have planned ? Are you ready for more TAXES ( that will effect the middleclass & poor ) how's that going for you at the gas pump, can you buy the same amount of groceries today that you could buy when DJT was in office? How's your income today ? How's your retirement accounts. How's your kids doing in this perverted school systems they created. Can any jackass on here tell me what did Trump do to hurt you personally? That had a negative effect on your daily lives? What reason do you have to hate him compared to what Obiden & Obama did for you & their lies & crimes where there were actually victims, hell Obidens daughter even has a story to tell about her perverted dad. Before you jackasses go through your false accusations, better look at your party & their morals and your commie leaders and by all means share what that have done that has made your life better, your country safer, your money to go further, by all means share that great news .
Judge Cannon appears determined to enter the halls of infamy. She has shown how little regard she has for the importance of classified top secret documents to our national security. Otherwise, she would have ensured a speedy trial. Her judicial bench appears to show little ethics or morals in its decisions. In this regard, she definitely reflects her leader. As a portion of the judiciary has been captured, it’s up to citizens to counteract this affront to justice through their promotion of democracy and the rule of law, along with their votes. As AG and many others point out, it ultimately will be up to us to shape and preserve our unique democratic government.
Citizens are out, informed, and communicating with each other. By turning off left wing propaganda, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS + 20 more. And tuning into independent journalism such as Glenn Greenwald, Bannon, Tucker, VDH, RAV, + about 100 more. That’s why you can’t win. Lies won’t win. All you lefties, you have no accomplishments to run on - only failures. If you think bragging about the Uniparty shoving trillions of dollars down the tax payers throats is winning then you are as demented as Joe Hussein O’Biden.
This case was DOA when it landed in her courtroom. She has no intention of letting it go to trial. She is doing the job she was bought to do. Good MAGAt through and through.
AG and AM: We constantly hear that the "American people" deserve these trials. Is there anything we can do to petition the Court to review her or replace her? Lawyers can file Amicus briefs - is there a "We The People" briefs???? If not, there sure as hell should be.
"Judge" Cannon shamelessly listed all the motions for hearing without acknowledging that she put many of them previously on the calendar and then sat on it. Nobody should be fooled by her appallingly gross dereliction of duty, but even that seemingly isn't sufficient for a motion to recuse. So, tRump wins, which in fact was in the cards since Cannon's ill-fated "Court Master" appointment and subsequent smackdown by the 11th CA. She then calibrated her tactics to allow incalculable delays w/o crossing any lines, or at up to any line that SC Smith would seize upon and take to the 11th CA.
If tRump wins the election in November, Cannon has a bright future ahead of her, full stop.
Guess Mike and Marge had a chat with her. Johnson said he would do whatever he could to stop the court cases against Mr. Silk PJs. Wonder what they have on Aileen.
she may be able to delay the verdict in the case till after the election. Can she delay the START of the trial? Look at the publicity the altered documents case is generating. Will it be a plus for trump to be in the middle of that kind of publicity in, say, October?
AG. Has there ever been a judge that seems so partial or biased in favor of the defendant as this one? What happened to the concept of equal justice under the law? I’m losing faith.
Losing faith? Our legal system has always been in the bag for certain groups. These groups do not include those that are in the most need of legal protection.
I agree about the SC Judges, but many other Federal judges appointed by Trump or Republicans have ruled against Trump since the 2020 election. Cannon has got her thumb on the scale for Trump.
Isn’t there one in DC who is ruling on January 6 lower level cases? I remember AG talking about the rioters choosing a bench hearing with him, because he ruled very softly on them.
I want to know who is coaching her. With all the corruption in the Federalist society, judicial system, SCOTUS and the GOP, where are the hot mics, recordings, texts etc. Surely someone is investigating??
She doesn’t need anyone coaching her. It’s been previously noted (perhaps by Allison) that she’s been educated at "the best schools"), so she abso-fucking-lutely knows exactly what she’s doing. I believe she’s an active MAGA/GQP/WCN Extremist Cult member doing whatever she can to assist THE ALWAYS-WHINING, BIG FAT, CORRUPT, DEMENTED, INCOMPETENT, RACIST, SEXIST, SERIAL ADULTERER, LYING RAPIST, AND NAZI.
On her $10000 all expenses paid retreats funded by Leonard Leo that she failed to disclose, I’m sure she got plenty of tutoring on how to protect criminal Rethuglicans
Well jackass swamp dwellers this is the opposite of what the CRIMUNALLY CORRUPT JUSTICE SYSTEM is doing to Obidens political opponents. The day is coming that all your commie regime will face charges & hopefully web get to see military tribunals against these treasonous jackasses. They have NO EVIDENCE of any crime or theres no victims. Yall seem to ignore all the crimes Obiden & Hillary has commited havent you and millions of deaths Fauci is RESPONDIBLE for . yall are so lost in the crime / corruption by this administration & Obamas roll in this as well just proves your a commie supporter & should be exile from the USA.
Take your meds and go to bed, Grandma.
Yes, we're rebleating here and you haven't been trained, Kay.
I presume your asinine comments are referring to your own family, you trumpwhore.
Excellent post Kay. I couldn’t have said it better.
How the fuck can you leftist pieces of shit not already know that Biden sent a pallet of records to mara logo and then got the FBI to raid the place and then take pics and release to the press. The whole trial is a lie. This is the point of redacted files. You are disgusting suck fucks. Do the world a favor and hang yourselves now.
Outstanding! Fo Sevn is going to lock up all the thugs who have been persecuting him. It will be marvelous.
That is exactly my thought, she is not bright enough to plan this assault on the judicial system. Leonard Leo fingerprints? Clarence? Alito?
What might the penalty be for interfering in a Federal case or “undue influence.” Hmm. If the 11th does not remove her, we can just close the book on the Judiciary supporting democracy. And in that case options for redress are few.
Supporting democracy!? You have a fucked up idea of what democracy is.
Alright. Gloves off, media. FIND OUT who has been coaching Judge Cannon (It's a short list, people, with Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation folk at the top), and expose that. The departed law clerks are a red herring. This is someone who knows the11th Circuit inside (hint, hint) and out. This is a fourth estate task. Let's get'er done.
While your at it look at how many times these corrupt AGs , DAs & Judges have had meetings with the WH! WHILE your digging insist on seeing Pelosi's communications regarding J6, you get that & only then will you know the truth about the events of that day. So glad to tell you that every chit thing this corrupt justice system is doing KARMA will gladly recepcate 10fold on to these commie traitors. You do know they are trying to put the UN in charge of USA don't you! You jackasses are the problems we are having in USA!! & YOU will be held responsible, & when Trumo gets back to the WH & reverses everything this Pedro, liar, criminal treasonous jackass gets hauled out of office then USA can start getting back to the great country it once was before Obama started the race war and communist takeover. Pull you head put of your asses.
Nice post Kay, I concur!
And just like that, we KNOW. Thanks!
Sorry, i’ve lost hope that anything will definitively end trump. Only hope is to defeat him this coming election. Why do people want him as president so badly?
Thanks, AG. I’ve been anxiously waiting for your take on this nightmare & also your next Jack pod w/ AM. This is absolutely horrifying to me. National security type horrifying.
Me too! Ugh. My heart is in my stomach. Thanks AG for giving us the rundown as only you can. NO ONE ELSE is talking about it!!
well, there are others: e.g., Joyce Vance. But AG: No one does it with the poise and humour that you (and the excellent Andrew McCabe) bring as a necessary emollient to these harsh times. It's time to hum that James Bond theme....you know the one....
How true! Allison needs to be brought in by the news networks - MSNBC and CNN keep shuffling the same people through - the same commentators and their conversations (I notice this on Nicole Wallace in particular) seem canned. Let’s all tweet at msnbc and cnn and Fox godammit! That they are missing a unique, thorough, CRITICAL voice by not inviting Dr. Gill on to share some of the thoughts that she shares in her utterly brilliant posts here, on her many podcasts which “A listers” in the news are happy to be on! Tweet at MSNBC and CNN and demand that Allison be brought into a roundtable discussion or interviewed individually - whatever. But more people need to know her.
And your swamp scum brain doesn't think Obiden is corrupt & he's the REAL DANGER to our national security do you. How many times are you jackasses going to stick you asses up to be butt fuked by this commie regime. You ready for another pandemic they have planned ? Are you ready for more TAXES ( that will effect the middleclass & poor ) how's that going for you at the gas pump, can you buy the same amount of groceries today that you could buy when DJT was in office? How's your income today ? How's your retirement accounts. How's your kids doing in this perverted school systems they created. Can any jackass on here tell me what did Trump do to hurt you personally? That had a negative effect on your daily lives? What reason do you have to hate him compared to what Obiden & Obama did for you & their lies & crimes where there were actually victims, hell Obidens daughter even has a story to tell about her perverted dad. Before you jackasses go through your false accusations, better look at your party & their morals and your commie leaders and by all means share what that have done that has made your life better, your country safer, your money to go further, by all means share that great news .
Judge Cannon appears determined to enter the halls of infamy. She has shown how little regard she has for the importance of classified top secret documents to our national security. Otherwise, she would have ensured a speedy trial. Her judicial bench appears to show little ethics or morals in its decisions. In this regard, she definitely reflects her leader. As a portion of the judiciary has been captured, it’s up to citizens to counteract this affront to justice through their promotion of democracy and the rule of law, along with their votes. As AG and many others point out, it ultimately will be up to us to shape and preserve our unique democratic government.
Name is stained forever. Why do they do that.
They don't care - it's all about the power and sticking it to the libs...
Citizens are out, informed, and communicating with each other. By turning off left wing propaganda, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS + 20 more. And tuning into independent journalism such as Glenn Greenwald, Bannon, Tucker, VDH, RAV, + about 100 more. That’s why you can’t win. Lies won’t win. All you lefties, you have no accomplishments to run on - only failures. If you think bragging about the Uniparty shoving trillions of dollars down the tax payers throats is winning then you are as demented as Joe Hussein O’Biden.
Captured by George Soros
This case was DOA when it landed in her courtroom. She has no intention of letting it go to trial. She is doing the job she was bought to do. Good MAGAt through and through.
Trump asked for never….
AG and AM: We constantly hear that the "American people" deserve these trials. Is there anything we can do to petition the Court to review her or replace her? Lawyers can file Amicus briefs - is there a "We The People" briefs???? If not, there sure as hell should be.
Yes we constantly hear that. It's called propaganda.
"Judge" Cannon shamelessly listed all the motions for hearing without acknowledging that she put many of them previously on the calendar and then sat on it. Nobody should be fooled by her appallingly gross dereliction of duty, but even that seemingly isn't sufficient for a motion to recuse. So, tRump wins, which in fact was in the cards since Cannon's ill-fated "Court Master" appointment and subsequent smackdown by the 11th CA. She then calibrated her tactics to allow incalculable delays w/o crossing any lines, or at up to any line that SC Smith would seize upon and take to the 11th CA.
If tRump wins the election in November, Cannon has a bright future ahead of her, full stop.
An excellent strategy I might add. Trumps lawyers have checkmated Jack Smith.
And she’s spread them all out so they will
Fall In any other trial
That gets booked. She actually booked
Some hearings that she could Deny already in a minute.
Guess Mike and Marge had a chat with her. Johnson said he would do whatever he could to stop the court cases against Mr. Silk PJs. Wonder what they have on Aileen.
Well her middle
Name is Mercedes
And that’s what the trumpette called his wife
At cpac…
You aren't to bright I'm afraid.
Fu***! I just want this trash heap of a person out of my life. This is all so tiring.
she may be able to delay the verdict in the case till after the election. Can she delay the START of the trial? Look at the publicity the altered documents case is generating. Will it be a plus for trump to be in the middle of that kind of publicity in, say, October?
If trump wins the election he is doing a clean sweep of the justice system
Can't the speedy trial issue be appealed to the 11th circuit? Thar sure looks like an improper actual order than a punt.
À Federalist child, well trained.
Thank you AG for everything
AG. Has there ever been a judge that seems so partial or biased in favor of the defendant as this one? What happened to the concept of equal justice under the law? I’m losing faith.
Losing faith? Our legal system has always been in the bag for certain groups. These groups do not include those that are in the most need of legal protection.
Has there ever been a judge? Yes, four of them sit on the Supreme Court. Maybe five or six.
I agree about the SC Judges, but many other Federal judges appointed by Trump or Republicans have ruled against Trump since the 2020 election. Cannon has got her thumb on the scale for Trump.
I whole heartedly believe that was part of the plan…let’s pretend to be impartial *wink wink*
Isn’t there one in DC who is ruling on January 6 lower level cases? I remember AG talking about the rioters choosing a bench hearing with him, because he ruled very softly on them.
Look to New York for your answer.
The worst part is we saw this coming from a mile away and there's nothing we can do about it until it's too late. 😤
Can citizens sue Judge Cannon for denying the public a speedy trial? We have rights, too, don’t we? Well, I wish.
Yeah doesn’t she have boss
To smack her down.