Honestly, between Cannonanigans & SCOTUS entertaining insane ideas about prez immunity, I am depressed and worried about our democracy's future. It's like watching a murder in slow motion.

Thank you, AG, for your always brilliant insights and analysis. At least we can all lose our minds with good company.

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It's SO frustrating that this kind of BS is not only allowed but welcomed with open arms by "Judge" Cannon. I feel like this is a follow the money situation...

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The closing sentence juxtaposed with the “shitter” photo gave me an epiphany! Maybe this sad potty/storage room is, actually, Trump’s reading room? Can’t you see him there, him atop his throne, pants around his cankles, digesting the boxes page by page, and flushing the bad stuff down the toilet.

And then I remembered he doesn’t read.

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Ah the conflict! Read the Trump motion or keep my blood pressure below stroke level. Though I read a lot of the pleadings in the assorted trump cases, I think I'll pass here.

But I'm fascinated by the exhibits. Does ANYONE trump-shaped have a clue about the rules of evidence? Letters from Comer about what a Biden aide said? Sounds like hearsay to me.

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Sandy Berger was fined and sentenced to probation. Aren’t there also a heck ton of former governmental employees who have been imprisoned? And what of Reality Winner? This is such a crock.

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Ridiculous indeed. Thanks, AG.

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So glad you are here!

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Cannon needs to resign now!

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The MAL docs trial has been moribund for months, by design, but if tRump loses the election in November, watch how fast Judge* Cannon then moves the proceedings to jury selection.

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Thanks AG.

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This documents case is mind-blowing to me as an English guy. The whole political appointments process in the judiciary is nonsensical, and you’ve ended up with an appalling political hack in charge of an absolutely slam-dunk case. Incredible.

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Patriots freed America from the boot of the crown and we have a Bill of Rights in our Constitution. Georgia’s Fulton county cannot produce over 380 thousand paper ballots for votes cast for the 2020 presidential election. That is illegal. Speedy trial rights belong to the defendant who is innocent until proven guilty in America. We want to keep it that way.

Have a nice day.

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A speedy trial is far from what we are seeing in Florida. Justice delayed etc…

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If delaying the trial exposes prosecutorial misconduct , I would think the defendant would well served by the delay.

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That isn’t why there is delay. The evidence of the orange clown’s guilt is overwhelming. There is no evidence of prosecutorial misconduct. The Special Counsel seems to be exemplary in his practice.

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Ahh I see, “orange clown”.

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Justme123… Judge Cannon is doing a good job. She is letting the DOJ, FBI, CIA, Whitehouse , FARA crimes committed to frame an American president come to light. I’m for the Bill of Rights and America.

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Muellershewrote, 🐂💩. Judge Cannon is doing a good job. In AMERICA we are innocent until proven guilty.

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Justice must be litigated to determine if guilty or innocent. Assume innocence but she is preventing justice from happening. You can't block the proceeding and call that justice.

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