Donald John Drumph is terrified for us, the United States citizens, to find out all of the laws he has broken, the sheer corruption of his actions. We will never, ever let him get near the White House again, not even as a visitor or tourist. 💙🇺🇸🌊

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Do not know why he is afraid as the MAGA roaches will support him no matter what.

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Correct. But the MAGAts likely are not enough to return him to the WH. Drumph needs to add new voters.

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Love this sentiment Linda.!!

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Trump's defense team's argument can be summed up in one sentence:

"Your Honor, the defense requests that the court disallows all evidence impuning my client's guilt, in that this evidence is highly prejudicial to my client's case".

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Begging that SCOTUS grant him immunity, has created actions that TFG would have liked to have taken off any record… tough shit you mewling wastrel!!

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I once was a Republican, rightly or wrongly. I felt it was a “stand up” party representing conservative American values, but as time has gone by, I have found it is only a toy for a morally-corrupt racist criminal who uses it to stay out of jail. When does this stop?

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There’s an old joke my husband and I like to share when we talk about lawyering with non lawyers. It’s about how every baby attorney does in their first evidentiary hearing when the other side gets on a roll with some really damaging testimony. Panicked, they leap to their feet and shout “Objection!” When the judge asks what grounds, they passionately say “Prejudicial!!”

If this case goes to trial, we can expect a lot of that from the Trump Dream Team.

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Dearest Sleepless Sleuth, Lest ye forget:

Vacation (noun)

1. a period spent away from home or business in travel or recreation

had a restful vacation at the beach

LOL…Thank you for all you do for us.

Even when you are supposedly on vacation. I’m just letting you know that:

1. We all know that you are on vacation.

2. We all appreciate all the things you are doing for us, while we all know that you’re on vacation.

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I echo io bonini’s sentiment Allison, thanks for all you do!!

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OMG how does she even survive the awake hours !!!!

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LOL! Her Super powers of course. Keeping us off our roofs and screaming at the clouds.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 11

Hopefully no one still takes Elie Honig seriously. He's a joke.

When he gets attention starved, out come the bizarre takes.

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I think so too. Every time I hear him being interviewed he comes off as glib, self-righteous, and above everyone else in the room. Anytime anyone announces he’s on the podcast, off it goes.

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Agreed! I used to like hearing his Cafe Notes… until he came out with that one claiming that Jack had overstepped in the latest filing. He was pushing my tolerance before that, but that was the final straw. I pass over any pod that has him as either lead or guest now.

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I love your content, AG, but find your repeated use of “it’s” (contraction of it is) rather than the correct “its” (possessive form of it) distracting. Sorry to be such a nit-picker. Thank you for your amazing work!!

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This is the 1st time someone has explained it's/it's to me that makes sense! Thanks!

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I’m also a nitpicker for correct grammar and usage! I think if you remember that possessive pronouns NEVER EVER take an apostrophe, the usage seems more straightforward (think: hers, his, theirs, ours). Possessive nouns do take apostrophes (Maya’s, Jamal’s, America’s, etc.). Otherwise, apostrophes are reserved for contractions (e.g., he’s, they’re, I’m). AG, thanks for all your great work — I know how hard (and time-consuming) it is to write about complicated and abstract topics in a way that is lucid and accessible! I’m very appreciative!

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Really? When I was young, that was basic elementary school grammar.

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Maybe you were absent from school that day...? Just sayin'

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Lol I probably had my head on the desk reading a book in my lap!

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Kai, not a book, I think, maybe social media or some other worthwhile endeavor. LOL. You're forgiven.

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Yeah, it’s right up there with nucular and the “double is”…as in “The thing is, is that…”😕😣😖

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Ugghhh, is is 😝

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Interesting I’ve never been one to notice Erika!

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Lucky you 😂!

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End your post with the dramatic cliffhanger music.

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I wish I believed that the release of any, or all, additional evidence would make any difference to people who are determined to vote for this miscreant. But it won’t. I think Trump voters are glad for all his crimes; they revel in it. They wish they were in a position to do the same. Even knowing that some of the other insurrectionist traitors are serving time doesn’t sway them.

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Sad truth, that half the denizens in this country are unctuous derps, and are proud to join in on treasonous behavior!

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I think Trump supporters see Pedo Peters crimes.

Or Nasty Pelosi’s crimes.

Or Schmuck Shummers crimes

Or Crackhead Hunters crimes (458 crimes on laptop alone)

Or 0bozo’s crimes.

Or the crimes committed by the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, DHS, and every other government agency.

And basically, the whole effing Commicrat party.

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I’m just over here wishfully hoping Jack Smith went ahead with that new grand jury and went for the congresscritters who enabled djt. Them being handed indictments the day after the election would be perfect.

And then, see if VP Harris will swear them in on the 3rd of January while under indictment alongside djt. Hey, this girl can dream big!

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Love this dream, the DJT miscreants should’ve been indicted long ago!

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AG you are just awesome

I had started to read the 165 pages and had gone to page 32 when I saw the link to your added podcast reading them..I listened to all of them AWESOME WORK !!!!!

Thank you thank you thank you

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I’d add to Judge Chutkan’s reasoning that (6) CNN opinion broadcasts are neither legally persuasive nor “learned treatises,” and therefore are inadmissible as evidence.

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Jack is the best podcast out there. If one didn’t know better, the listener would think it’s fictional. Like Biden recently pointed out, everything involving trump and the MAGA GOP is like a “comic book”. A bad one.

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I agree, it’s the first thing I listen to on my Sunday walk. Imagine my chagrin one day when I couldn’t find it when I started walking, then realized it was SATURDAY!! I was SO disappointed!!🤪

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Uh how about Fuck You Trump, 34 times convicted felon. For once, the legal system is going to favor common people who have the right to know what you did.

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That’s understandable, it is another form of fact checking, which is considered a conspiracy against him and the Republican Party, forcing them to tell the truth. Forcing the American evangelical and Republican voting public, Is creating an unfair advantage for Democratic voters, who appear to tell the truth without being forced to do so much more frequently.

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Traitor Trump is supposedly innocent? He has nothing to hide; release all of the evidence!!!

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