Why, for god's sake, are tRump's lawyers persuaded to submit such ludicrous motions, knowing full well that Judge Merchan will simply dismiss them and pitch them into the East River out of hand? Sure, tRump pays them to do his bidding, but really, where are they parking their own responsibilities as officers of the court already?

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But, does he pay them?

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You may well ask, Nina...but I'm sure these retainers are paid out in advance...none of this "just put it on my tab, Todd"...LOL!

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They learned once they found out how many people he’d already screwed by refusing to pay them what they were owed.

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Since they clearly aren’t doing it for kudos it can only be the money. It would have to be good money too to compensate for losing their reputations amongst their peers.

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This is just campaigning by other means. His lawyers are being used as pawns in this game. There should be legal and monetary sanctions for frivolous actions and wasting the court’s time. Judge Merchan would do well to levy some.

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They've sacrificed any integrity they once might have had, all for money (if he ever actually pays them), and the entire republican party (which he now controls) has also done so.

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They are racking up Billable Hours. But they will have a tough time collecting from the Donald. Maybe he can pay them using shares of truth social stock. 🤪

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This guy is so, so tiresome. He’s worse than that pesky housefly buzzing around that just won’t light.

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You said it!

I am so ever-effing TIRED of his neediness and pathetisadness. I just want him to go away. Far, far away, and never come back. If I never heard his name, saw his face or heard him speak ever again, it would be too soon.

How can average human beings be expected to stay strong against a constant barrage of ignorance, obnoxiousness and criminality.

I’ve never, in my 51 years on this earth, known of another human being who is such a drain on public well-being. He must be the neediest, most pathetic individual ever born on this planet.

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Well, he has discussed several times fleeing to Venezuela! He apparently (not personal testimony as I can't stand EITHER of them speaking) invited Elon Mu$k🐀 to come & interview him there if/when he leaves the USA! I say encourage him - bribe him - offer him ANYONE's private plane .... and then of course sentence him to incarceration in one or more of his legal trials so he doesn't dare come back 😁

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I'd be happy to see them both go to venezuela, russia, or any other place that would commit not to send him back.

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Well stated, Sam.

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Way worse because annoying houseflies don't have cults and there's no chance they'll ever get their grubby little hands on the nuclear codes!

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He is also a felon and has dementia! I am also glad he picked Vance. It shows that Agent Orange wants to cater to his cult.

It will be fun to see him nodding off at the court appearances he will have. I bet his lawyers are medicating him to keep his mouth closed.

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Don-old is always looking for a delay or he is liar,liar. Pants on fire. All these frivolous appeals. They should start fining him for wasting their time along with saying NO.

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Aren't these motions frivolous at best? He and the lawyers should be fined for this. It's happened in other Trump cases, and it seems like time for NY to stand up for itself.

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I’m not sure how his attorneys in good conscience can even do what this crazy man wants them to do. I guess he gets his attorneys at (the old saying) Kmarts Blue Light Special. Special being the key word

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You’re assuming any of them have a conscience. No evidence of that.

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It is deliberate with malice aforethought

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The mind of Donald Trump was history long before Kamala Harris became his opponent. On January 11, 2021 in the Scientific American Newsletter, "Forensic psychiatrist Brandy Lee - who is also the President of the World Mental Health Coalition - explains the outgoing president's pathological appearance and how to wean people from it." She identifies two major serious emotional issues exhibited by Trump: narcissistic symbiosis and shared psychosis. We have, of course, heard this word used in reference to Trump many times before - but perhaps not by someone who is as qualified as Ms. Lee. The second issue is "shared psychosis" and explains "When a highly symptomatic individual is placed in an influential position, the person's symptoms can spread through a population for a list of reasons including paranoia and propensity for violence.: She goes on to say "Destructiveness is a core characteristic of mental pathology. . ." This is an informative read, but the bottom line is that Trump displays all the symptoms of emotional fragility and mental illness and his narcissistic manipulation has lead to a collective mental health issue among his followers.

Trump's long-term decline began with his many bankruptcies (6). (The Washington Post, Sept. 2018). By 1990, Trump's businesses in the U.S. were in financial trouble and U.S. banks refused to loan him money. The Russians bailed him out. (Foreign Policy, Dec. 2018 “How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business”). The Trump Tower in SoHo (New York City) was entirely bankrolled by Russians and his tax records - which he tried to cover-up for years - show many multi-million dollar real estate transactions with Russians moving into Trump-labeled buildings. He unknowingly was trapped by Russian KGB/FSB and used as a pawn in an international spy trap.

On November 9, 2015, just a few minutes after Trump was elected president of the U.S., a man named Vyacheslav Nikonov approached a microphone in the Russian State DUMA. He said "Dear friends and colleagues, three minutes ago, Hillary Clinton admitted her defeat in the U.S. Presidential elections and a second ago, Trump started his speech as an elected President of the United States of America. I congratulate YOU for this. (Craig Unger, American Kompromat) and quoted in E. Graham's book From Democracy to Democrazy). In other words, the Russian government is patting themselves on the back and claiming victory for the Trump win in 2016.

While psychiatrists and mental health professionals in the U.S. continue to label Donald Trump as mentally unfit to be the President of the U.S. (he recommended people ingest disinfectant as a cure for COVID - NBC News, April 24, 2020), he has also become entrapped by the secretive Russian Security Forces - the DKRO is the counterintelligence arm of the FSB - and Trump has sold his soul and our country to the Russians.

Trump is desperate, and this perilous presidential run is his last-resort along his long downhill road to self destruction. Harris is a past prosecutor and a law and order candidate who will go after Trump for his many criminalities - fraud, 34 felonies, and he is legally labelled a sexual predator.

Buckle up - the road to the election will be bumpy and historical.

Elizabeth / From Democracy to Democrazy

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Follow the money trail. She’s a bought and paid for shill who has the delusion of being a scientist. You’re still on the Russia thing. You are a bought and paid for brainwashed moron.

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Even though I’ve been waiting for his downfall since he descended the elevator, it’s still always painful to watch a person descending into madness.

Poor thing !

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Claire, you're a better human than me because I absolutely cannot muster any sort of sympathy for Commander Crazy Pants. This is a man who is trying to replace Democracy, stay out of prison and destroy Women's Rights to decisions about their bodies. I detest everything about him but his misogyny is THE worst part behind his inability to say anything truthful. 🫶🏼


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Our Country is clearly headed in the wrong direction and you obsess over trivialities while Kamala and Tim are full court liars. You and your petty followers grasp at straws while questions such as why did Tim feel the need to take groups of students into Communist China over 30 times over the past 30 years? Why was his wife thrilled while her cities burned? Why is he lying about his military “lack of combat” service, referring to combat duty several time. Why does the Washington Post even call her out on her promise of grocery price fixing when everyone knows with a profit margin an average of 1% she could collapse all of our local grocery stores, and a tried before policy with a history of failure? Does she think all of a sudden this time it’ll work? Why is she copying Trump’s promise to exclude service personnel from taxes after she makes the deciding vote on one of the largest inflationary bill to be passed in decades, assuring funds for over 86,000 IRS agents with guns to go after just these types of people? Why is she hiding? Why are they refusing to debate Trump and JD? Why are they left of Bernie Sanders, but are trying to convince voters that they’re moderate? Why is all of media blowing her up into some stupid ass “Joy Icon”? Why did Gov. Tim take out language that excluded pedophiles from protected status, now apparently protecting pedophiles? Why are you all so damn dumb? Love Trump, hate Trump, he’ll at least bring back a semblance of prosperity and sanity and restore a semblance of law and order and a semblance of border control. Why do you all support the destruction of our Country? If the scales ever indeed fall from your eyes, you’re all going to be mighty pissed at all the lies you’ve been spoon fed.

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Cries the liar.

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Resorting to name calling loses the argument.

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He can’t rebut your facts so he just calls you a liar. He confuses insults with arguement...

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Cool story traitor cult.

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Now that was intelligent. Proving my point.

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Again you prove my point. English ey? So you like that totalitarian rule.

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Cry about is some more taitor. You have nothing of value to say as an idiot trumper. Btw you're a traitor to England by supporting a dictator to America. Youre supposed to be our allies not our enemy. I know that's too difficult for your brainwashed maga brain.

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And they believed those lies. I'm old enough to know that Communism does not work. Any damned day!

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No, youre just dumb enough to believe right wing propaganda.

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No debate. No intelligent comment. Just more dumbass shill comments. And despite all your indoctrination, you’re still not the enemy. You’re just pathetic.

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I'm just using your cults tactics. Can't deals with yoeu own actions and words being used against you? Got it coward cult.

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😂😂😂You are hilarious...

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And you're too stupid to know you're stupid.

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And these people worrying about trivialities seem to have no idea how dangerous these morons are taking our Country.

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You get that when you lie about everything and support a dictator wannabe. Deal with what you all started. Cry some more loser cult. Your chickens are coming home to roost.

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Apparently your chickens have been roosting in your neighbor's trees. That's how losers like you think. Grow up Joe Horn. For the love of all things sacred GROW UP!

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More MAGA lies.

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Wow. Trivialities?

Our democracy is in danger from Trump & his cult and his puppet master, The Heritage Foundation. He has no ideas that are his own. The man cannot complete a sentence without a lie or answer a question coherently and truthfully.

There are no guardrails. The Supreme Court will not restrain a second Trump administration.

You are repeating disproven lies, and you are empirically wrong.

No one is listening to your lies and mistruths. Telling lies makes you small and weak, and the rest of us are over it.

Enough. The grown ups are back.

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Then act like an adult. Fake it til you make it, dummy

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More self-projection like the CONVICTED FELON?

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When you're whining, crying & bit@#ing & moaning b/c cackling Kamala & Tampon Tim have ushered America into full blown Communism, I don't want to hear "you people" whining about BREAD LINES, GAS LINES, MEDICINE LINES. And I will be on here to say I TOLD YOU SO. COMMUNISM DOES NOT WORK!


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You literaly described what you are doing. Way to go loser cult.

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I'm not whining. I have enough food & water. What are you doing? Watching joo TV programs, loser

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Smart to piss off the judge who hasn't sentenced you yet, on 34 felony counts.

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Trump 2024. Nothing can stop it. Its hilarious how delusional people are about Trump. They look at shit from the most basic psy opped perspective to irrationally conclude that he's a dictator narcissist who is power hungry. The man is going to save America from destruction from a Marxist disgusting anti American party who doesn't give a fuck about you. They'll take away everything this country stands for, every right you have, and will destroy the country. Yet you root for the people who see us as slaves. Its okay though. You'll be woken up soon enough. Enjoy the show

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Cries the deflector trying to act like trump isn't a dictator wannabe. No sane human believes your lies.

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As opposed the the dictator we currently have? You deserve all the price controls, freedom stripping, currency devaluation and illegal migrant flooding that Kamala has promised. I hope you get exactly what you are advocating for. You obviously didn’t learn from the history of the last 100 years so we’re going to have to repeat it. Buckle up...I don’t want to hear you complaining when you get what you asked for.

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So it seems I can't reply to your other nonsense deflections, but you keep proving you're just another brainwashed cultist with nothing but propaganda. Have fun crying abiu5 your next president Kamal Harris. And have fun when the whole country laughs at you in rhe face when you cry about things that arent real. You're probably too dumb to see any facts.

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Not my next president...hopefully she’s yours though. You deserve each other.

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Yours literly the only one complaining about things that arent true. So if you get your dictator trump, I don't want to hear you complain when he locks you up for fighting for freedom. You asked for a fascist dictator who hates America.

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Haha, yours literly??? What? Haha! Can't spell, you probably drool too.

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Oh no, not a typo. Only the brain dad complain about typos because they have nothing of value to add.

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Fat finger boomer generation, that's you! Your typos misconstrue your point.

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I didn’t ask for anything. America isn’t my circus or my monkeys, although I have friends and family there. They all seem to prefer mean tweets, no new wars snd $2 dollar gas to what they currently have...but they are probably just greedy capitalists, so we’ll pay them no mind.

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They all seem very brainwashed by fox news. And so do you. Try a single fact and not right wing propaganda. Your friends are idiot American traitorswgo support a dictator. I don't care where your from. The American president effects you as well. And you want a dictator. That's the point moron. You think if trump the dictator hooks up with all the other dictators that acanada is safe? Are you really that brain dead? You're dumber than the dumbest thing on this planet.

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Fox News? Seriously? That’s where you think Canadians get their news?🤦🏼‍♂️😂 ...and you call me the dumb foreigner...that’s hilarious.

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You need to learn grammar & spelling. Haha!

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You literaly have no clue what you're talking about. But thanks for repeating right wing propaganda. Cries the facsist cult that learned nothing from other countries dictators. Keep trying to pretend you aren't thr one supporting traitor trump and his promises of being a dictator. Try being a loser cultist a little less, if your brain can handle it

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Can't say it here right now? I'm not clicking on your links. You really are out of your mind. Keep failing.

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You’ll see...mark my words. Even Kamala is complaining about inflation. And her administration is the one that implemented the policies that caused it in the first place.

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I unfortunately don’t have a say as I’m just a Canadian watching America disintegrate even faster than the DEI dump I’m in. Go Blue. Let’s make America all just like Portland.

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So you're just another dumb foreigner with no facts. Got it. Muted. Keep listening to con men and believing their lies. It really makes you look intelligent.

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I (almost) wish he loses so that the idiots voting for Kamala get exactly what they deserve. They have NO IDEA about what she and her handlers have planned for them. It would certainly suck for the rest of us though...sigh.

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Yes, please don't vote so we get the freedom the US deserves that you right wing traitors keep fighting against, based on nothing but hatred.

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Stop projecting...

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Cries the prohector. Keep crying loser cult. Can't wait for you to cry about Kamala being your first female president. Now attack me on some trans issue you don't unserstand.

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I keep telling you...I’m not an American...Kamala the Canadian raised, Jamaican/Indian whore will never be my president because I’m not an American.

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I keep telling you you're full of shit and screech reich wing propaganda. Thanks for continuing to prove it fascist pig.

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Trump needs to explain to the public how Kamala’s price controls will affect the costs to manufacture products and provide services.

If a product’s price is fixed, then the costs to produce that product must be reduced, which means reductions in labor employment, reductions in quantity of products produced, reductions in profits to pay taxes, wages, dividends to investors, and re-investment in business infrastructure and research and development.

Kamala’s price controls = empty shelves!

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Dementia Don? I think you have your President’s mixed up. The current body inhabiting the WH has had cognitive decline for years which is why he stayed in the basement throughout the campaign and yet amazingly pulled in 81 million votes ( more than Obama!!). And now, the worst VP, the border czar, the deciding votes for legislation that has propelled us into hyperinflation is now the best thing since sliced bread. No policy proposals or interviews for her, let’s just let her hang out in the basement and let’s see how many votes will magically appear. President Trump can easily have a conversation without a teleprompter for hours. You may not like what he has to say but dementia is not the issue.

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Your trolling sticks out like a sore thumb here, and no one takes you seriously.

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I do. Her thoughts seem relatively logical to me.

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How so? In what way is being the most illogical and dishonest being logical? You must be a cultist as well. They say nothing but defend each other's nonsense

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😂😂 explain the illogical dishonesty to me like I wear a mask in my car by myself....

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Thanks for proving my point for me. I knew you had nothing at all. Typical cultist.

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You explained nothing...I’m going to have to assume that you don’t possess the capability.

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Agree- typically these sites are for subscribers only so I appreciate the fact that I am allowed to speak. Freedom of speech is a wonderful privilege and it’s very quickly being eliminated. I am not a troll, I just see things differently than you. Doesn’t that make you curious that we can see things so differently? That’s why it’s important that we can have these conversations.

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You're a troll, and you prove that by lying once again. Freedom of speech is not freedom to Say whatever you want without consequences AND ITS CERTANLY NOT A SOCIAL MEDIA BEING FORCED TO HOST YOU.. I know youre too dumb to get that because the right wing cult stole your brain.

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Wrong. Freedom of speech is the freedom to say whatever you want. Sometimes it may be a lie, sometimes it may be hurtful but it’s a freedom that we have and must protect. Who decides what is the truth? You? Twitter? CNN? Fox News? Your neighbor? I am not a troll to speak my truth. I am doing it in a calm and nonaggressive way. Why does that threaten you?

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Thanks from telling me you know nothing about the constitution or America at all. You couldn't be more wrong about everything. You dont have the right to just lie about anyone you want and get away with it. Just look at your other cult leader Alex Jones and what he's going through for lying about a family that lost children to a shooting. Get real culty.

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Oh Joe- you are a lost cause…

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“Defend democracy” because orange man wants to takes it...🤦🏼‍♂️ https://open.substack.com/pub/chrisbray/p/andy-kaufman-in-a-wrestling-match?selection=64ede962-5f53-46ec-a6b1-8dfbfb8b6923&r=pr2e8&utm_medium=ios

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Got no real answers. Typical lying cultist with no facts.

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I’ve been waiting to hear your facts...all you’ve got so far is “CuLtIsT” and “LiAr”.

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Maybe you could stop being a liar then. And read the real constitution. I've learned not to try teach maga, they aren't smart enough to learn and believe anything we say us a lie anyway. But o domt believe you have the brain power to understand the constitution. Can you prove me wrong?

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Unbelievable what idiots you MAGA folks are.

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Be kind and joyful.

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Really?? Have you listened to his ramblings about Hannibal Lecter, sharks and batteries? He slurred his way through his “interview” with Musk. Stop whining about votes and false accusations. The only reason Trump can speak for hours is he loves hearing his own narcissistic voice.

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I don't think you know how to think, like every mind controlled Reich wing cultist. Keep proving it.

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What are you 5?

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You haven’t given me one fact yet. Just name calling. Go back you your playground where you were probably good at bullying the little girls.

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No, I actually have facts. Unlir you and your "are you 5?" Delfection. Keep proving the cult can only project. A 5 year old is more intelligent than the whole cult.

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Interesting that he refers to the Communist Soviet Union as Fascist. Demonstrate your ignorance Donnie

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