as the wise Jim Carrey once said in Liar Liar - STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLE.

I love this more than I can say

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Have said this so loudly in my head many times in the last 9 years.

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Did you say it in your head when you watched ANTIFA and BLM burn down minority owned hair salons and delicatessens?

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AND there is no such thing as ANTIFA!! DonCon came up with this fantasy group that really only exists in his pea sized brain! Only pics I could find of this antifa were from Russia.... so there ya go! More scare tactics by a scared little man who is desperate to get back into the WH! So repeat after me : There is no such thing as "antifa"!!🙄

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Kris, you are either a fool or a bald-faced liar.

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I think it's bold faced liar not BALD . FYI

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Thank you, but I prefer it my way.

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Seriously, we live in Portland and you are going to tell me that there is no such thing as ANTIFA? That's how you fools work? They tell you something that you can see with your own eyes isn't real and you swallow it? Then you try to tell other people? You people are so ignorant you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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wow ! maybe some xanax would help you? Pretty awful name calling when u don't even know me!

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We can tell that you are either a fool or a liar.

Dollars to donuts, you're fully vaxed and boosted against Covid-19.

Am I right, buddy?

Of course, I am.

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You know what would help you? Driving in Portland and being yanked out of your car by imaginary Antifa. Then getting your head kicked out of your ass.

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WTF are u talking about?? Let's stay on topic!

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Stay on Topic? What would it matter to you? I think there is a hole in the ground somewhere with your head's name on it.

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Quite the leap from opinion swapping roo now you think I should die?

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Uh, sorry that idiom went over your head. Perhaps if you removed it from your backside....so tell us more about how "there is no ANTIFA!" because that doesn't sound like an "opinion" it sounds like you live in a cave somewhere.

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He didn't break any laws. The Demonrats know that they stand a snowball in hell's chance of winning fair and square against him, so they initially resorted to smearing him with Crooked Hillary's RussiaGate hoax. When Mueller cleared him, they switched to Lawfaire to try to frame him with bogus crimes. When that only drew more voters to him, they tried to assassinate him.

I've been an Independent for over 50 years who usually pinched his nose at election time and voted Blue. In 2016 the stench of corruption was so overwhelming that I left the Dems forever.

No I am not a Republican.

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The replies that you will get, "nothing you cried about is fact based" "You are brainwashed" are from a, fortunately shrinking collection of actors that feed directly from the establishment narrative feed tubes provided by MSM. Any independent news sources that argue any issue, no matter how small, with the establishment narrative is automatically assigned a 10 on a scale of 10 of "right wing extremism". They can't muster an independent inquiry on their own and they are scared of the prospect. If they can call Professor Emeritus, Constitutional Scholar, avowed Civil Libertarian Alan Dershowitz "MAGA" what chance would anyone have with them? They don't understand the big ideas of the last few centuries and that's a lot to miss out on. That little witch Caroline Kennedy was seated next to Dershowitz at a function and told him "If I knew you would be here, I wouldn't have come."

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You r putting words in my mouth I have never once said!

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You should wish one of us would put words in your mouth. All you use it for is to re-broadcast the establishment narrative and spout things that you have never once tested for veracity. Stay there if it feels safer to you, but don't imagine you can instruct others.

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Who's crying???

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u sound very lonely sad and ill-informed

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HILLARY??? She doesn't have the authority to charge anyone with a crime! Have you any experience with our political system *& how it works?? The Don was the one calling to "hang his own VP" that sounds criminal too me!

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I am also an Independent since the 1980's

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And yet nothing you say differs in any respect from the establishment narrative. It's as if you are intellectually lazy.

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that's funny to say since he has been indicted multiple times from bothe republicans & dems... Don't think they would risk losing their jobs by filing false indictments!

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Only by the corrupt and incompetent maggots nest of slime known as today's Democratic Party.

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Nothing you cried about is fact based.

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You are a brainwashed NPC.

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what is NPC?

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Oh, you've just more projections. Got it, weirdo.

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You people truly are NPCs. You just repeat whatever garbage your masters tell you.

You remind me of this guy.


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I'm done wasting time & my breath with you 3... have a good evening!

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Cries the one spewing npc garbage the right feeds you. You literlay have too many masters to count. Keep deflecting, coward.

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You don't even know me so do not make an ASS out of yourself by assume- ing

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You even look like one of those guys who borrows his little sister's skinny jeans and then goes out with his antifa pals to block traffic in Portland.

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I can't wait for September 18th. Being sentenced for his criminal actions will be the best gift to Democracy! A huge message that no one is above the law.

When we have a Democratic trifecta in November, loopholes will be addressed like tightening who can run for any federal office or job. No one is on a ballot until a thorough background check, taxes for ten years are thoroughly vetted, and residency requirements met. Senators and Representatives must have community ties in their districts. Full time residence and proven ties to the community for a minimum of 10 years.

Get rid of Citizens United. No more corporate policy making. No more PACs. Grassroots fundraising only with a maximum donation limit. Strict regulation on campaign financial records. Politicians work for the people and should be talking to the people.

Term limits on SCOTUS. Impeachment of those who have abused their powers in Congress and in the courts. Fighting against the rule of law and democracy is treason.

🍿🍿🍿. I'm here for it!

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We don't have a democracy, we live in a Constitutional Republic, big difference.

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Civics question: How are the representatives and senators of this constitutional republic selected?

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By a democratic process of votes. Votes which one party is constantly trying to limit.

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Well James, they are elected by a democratic process. That means the majority of the people decided to have their interests represented by the elected person. But in a Republic a majority of people can't vote to break the law. A majority of your neighbors can't vote to take your property. A majority of Americans can't vote to have slaves. Get it?

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They actually find the "Republic" part is anathema to their progress towards one party rule.

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Peruvian totalitarian fascist Field Marshal Oscar Benavides said: “For my friends: Everything. For my enemies: The law.”

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Yes but if you intend to instruct or reform the dogs on Trump's tail, it goes right over their heads.

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Agree Wholeheartedly ^

Way past time!

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No more delays! So sayeth

Madame Justice.

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And KARMA chiming in…

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Is that how "Progressives" imagine law works? I think you watched too many margarine commercials.

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I can't say enough how much I appreciate you breaking all this down for us, and putting it in "Justice for Idiots" language.

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Melanie, I agree completely with your appreciation for the "Justice for Idiots" summary that AG gave us. I needed that before I faced the corporate media's version of these events.

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I sincerely hope the Judge references the SCOTUS decision written by Chief Justice Roberts May '20 on Presidential Immunity, that was done at the investigative stage of this case, as the prevailing precedent at the time of the proceedings. Not the conflicting decision written after this trial concluded. Making up different rules, after the fact, is BS!

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The commie Bragg made up his own rules to get a guilty verdict, but I guess because he GOT TRUMP, that doesn't matter.

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Please define "commie."

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"Commie" is the vernacular for Marxist, an agent of Marxism. Currently practicing Marxism disruption in order to "rage against the machine" or in other words, tear Western capitalist systems down in order to filch wealth and power for themselves under the excuse that they are doing it for the masses. The "masses" are also known as "useful idiots".

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So, confect some mythical "appearance of impropriety", then demand a big break for the felon on sentencing as a way to make this "impropriety" go away...brilliant strategy, and one thatJudge Merchan would readily agree to...NOT! Is there no limit to what tRump's legal team will push per client's request?

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Little nobodies celebrating the degradation of the law in order to get Trump. Didn't any of you think you could win in a fair fight? Dirty little cheaters trying to shroud yourself as moralists.

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always with the projection from people like the criminal and all his minions, like you

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Little nobodies celebrating the degradation of the law in order to get Trump.

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Words to be said to don-old. If you don’t like the fine or jail time, don’t do the crime. Yes, the don-old has been convicted.

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I saw one better: Con-Old.

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OldCON works too. LOL

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I certainly hope Judge Merchan stands his ground in the name of The Rule of Law and for the sake of We the People! We are at such a tender moment in our fight to keep our Democracy that we really cannot afford to see Trump get his way.

We need to see Justice at work here.

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He can still be President behind bars. If we vote him in we deserve it.

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Love the shirt H.B.! As for having a felon in the White House, he was a career criminal when he came down that escalator! Having a birthright into his father’s and Roy Cohn’s money laundering operation in the Concrete Cartel. Which didn’t appear to bother anyone in the Justice Department, CIA or FBI which were knowledgeable of his criminality!

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If anyone looks into Fred Trump’s schemes it is obvious he cheated the tax man out of millions which he passed onto his son. Who promptly lost them through his ineptitude.

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Canada did rebuild Fred Trump's brothel though.


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The family that grifts together…..interesting article. Thank you.

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Thank you for all the details as usual. When I read about another "request" to recuse my eyes rolled so far back in my head I wasn't sure I would ever be able to look forward again. He is exhausting and several other things I won't bother to mention. If only we could banish him ....

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Meanwhile, Trump the convicted felon voted in the Florida primary yesterday.

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Why was he permitted to do that?

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I'm wating on a post about that from a Miami attorney. After he was convicted it appeared the Florida law said that if someone was convicted in another State, the rules of that State are followed. NY allows voting until the felon is sentenced.

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In other words, our client is scared shitless and BEGGING US TO MAKE IT STOP and this is the best we could do. We are probably not getting paid for this; should have known better than to get in bed with a crook.

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Had to google the early voting dates. The ONLY early voting prior to September 18th is SOME counties in Pennsylvania. Give me a F'ing break.

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It is for the primary not the general..

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Another goombah tactic, not surprised.

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Aww helllllllllll naw you don't, you snake. The entire reason you're running for President in the first place is to get out of being prosecuted ... about any crime you have committed. Most people on the planet know that, and you're the one who delayed yourself into the election year. So, sit your sorry ass down somewhere. Don't commit crimes if you don't wanna do the time. You thought your privilege would get you out of everything. NOT THIS TIME, BOY!

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All I can say is Thump could've had this all finished YEARS, well 3 years, but still... this con artist is running for President!! THAT is important and since he STILLS strolls around free as a bird some people actually don't believe he even broke the law! Time to "rip that bandage off" and stop delaying justice for the Donald and DENYING JUSTICE for the PEOPLE!! 😵‍💫🧐C'mon now! This isn't about him! This is about SAVING OUR DEMOCRACY!✌️🌊🌊

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