Here, here. Wonderful analysis that changed my mind from wanting anything, and I mean anything, to make the public aware of just how awful Trump is. Now I realize caution is warranted. Once again there is yet another reason to vote blue, no matter who.

After all, don’t we want justice to prevail and every defendant receive all due process in pursuit of that justice?

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Same. Thank you so much AG. I appreciate the insight and analysis. I don’t want anything that makes this election muddy. We need to let our votes be the mini trial and when VP Harris is elected, we can all watch these trials move forward to their natural conclusion for the convict.

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So good to read a responsible, well explained and reasoned article regarding the need to protect to the greatest extent that we can, the principle of justice for all, to protect the innocent, requires that all, regardless of how obvious it may seem to some of guilt, are treated in line with those principles and processes which underpin our judicial system.

Thank you.

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Thank you for this great

clarification for Jack Smith's


The People's justice will be at

the ballot box in November.

Defeat Trump there and leave

him wide open for Jack


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It’s the only way. You all are ‘we the people ‘ take care of it. 🌊💙🌊💙🌊

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That is one awesome article, Ms. AG !!!!

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Thank you for clarifying the issues.

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I agree with the other comments. Thank you for the clarification.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24

Agree with this analysis - and were it not election year the argument that it could affect the vote for President would not enter the equation for the DOJ

On the POLITICAL front, I feel it HELPS the Dems & NOT the orange menace ... KH & TW don't have to answer questions on block buster evidence emerging against their opponent & can make it about THEIR policies & track records, and he doesn't get to go whingeing & whining and screeching about "UNFAIR!!! DOJ trying to stop me being President!" etc. etc. which could give some pause who might stay home or switch without this distraction - better to get it right than rush & let him off the hook, politically & legally. Besides, I still hope the threat to decamp to Venezuela is real, and he can be tried in absentia without constantly seeing his face & hearing his whiny voice every day!

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Candidates NEVER have to answer questions about trials against their opponents The vice president even has a duty to refrain from such.

We're not going to get justice on Trump crimes anyway, at least not as long as the Trump stooges control the Supreme Court.

This analysis looks at the legal side only, but legal trials are newsworthy only if they have a p political aspect. We need convictions of Trump because media already is pushing truth out in favor of Trump lies.

This news will allow to call Democrats liars with impunity when they warn of the coming insurrection as they've done many times lately, especially at this week's convention.

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Thank you for explaining this. It helps a lot with the anxiety around wondering when justice would ever be done. I always figure there must be a strategy, but normally don’t know what it is.

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Thank you, AG. This helps settle things in my mind. I wasn’t quite sure what to think of this. As always, you are so appreciated!

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Thank you for this wonderful analysis.

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It feels ok to be taking time here.

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AG once again I think you are right on the money here. Sometimes justice takes a long time and we must be patient. One of the many things I have learned from you and all your amazing podcast co-hosts is justice takes different forms. For me right now, the first justice will be Trump losing to Madame Vice President and losing “bigly” to her. Then we can watch all the court proceedings with much less stress and actually enjoy watching him go down in flames!!! That is if he lives that long or doesn’t somehow manage to leave the country which one would think would be pretty hard to do with a Secret Service detail but hey I suppose anything is possible. Right now I think we should all be making bets as to whether or not the felon shows up to debate prosecutor! LOL

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I've never, in any event, been able to figure out how one can have a "mini trial" in a criminal case with a judge acting as trier of fact. It was one of the many things about the immunity decision that puzzled me. "these depend on the facts, but you can't use the facts as evidence and the judge has to decide what the facts she can't see are."

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Thank you!

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Thanks again, Allison, for all your hard work.

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We have no time for hopelessness or despair. We the People are members of a jury that have been selected to vote Trump guilty this fall and we can do that by voting Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in this fall making sure that Donald Trump does not get back into office and back into power. The Justice system is not going to save us, we need to save ourselves by voting him out of office and the best way to do that is to vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz this fall and vote Democrat top to bottom

For those who are reluctant to vote Harris-Walz and Democrats over what is happening in Israel and Gaza, let me start by saying this: Your pain is real and your feelings are valid. Nobody should be dismissing or downplaying your pain and feelings or tone policing your thoughts over what’s been happening in the Middle East. With that being said, I’m going to tell you why I’m voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz this fall:

1.) I recognize that we live in a country with a two party system and I know either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump will be sworn in on January 20, 2025. It will be no one else. It doesn’t matter whether I like it or not, it’s a fact that one of them will president for the next four years. I know I would hate for Donald Trump to be president again.

2.) I remember all the chaos, confusion, hatred, violence, and deaths of the Trump administration. I remember the violence of the January 6, 2021 insurrection on the Capitol that Trump incited. I remember the deaths from COVID that were caused by his mishandling of the pandemic and his lack of preparedness for it. I remember Trump telling four Congresswoman of color to “go back to their own countries” despite the fact that three of them were born here and all four of them had been citizens for years.

3.) I remember the distinction between Democrats and and Republicans on several issues. Kamala Harris and Democrats are working toward expanding voting rights like in their attempts to pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act and how Republicans blocked both of those and have engaged in voter suppression at all levels. Democrats want to restore and expand reproductive freedom while Republicans want a national abortion ban, a ban on IVF and other fertility treatments, and a ban on birth control. Democrats want the rich to pay their fair share while Republicans want tax breaks for billionaires and corporations. There are more differences I could name but those are a few.

4. ) Kamala Harris is for making the rich pay their fair share, reproductive freedom, voting rights, Supreme Court reform, LGBTQ + rights, student loan cancellation, working to solve the climate crisis, making sure home owning is more affordable and stopping price gouging just to name some of her positions. Trump is against all of these positions.

5.) The next president is going to be able to appoint at least 1-2 justices on the Supreme Court as Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are getting older and nearing retirement age especially if we get Harris and Democrats controlling both houses to eliminate the filibuster in the Senate and get reforms in like term limits. In any event, if Trump wins, Thomas, Alito, and Roberts will step down almost immediately and the Supreme Court will be shaped by Trump appointees for the rest of our lifetimes.

And I could go on.

Is Kamala Harris perfect? No. Will voting for her and Democrats solve all of our problems? No. Will it allow us to make more progress than under a Trump administration? Absolutely yes. Will it avoid a lot of if not all of the bad things that would happen under a Trump administration? Without a doubt yes! Can you vote for Kamala Harris and still work to pressure her for an arms embargo or a permanent ceasefire in the Middle East and a change in policy towards Israel? You certainly can! Voting doesn’t mean you have to stop pressuring Kamala Harris and other politicians through phone calls, letters, protests, or other forms of direct action. Remember this isn’t about Harris or Trump, it’s about us and the type of society we want.

We must vote for progress and in order to do good now as we strive for the better as we move forward. We cannot reject the opportunity to do good now as we wait and strive for better in the future. Especially now as we know the courts aren’t going to hold Trump accountable before November 5th, so we need to!

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Wow! Could not say it better and haven’t read better!

Thank you Patrick!

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Another great analysis by AG. I always read promptly anything from MuellerSheWrote as it is timely, relevant, and fact based. Thank-you.

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