Let the slow roasting begin!

Karma is in the house (finally).

God bless you Jack Smith. 👍👍🙏🙏💙💙💙💙💙

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Cnv vv bnnbncbbnx B ban vvcm

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As always, absolutely amazing work AG! Well done!

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The Jack Smith filing is a fascinating read and he makes a very clear-cut case for how Judge Tanya Chutkan can determine whether something is official or unofficial. I think even this corrupt Supreme Court will be hard pressed to invent more law out of the ether to cover for Trump. Jack has exposed what is happening now. Trump is neck deep in the Current operation. Trump is NOT Running an election campaign, he is building a coup, revolt machine. Jack shows how he operates, micromanaging.

That's why this "Jack Smith: Karma is coming" shirt will NEVER get old 👇


Kamala MUST win to prevent Trump from installing a corrupt AG who will kill everything the Jack Smith investigation has revealed. Trump will pardon absolutely everyone named unless they publically denounce him before the election. Trump can never be allowed back into the White House. Vote blue up and down the ballot!

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Kamala Harris and Jack Smith. What a lovely couple they make. I’m having a little bit of fun with the alphabet this morning. If “K” is for Karma and “H” is for Hell; if “J” is for Jail and “S” is for SCOTUS, we see his worst fears spelled out and manifesting in real time. Among them is the dawning realization that the Supreme Court immunity decision only inspired Jack Smith to sharpen his pencil and refine his filing. It is now super-fine-tuned.

More than before. Karma is here, hell is here, jail is here in a very real sense and his ace-in-the-hole SCOTUS strategy only fueled the fire. Cosmic humor at its finest.

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I don't think he would find it in his best interest to pardon his co-conspiritors immediately. He'd likely want to keep them on the hook. If he were removed from office (a distinct possibility, once he has gotten his handlers into the white house, and they have no use for his high-maintenance antics anymore), he would thereby possibly be vulnerable to prosecution again. Any co-conspirator who has been pardoned would not be able to invoke the 5th to avoid testifying against him. I think he's more likely to use the possibility of pardon as a carrot to keep his toadies groveling.

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I object !

When ever the SC converts their role from interpreting to rewriting law !

The way I’ve taken their reasoning at times makes sense and is logical if you were writing law instead of interpreting.

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I loved it ! This has been the best read , I think his goose is cooked . Now let's defeat him at the ballot box , so we can go ahead and try to repair all he has screwed up . And hopefully, we will get a Congress, that will make sure, this Never Happens Again !

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best summary i seen so fa, so la ti do! ~muchas gracias~

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As I read & listened to this, I couldn’t help but reflect upon my thoughts during the movie All The President’s Men and the incredible reporting by Bernstein & Woodword two extraordinary adept writers at the WAPO. Instead of great sleuthing by two unknown men who represented the individuality of free speech, we now have the individuality of the action of a tenacious lawyer using his team to suss out the former president’s misconduct and illegal actions under the rule of law. My thoughts are with Jack Smith, his team, and our nation of people who believe in our system and are willing to uphold our justice, our rights, our democracy against all odds. And this time, it definitely has been quite a bumpy ride! I’m heartened by the fact that we have a knowledgeable person who understands full well the importance and commitment of the unfolding events. This is revelatory and incredibly inspiring! I am so hopeful.

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oops, apologies for misspelling Woodward’s name!😝

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I was stunned when i read on page 162 I think that Smith has one of Trump's Iphones and had forensically examined already/

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You were stunned in what way?

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Excellent recap as always AG. Thank you for breaking this down the way you do. I look forward to Jack on Sunday will be ready when it drops. This is hopeful and seeing that disgusting excuse for a human see justice is one of the things I live for!

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This Canadian lawyer thanks you

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Oct 4·edited Oct 5

This Supreme Court will not be judged kindly by history!!

It will be generational, the grand kids of some of the justices will be mock for such a total fail by this SCOTUS

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That would be a shame. The descendants of heinous behavior don't deserve condemnation for their ancestor's actions.

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Don’t be so sure.

Those with power are the ones who write history.

That hasn’t changed in this digital age.

The GOP, including its judges, have a better understanding of how to acquire and wield power than the Democrats do, by a considerable margin.

Brainwashing everyone might be difficult, but I do not think they have limits on how cruel they are willing to be to silence dissent.

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I thought that the DC Circuit opinion denying tRump absolute immunity was air-tight, and we all saw what happened there. Now this filing a fortiori is tighter, anticipatory, and tendentious almost to a fault, and I shudder to imagine if the same six Justices yet again further extend the penumbra of "immunity" to blatantly criminal, PRIVATE acts. Justice Barrett already considers the organizing of fraudulent electors an "unofficial act", and perhaps Justice "I love beer" Kavanaugh can be pried away to make it 5-4 for the prosecution. Roberts may be a lost cause, but if tRump loses the election, he may cross over. Even these people can read a room.

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Reading the room not a forte. Reading Leonard Leo, however….

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I don't trust them either.

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It’s terrifying.

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You are the Best Allison.

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I've written about law and worked with attorneys for years, so while I'm not a JD, I have a decent understanding of how it all works -- my point is that you're providing a great service (geez, that sounds so cold and almost trite, sorry) with your posts, because you're a damn good writer who creates a bridge that takes us from the complexities of law to the land of clarity. Really nice work.

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Great analysis, and I've been a lawyer since 1978. I don't trust the Supremes either.

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