So true. I was astonished that her staffers (in theory adults?) didn't see the behavior as a sign of a good manager and leader. We all dream of working for someone that competent. We need a lot more like you in this world... especially in leadership roles.

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A stark reminder that true leaders are TOUGH! Get used to it.

I spent years in courtrooms prosecuting for the state. I encountered some women defense attorneys who absolutely kicked my ass. The only solution? Be prepared.

I image others underestimated Ms. Harris. To their detriment.

Being prepared is a valuable trait. In either sex.

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Saw her questioning SCOTUS during shithead's reign. I saw what she was made of, and no way was he going to weasel around her like he did everybody else. I was so proud. She wiped the floor with his raggedy hair. LOL

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I was surprised that her staffers were so unqualified as to think that what they said didn't make them look foolish.

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May explain the “former” in staffer.

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So many excuses....

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Trump is lazy. He tries to bullshit his way through everything.

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Maybe he needed to change his diaper.

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deletedSep 12
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You? Hell, no!

I meant those staffers Steve mentioned who resented Harris for being prepared...as a Black/*Desi* Woman, rather than as a White Man.

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Do you really think that cops get it right 98.7 percent of the time? And that coercing people sitting in jail while their lives disintegrate in the outside, into pleading guilty, just so they can get out and resume what's left of their, now jobless, lives in many cases, is something to be proud of?...I think it's something for you and most prosecutors to be ashamed of....as it is statistically, empirically and in every other way, impossible for any police dep. to get it right 98.7 % of the time. Bragging about this proves that you are not, in any way, interested in pursuing justice.

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Hey, I'm not 100% on the Kamala Harris train either, but—jeez! She's far from perfect (yeah, I haven't forgotten her stances on marijuana, which was a misdemeanor in California when she started out as a lawyer—or truancy, either!), but when the alternative is DONALD FUCKING TRUMP, the Putin-and-Heritage Foundation-led halfwit who thinks he's Hitler? Hell, yes, I'll take her as an alternative!

Why don't you just kiss your TRUMP 2024 bumper sticker as you leave...?

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Just as Kamala, was and is, only interested in doing what is right for her career. As D A of San Francisco, she started the precipitous increase in lawlessnous and she appointed a Soros funded attorney as her second in command and successor. She just doesn't care....it should be obvious by now.

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WTF is a "Soros funded attorney"??

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I'm betting a Liberal and a Jew, which is damnation enough in THIS worthy's eyes!

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deletedSep 12
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Thanks for this, so good to be reading coherent, polysyllabic comments for a change. And what you told us was skillful enough to communicate, in and from your perspective a great deal of stuff lawyers (esp prosecutors) do on a regular basis while we unwashed revel in the legal training we received from the likes of “Denny Crane”.

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A very dissappointing answer to a totally just comment. I'm sure you are a well meaning person of integrity, but the only thing your response does is show in heart breaking clarity how people emmbedded in the system are incapable of seeing obvious systemic flaws.

The two most egregious specifics:

You replied "You act like all accused are innocent victims of blood thirsty prosecutors." to someone who said 98.7% guilty is not plausibly a reflection of justice. No further comment on this is needed.

You proudly asserted "NEVER was an accused held longer than any sentence he could face.". Clearly "presumed innocent" does not mean very much.

"Doing your job" is not alway doing the right thing.

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Reminder that Kamala actively WON last night. She did not have a millisecond of weakness that predator Trump could seize on.

There was never actually a debate. There was Trump, on stage because he wanted camera time, and he basically spit insults and conspiracy theories the entire evening. He never once addressed a question in its context.

Literally, as this t-shirt says: "Kamala removed stubborn orange stains" last night 👇 🤣


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But the remarkable aspect of tRump's presence on the stage is his rapid-fire patter - intelligible or otherwise - that would put a cattle auctioneer to shame. Sort of Gish-Gallop-y, but more, like fueled with methamphetamine...indefatigable, tireless, and as I awaited his Energizer Bunny battery

to suddenly quit, it never did. Which makes Kamala Harris' performance so notable...she just tuned out the chaff and responded to the kernel of his arguments, incisively and with great vigour.

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His nonsense is like sandpaper being rubbed on my brain. UGH

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It was a glorious thing to see. Even his little cockroach minions have to agree today The obvious question is why did it take so long for someone courageous to stand up to the mental midget. It's not like he hides the fact that he's a dumbass

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It’s not easy. It’s not something everyone is born with … it’s actually a rare skill that MVP has perfected over decades. The idea that anyone could do what she did diminishes her hard work & intense preparation. Others lack the ability or the willingness to do the work, and those who dump on Kamala for her greatness, it’s clearly both … plus unabashed jealousy & resentment 🤢

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She has my unabashed admiration and respect!

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Me too! I can only imagine the ignorant crap she has to put up with. There are way too many ignorant or close-minded people!

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I agree wholeheartedly with everything you are saying about her but will add one more thing. I believe she is born for this work. By “this work” I mean her lifelong interest social justice, human rights, power to the people and leadership that “lifts people up”. Her Vision for America and for what is possible in this world was seeded into her by parents who dreamt big and emigrated to America from places where slavery and social injustice have been written into the daily lives of people of color and of women for generations. Once here, her parents were themselves engaged in political activism and they involved themselves in grassroots social activism. They actively participated in the campaign for equal rights and freedom for everybody. And they brought their kids right along with them.

Kamala first heard about equal rights and social justice in her mother’s womb. She was born female, black, brown and working class into a world where the class divisions are obvious and palpable and where she would have firsthand experience with social injustice, unequal rights, racism and sexism. And while all this was true, it was also true that her situation brought her first hand experience with middle class values, the power of community and the way people can and do work together to lift each other up. Her parents, despite being immigrants of color from third world countries, each accomplished amazing things in their lives and in doing so showed her the value of working hard and against the odds to achieve something which would/could then be used to help others. They actually lived the American dream.

Into that rich, unique combination of potential Kamala was born. Gifted and brilliant, she got the assignment. And she followed through. She worked hard, built community, met every obstacle and achieved success in the high goal she set for herself. Then she found ways to use her success to help others. She is a true daughter of the American Dream.

I think it is important to get it that beyond all of her accomplishments in the public sphere of her life, she has a unique combination of breeding and upbringing which we see and hear now expressing through her stated Vision for this country. Her stated values and her ideas about what true leadership is have been seeded, nurtured, cultivated, honed and modeled throughout her entire life. And … she is not only ready to meet this moment in our history, she is willing.

Based on her personal attributes and accomplishments and right down into her DNA she is not just equipped to be the leader this country needs right now, it’s not in her to give up and it’s not in her to fail. I think it’s important to hold this knowledge as we move forward with her.

Moving forward sounds so good, doesn’t it? So … we follow her lead. Buckle up, work hard, and we fight for our country now. And, as Kamala says … when we fight we win.

If I meandered off topic a bit, my apologies. I find Kamala Harris inspirational on many, many levels.

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"You are exactly right. Please allow me to modify my statement, as I did not intend to diminish the Vice President's outstanding performance. It took one courageous woman to stand toe-to-toe with that monster. I never understood why the fact check is so obvious, yet the media and other politicians give him a pass."

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That is precisely true. The work ethic is part of her very nature. As a Black woman aspiring to higher office it has to be part of who she is. Those who are willing to make preparation a natural part of their work ethic have an edge on those who are not. It’s like they never stop being studious people. Obama, Hillary, Madeleine Albright, and others embrace preparation as the path to getting the results they strive for. She wasted not one minute of that break to prepare for the rest of that debate. It’s an excellent example for young people everywhere.

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Thank you Mary.

May we all be born into lives that allow us to rise to our fullest potential. And have the heart and grace, as Kamala, to pay it forward.

Beautifully written Mary.

Inspirational, an excellent match between subject and and presentation.

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True that. He is a dumbass for certain. ✊🇺🇸😎

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…orange shit stains.

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You are right, there never was an actual debate, just a woman with 20 partners, who insisted on no audience and insisted on having notes in front of her, telling lie after lie, not answering a single question in context. Promising to build a wall and proclaiming herself a proud gun owner. Why would any Democrat, watching her flip flop on every issue, ever vote for her?...She is about as phoney as they come.

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Projection much?

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Dude, they were permitted to make notes during the debate. They were given a blank pad and pen. Trump had one. It’s in photographs. Kamala used the break to make notes of points she still wanted to make. In other words if you snooze you lose. She was willing to work during her break and I’d bet she worked through lunch most of her work life as well.

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2 partners

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Oh, that's right, I forgot, no Democrat has voted for her. She was the least popular and first to drop out of the presidential primary....Yet she is now the hand selected candidate for president. And with Chinese Tampon Tim selected as her VP choice, I think it's obvious who is controlling the new Chinese Communist (with American characteristics) Democrat party.

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You really struggle with reality it seems…almost like a cat with a hairball they are resisting bringing up.

Let’s cut to the chase. Your guy lost because in all the debates he has participated in he has never been expected to know any facts. His strategy has always been to bully his opponents and hopefully get his crazed audience involved so there is no possible way to respond. In the debate he did not answer a single question factually and rapidly descended into his fantasy land of cat eaters and crazy immigrants.

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California Democrats voted for her quite a few times. And Democrats voted 81 million of us for the Biden Harris ticket. That means we were fine with Harris taking over since 2020. But you are free to vote for a dementia ridden, Narcissistic, Sociopathic Liar and Traitor if you wish.

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Good for you for calling out the misogyny. When I first read the "staffers" comments, I was happy to hear VP Harris had looked at, and analyzed the material. That's what I would expect a senior leader TO do.

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Sounds like when I present something to my wife.

My first reaction is WTF.

The second one is that her very successful career was made possible by her being prepared.

She'd fit right in if she worked for the VP. And yes, she might very well read this.

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tRump just being tRump is plenty good for tRump..."Preparation? PREPARATION? I don' need no stinkin' preparation! I'm ME!" The pathology of a narcissist in full bloom.

OTOH, we see a candidate taking her rôle on-stage seriously, and supplementing her preparations on the fly to augment and update her presentation. And we saw the results of such meticulous attention to detail.

tRump long ago hit his ceiling...only one direction left, and that's down.

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It is pretty stark the imbalance in this dynamic. Trump has to do nothing, say nothing of substance, and continually behave like a petulant child while Harris has to be nearly perfect in every position and word choice to be judged on the same level. I’ll never understand how trump carved out this social immunity.

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I think at this point in her life … being extremely competent and in supreme control of as many details as possible is simply her choice. Its how she works. What I find really amazing is her ability to stay real and to stay soft when the situation calls for that. Her family speaks of her warmth and her joyfulness and even more than that … her availability to them. Her friends … her community … the same. We have seen her talking to her team … humor, high energy, laughter, joy.

One of my favorite “Kamala moments” was with the woman who burst into to tears at the shop (cant remember the name of the shop). Kamala stopped what she was doing to check in with that woman, put her arms around her and hold her in a hug while assuring her that things were going to be okay. This was not done for effect or for cameras … this was Kamala the human being, a woman of Heart and Soul, helping someone move through an emotional moment. (BTW, listening to her speak often brings tears to my eyes as well).

She’s got the right AND left sides if her brain working … and that is how she is such a great leader.

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...and still, around 30 to 40 percent of people say he won the debate. Sigh.

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Or say that they “don’t know enough about her.” Sigh again.

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Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?....case closed

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4yrs ago we were wiping our asses with coffee filters, buying bidets, watching our family members dying, and refrigerator trucks as morgues. Being told to inject bleach, stick lights up our asses, and take our dog's heartworm meds.

Yeah, I'm doing better now.

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Actually Yes I am fine. Too bad you invested money in Truth Social though.

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We all are waaaaaay better off. Some of us, ahem, just can’t admit it.

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I’m better off. The question is why aren’t you better off?

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Hell yes I’m better off.

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God yes. Please go do you.

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Someone posted someone else's tweet about how Kamala's face was "too expressive" because that "plays into female stereotypes." I didn't bother to find out whether the tweeter was pro or con Harris. That is SUCH a stupid comment and is based on the idea that "women are emotional" as if that were a BAD thing. If more people would raise their eyebrows or roll their eyes or laugh when encountering unadulterated bullshit, we'd be way better off.

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My experience is women are on the job with work and solutions to problems while men usually scream, rage, turn purple and cause chaos. Trump is a prime example of this.

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That was Republican guy Frank Luntz. He usually jabbers on about the impact of words. But now I guess he is branching out into female facial expresssions. It’s about time Trump’s idiocy and lies were reacted to like the rest of us watching! I’d much rather have her variety of expressions - and the verbal responses that came too - than his constant “mugshot face.”

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Luntz is a Weird little rhino faux republican pollster. Despised by all America living Trump supporters and Kevin Mcartheys roommate in Washington. Part of the swamp. By all means, roast him.

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Scowling is how I'd describe it. His actual mugshot made me lol. I think he's trying to look mean, menacing and intimidating, that macho, alpha male image and he definitely was in his mugshot? That's why it made me laugh so much, he couldn't intimidate a mouse. Those ‘alpha males’ are invariably people who love power and think fear is the best way to get it and respect. It's beyond stupid. As many tyrants have discovered to their cost, when you intimidate and oppress people using fear that also builds up resentment and eventually it boils over. It certainly doesn't garner any real respect. I'd much rather be loved than feared (seems like a no-brainer to me) but I'm not the least bit interested in power. Influence, perhaps, but I'd still rather gain it and its concomitant respect through love. If I were interested the same would go for power . Nelson Mandela is a prime example. I doubt any of the ‘tough’, toxic alpha males would have endured his incarceration and treatment at the hands of South Africa's apartheid government with anything like the grace and strength that Nelson Mandela did. They would have cracked (I can say that with confidence as they're already cracked). It's ironic that what motivates these type of men is a deep seated insecurity (that's how it seems to me, anyway, based my personal experience and why I think I haven't turned out that way). It's probably not true for all well adjusted men but equally ironic is that I was a painfully shy and insecure teenager (partly because the first four years of my education weren't just at a different school each year but in a different country), but I was conscious of my feelings of insecurity and, again, partly because of living in four different countries during my formative years that I learned to be true to myself (actually it was three different countries: West Berlin,Germany; NW London, UK; Champaign-Urbana, IL, USA; back home briefly (three months, so just the autumn (fall) term at my first school, which I don't count. If I did it would be five countries for the first three years, ⅓ and ⅔ of a year. It's just easier to ignore the one term back in Berlin and count it as part of the 4ᵗʰ year in London); and finally moved to East London) and that made me very secure about who I was without needing the approval of others.

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I think I know the tweet you're referring to, and I chose to roast the ever-loving $hit out of him.

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🙄 Stupid is right. It's moronic. We are emotional beings. As a musician, I think they're essential, music being the language of emotion. And if they weren't useful we wouldn't have evolved them. Would these idiots have us be emotionless automata? Then we might as well be replaced by AI. The only time you need to hide emotions is when you're playing poker. And I totally agree with you that we'd be much better off without the dicks that think emotions are a bad thing, a weakness. What kind of life would it be without emotions? Sure, there'd be no pain, anguish or anxiety but there'd be no joy, no fun, no meaning either. No art, no literature, no music, no wonder, no awe, no curiosity, no great cooking, no entertainment, no play, no value, no laughter, no beauty, no love. It would be a grey, drab, colourless existence with nothing new just endless repetition. Emotions are fundamental to everything we do, they define us.

The majority of communication is nonverbal (according to my browsers AI assistant, “70-93%: body language, facial expression, eye contact, tone of voice”) and that implies that someone with an expressive face is a much better communicator. I for one find the expressiveness of Kamala's face delightful and refreshing. Her smile is so genuine and sincere, it lights up a room and immediately puts you at ease and makes you feel better, relaxed. Her face is guileless, there is no wish to hide, obscure or deceive. The opposite of express is conceal, suppress, withhold, repress (and repressing emotions is, at best, damaging; at worst it's a totally disastrous nightmare) and in this context none of those are good. They would have the opposite effect, make you tense, suspicious and distrustful, put you on your guard. How is that a promising or effective way to start a negotiation? We've even invented emoticons to try to put expression back into our written communications.

You may have sensed some anger here but I doubt you know quite how angry it makes me when I hear emotions described as if they're handicaps. I haven't heard anything negative about emotions for a long tim but it's always infuriated me. Still, I was surprised how intense and visceral my response was. I despise that attitude, it's just so utterly f***ed up. It demeans and dismisses our capacity for empathy, one of our most miraculous and astonishing capabilities and one of the few things that truly distinguishes us from most other species (I'm sure dolphins, porpoises, cetaceans and apes have it and dogs too, at least to some degree). All that ‘big boys don't cry’, ‘stiff upper lip’, ‘don't wear your heart on your sleeve’ useless, misguided screwed up BS.

Well, never mind. If that's the worst criticism they can muster or the biggest insult they can come up with it's so pathetic and risible it's laughable. They might as well give up, pack up and go home

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I have a funny anecdote on the "women are so emotional" attitude. A male colleague in my law office had a disagreement with me about the interpretation of something--a statute or case, can't recall which. We were discussing, really arguing about it--he was one of those "I'm always right, don't you disagree with me girlie" guys. I was actually correct in my interpretation and had the case law to back it up. But something set him off and he suddenly literally SCREAMED "Women are so emotional" and went on a full blown, full volume rant about it. I sat there blinking. Afterwards I went out--the secretaries and clerks were rolling their eyes and laughing out loud at his meltdown. You could hear it all over the office, apparently. YOWLING about how women were too emotional and couldn't analyze things. Irony abounding.

There's emotion and then there's "emotion." Defending bullshit at top volume comes under the heading of "too much."

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🤣 Sounds like he wasn't very self aware. Ironic sums it up. Of course there are negative emotions as well as positive but if they were all positive we wouldn't appreciate the positive. Thank you for that, it made me laugh.

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The follow up is even funnier. He was definitely overtly scornful of women as lawyers. He later left to head the legal department of one of our suburbs. We discovered that his department was ALL women.

He lasted a couple of months. Out on his ear.

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🤣 Serves him right! He sounds like a real arsehole.

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I've had that happen a few times to me. I actually saw him turning purple. I believe I said well there is Male Menopause too. 😸

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I agree that the no emotion garbage is a abuse of boys and men. Unfortunately the only approved of emotion allowed them is anger. Therefore anytime they feel something they express it as anger. To be human is to be connected to all your emotions and that is where all creativity, joy and love reside. Good for you Nicholas. 💕

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Thank you!

Emotions are the closest thing to super powers we have. Emotions act as beacons that point us at the things we love.

If someone is emotionless are they also loveless? That is really sad.

The thing we ignore far too often is that leadership is solely a craft involving people. If you don’t have a team you can’t lead.

When I look at the best leaders I have had a chance to work with (I train leaders, so I have seen a few) the super leaders are not your big alpha male take charge type, instead they respect their teams, they get to know each team member and truly connect with them, and the language they connect with is emotions.

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I thought she showed remarkable restraint, she didn’t eyeroll once, nor did she swivel her finger in a circular motion at her temple. I’m sure it was a temptation.

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She was amazing...and just so you know, here in Tucson, our Mayor intentionally made sure the rules for events were changed after the last time Trump was here and left our city with a big bill, she demanded $145,000 UP FRONT so he can have his event in a 2100 seat theatre and his campaign PAID it...

I've said it beofre and will say it again WOMEN POC ARE GOING TO SAVE DEMOCRACY!

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Amen to that! Especially the part about asking for as much as you give. As stressful as it was to work for well-prepared and capable (some would say demanding) people, I derived the most benefit from the experience. Always.

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I wish that even once in my career I could’ve worked for someone as competent & professional & focused as Kamala is described in this article … just once … but no boss/manager/supervisor/team leader/whatever has even come close. Sounds like her direct reports were butthurt that Kamala wasn’t reporting to *them*, though they clearly weren’t qualified for her position, and even jealous it wasn’t offered to them instead thru “legacy” (non-minority Affirmative Action 🙄). What’s the chance they are dragging her for fear other minority employees might learn from her? Can we please just stick to competence & professionalism, and end these ridiculous games??

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I was blessed to have worked for a woman like that. She had high expectations and exacting standards and even though it was uncomfortable at times, I grew SO much! Both in my career and in my personal life.

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I wish you had as well, the reality is quite different, according to just about everyone who has worked under her. Not just a few misogynist men. The highest turnover of any VP ever.

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Is that why she has such a huge turnover in her office- 95% they report. Not alot of smiling going on in there it seems.

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Kamala knows her stuff and she brought her A Game. Donnie was outclassed, outsmarted, and outmaneuvered.

Fail to plan, plan to fail.

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She also brought both moderators and her special earrings. If she’s so capable why would she only debate where her best friend is on the board and her sorority sister is the moderator? Her making notes was writing down from her earrings what she was forbidden to bring with her.

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Kudos on your ability to discern fantasy from reality with such deficiency.

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Isn't it Still ALWAYS true that women need to work twice as hard, and be at the top with more credentials to even be taken seriously. We're NEVER actually invited to be in the male club, but we are respected. Those men are afraid of women. Not so with BIDEN. He was never threatened and opened his arms to a very talented, capable woman, who will now become POTUS in NOV.

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Yep. Biden was VP to our first black president, then president to our first black VP, and now he is supporting her to be our first woman president.

I’d say pretty good for an old white guy, especially in light of the great job he and Harris have done running the country while the Orange Barrage Balloon drifted around the country sprinkling his bloviation and lies everywhere….

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I think Biden has been seriously underappreciated. He seems to me as an overseas observer (I'm from the UK) to be a remarkably honourable, decent and honest politician, all too rare nowadays.

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Agreed. From a Kiwi living in Australia.

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Thank you so much!! Love Biden, class act all the way.

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You need to do some honest investigating if you value truth at all

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I'm not falling for that one. If you think otherwise it's up to you to prove it or, at the very least, come up with some credible evidence to the contrary. He's shown those qualities amply in his long service. I don't know his record before Obama but I'm sure he's made mistakes like everyone. The Democrats are held to a standard that's not just higher than the one Republicans are held to, the distance between the difference is interstellar. One point of concede that has damaged his and the Democrats' reputations is their handling of the war in the Palestinian territories. I'll even do what I said I wasn't going to and tell you why I don't think that's made Biden any less honourable, decent or honest. Apart from the cliché and platitude that these things are much more complicated than they appear to us, which is nevertheless true (my uncle once said “‘IT’ may be a cliché but the cliché's a reality”) he's facing a disgraced and disgraceful head of state. Netanyahu will do absolutely anything to continue this ‘war’ for as long as possible, if possible until he dies and at any cost. He's every bit the weasely maggot/maggoty weasel that Trump is only he has a veneer of respectability. He's facing corruption charges and very likely gaol time and that's why he'll do anything to stay in power. If the coalition with right-wing extreme Zionists isn't enough to convince you then lol at the record. Every time there's been a deal on the table for a ceasefire and hostage exchange he's made some lame excuse to back out, changed Israel's conditions for accepting it or attacked and killed Hamas's chief negotiator. Basically he's found a way to prevent a ceasefire. If that doesn't convince you either, there's the Hannibal Protocol. It was invoked on the 7ᵗʰ October 2023 and it states, basically that it's better that an IDF soldier does than that they're taken hostage. Some, myself included, believe that it extends to Israeli citizens too. It would be in keeping with Netanyahu. There are reports and rumours that the deaths in that dreadful attack by Hamas weren't all down to Hamas. I don't know how you'd go about substantiating such a story. Some of the sources are credible. What I do know is that the stories about babies decapitated, put in ovens and cut out of their mothers' wombs were despicable Israeli lies. Netanyahu is using the same language Trump and MAGA use, telling lies to stoke up fear and anger. An increasing number of Israeli citizens are getting worse to it. They've been demonstrating against Netanyahu, Irving a ceasefire and hostage deal. Netanyahu isn't interested in the hostage further than he can use them as an excuse to continue the war. What's also true is that the last group of hostage that tragically died although shot by Hamas fighters it's also true that they wouldn't have been killed if the IDF hadn't carried out a surprise attack. It meant that the Hamas fighters didn't have time to take the hostages with them on their escape. They could have just left the hostages to be picked up by the IDF forces but they didn't. Probably because the hostages had too much knowledge of the escape route.

I'm certain that Biden is exasperated and totally sick of Netanyahu's behaviour. He helped negotiate a ceasefire and exchange deal a day or two before Israel attacked only for Netanyahu to order the attack on Tehran. That's very disrespectful and downright two-faced and cocky of Netanyahu. If I were Biden I'd halt all weapons exports to Israel but I don't think it would make any difference. Russia would step in although they have their own problems. If not Russia then China, North Korea, someone would and that would further destabilize not only the middle east but the global situation.

Anyway, they're hammering on my door (I am, of course, anti-Semitic despite having the right to Israeli citizenship (by dint of my paternal grandmother who fled the Nazis in 1938) but I have the audacity to criticize Israel & Netanyahu. That's enough. They're knocking on my door…

If you think that's a joke, Maya Khamis was recently arrested under the terrorism act for posting tweets that were sympathetic to Palestinians! Her treatment by the police was appalling. They took her passport and when she was released in bail was told to present her passport within three days. If she didn't she'd be rearrested and held indefinitely on remand. They eventually admitted that they had it but that's just one example of the nasty, bullying tactics they used. Last month another journalist, Richard Medhurst, was arrested at Heathrow under the terrorism act for “supporting terrorism/Hamas”. If you think Biden's bad, that's Starmer, our Labour Prime Ministera party that grew out of the Labour movement.

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And really … why would we want to be in their clubs anyway? Look what it does to the men?

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That reminds of a Groucho Marc quote when he was invited to join some club: “I refuse to be a member of any club that would have me for a member.”! 😂

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This cuts right to the core, it’s so viscerally true and inescapable.

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This really struck a chord in me. I worked as a paralegal at a law firm for a couple of years and I quickly learned that many of the male attorneys HATED going up against a couple of the female attorneys in town because, as they would say "she is such a ball buster." Translation: What I came to find out is that many of the men would just "wing it" in court, but the female attorneys they hated were always VERY prepared. For everything.

Honestly? The female attorneys in my firm were much more demanding because they did just what she describes Harris doing below. You couldn't just make some vague comment about something, you had to be able to footnote everything you said and make sure she completely understood it. And yes, while it was harder, the clients she defended always got their money's worth.

We deserve our money's worth with the next POTUS.

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Hehehehe, so true! That’s why lawyers should not marry lawyers!

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More existentially, we deserve our country’s worth.

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That's because men will challenge everything a woman says, if they allow her to speak. Even when you answer they disallow the proof presented.

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So true. I was also struck by the commentary about how she appeared more Presidential than Trump. Did commentators make similar observations in the past when the two candidates were two men? Of course she appeared Presidential. She is a very competent and accomplished person. He looked like someone past his prime, to put it in polite terms.

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Did he ever have a prime? He's struck me as being obnoxious from birth.

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God, I'm so looking forward to having a competent president. And I will be so, so depressed if trump wins and we don't .

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It will be Madam President Kamala Harris.

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Depression will be the high watermark of how I will feel.

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Just have to ask...

📌 Why did it take so long to stand up to him? I'm just sayin,

📌 Kamala Harris knocked his block off & it was Glorious!...

📌 But seriously, why did it takes so long?

📌 Very proud of the Vice President last night!

Vote 💙 True Blue. Throw Out MAGA 🌊 #wewillnotgoback

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Jim Stengel - It took so long because we (Democrats) dealt with reasonable opponents until now.

We choose the high road. We were spanked heartily. We learned a lesson, which is that there is no high road with Trump. We learned to use his own words against him. We learned his weaknesses, such as the ridiculousness as the importance of crowd size, and the vice-president ran with it.

It's taken a while, but we've arrived with a vengeance. 💙🌊

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I loved Biden but my one fear was he was too entrenched in his Senate years of compromise to get a Bill through Congress. He wasn't dealing with the new fascist version of Republicans. Harris is. This is what we need. No compromise with fascism.

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Well that really woke me up. I’m grateful to be given this way to understand what we’ve done for ourselves.

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