Really happy to see you here Alison, as it's getting harder to stomach being on Xitter, . I'm a Daily Beans/Cleanup/Jack listener in Australia.

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So am I Ringo - deeply envious of the Aussies who went to DC for the ‘thank you’ MSW meet-up

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Good to hear from another Aussie following this closely too. Seeing all the MSW crew in real life would have been amazing. We'll have to make do with Podcasts and Youtube. Monday is usually a "mental health day" for me, as US politics can wear you down.

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Christina Bobb - irony of ironies - apparently served as a Marine JAG officer.

As someone else who also swore to ‘support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,’ I have to admit that former military who were involved in pushing the Big Lie and the electoral fraud scheming bug me even more than the rest do. Which is already a lot.

(Yes, ranting slightly.)

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

Miss AG do you find time to sleep.. a little worried here.

Thank you so much for the Arizona Fantasy League, wondering whatever they were thinking. I used to see myself as somewhat insane but feels so much healthier now, in comparison.

Stay well miss AG and get rest, sometimes.

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Thank you and so glad to find you here on Substack! Any insight as to why Federal charges for false statements/signatory made with regard to Bobb /MAL docs case haven't landed? Would they have to be lumped in with case Cannon is obstructing or would it be possible to get it assigned to an impartial judge?

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It could be that they wanted to get Trump tried and convicted before they go after the others, the concern being that if they filed charges against Bobb she might try to attach her case to Trump's which could slow things down. It's the same reason I've heard that they haven't indicted more of the people involved in J6. But I'm not a lawyer so I may be off-base with this.

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Thank you so much for this post. I don't get many podcasts. I'm 76 so, ab initio, I'm close to but not a Luddite. Just a tech idiot. So this information was very helpful. And welcome to Substack from a newbie. I hope your audience builds quickly.

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I love this Substack AG - can you repost your Fantasy Supreme Court ruling again here? I would love to read it again

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Your coming to Substack is Huge!

Thank you! I’m 74 & have medical issues. As a result I have a limited amount of time during the day to get stuff accomplished so I Listen to catch up while I work. While I’ll only hear “your voice” on your podcasts I’m happy to accept the robotic readings here on Substack

because I love your viewpoint!

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Thanks for your insight. Take care 🙂

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Thanks for coming to Substack, I found Post just difficult and I do want to support independent media. Thanks for all you do!

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I pulled into Substack town a couple of months ago. With Post announcing its looming shutdown I pitched a tent under the BlueSky. I’m now trying to find the Postie folks I enjoyed sitting around the campground with. I really glad AG is adding her voice to this chorus!

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Thanks, AG. Awesome as usual. This is a great companion to the Beans

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So happy to see you here! Love Substack 😎 can’t wait

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Thank you.

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THX for all you do, AG. Please keep shining a light on these GQP treason weasels.

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What a great beginning! Everything I read, I hear in your voice. Thanks for being my imaginary friend. Heaps of Grammy love.

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AG, could you explain what “un-indicted Co-conspirator” means in reality? Does it mean they won’t charge Trump? Or just that they haven’t yet charged him, but still could? What would possibly/likely explain the delay?

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