Your imagined Trump motion sounded exactly like Trump and his Trumpy-assed lawyers. They can just copy and paste.

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Brilliant idea. But if Trump uses AG’s motion, does he pay her? Maybe with a share of “Truth Social” stock? Or some of his crypto? At least some gold sneakers and a Trump Bible!

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AG would be stylin' in the gold sneakers.

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No… just no! Those spray painted sneakers are dross and belong in the trash!

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Everything on this list is trash. Trump is a personal dumpster fire of trash. We all know if Trump’s lawyers used AG’s well written and hilarious motion, they would just pretend it was theirs.

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Am I wrong in thinking that Rudy being at tfg rallies (+) is not in keeping with normal bail conditions that indicate your can't hang out with indicted co conspirators? Also curious, since GA didn't follow Grand Jury recommended indictment for Lindsey, his meddling in Nebraska won't count as a repeat offense? I also don't understand how voting rules be changed after the voter registration deadline? Republicans are trying to steal another election, that makes three in a row.

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Seem like they win win win by just counting on sheer exhaustion of our systems with snowballing of things like this! Our system was not built to accommodate this level of dirtbaggery and collision. Roger Stone! Flynn! Soany others are seemingly free as birds, and WHY????

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Exactly, why did NC approve a $1M expense (+ reprint/delay) to their constituents for a straw candidate who didn't even try to qualify for all States and missed their deadline for removal? Cheating is a feature, not a bug, for Republicans. The planners of events surrounding J6 should have been at least charged for falsified permit applications and billed for the damages to property, tfg should be billed for all of the legal costs incurred by DC Courts to prosecute his invitees. Sick of the BS, Vote 💙.

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Wearing people out is a bona fide tactic. That and an atmosphere of chaos are the tools narcissists use

to manipulate people and situations.

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The judiciary has proven to be bold and arrogant when faced with illegal acts by ordinary citizens; but they are meek when the defendant has money and power — thereby proving the lie — of equal protection under the law.

Everyone knows he's guilty, but here we are, delayed by a corrupt Supreme Court.

Anyway, this isn't it past your jail time? t-shirt will NEVER get old 👇


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Everyone knows he’s guilty of what?

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Thank you for your post and attachment - some of the judiciary seems to take their role seriously. Other members forget that the phrase “consent of the governed” that that those founding fathers used. They would do well to remember it. Justice delayed is Justice denied. The people of these United States have been subjected to years of lies and disinformation, an attack from within, from a compromised Supreme Court. There are too many guns available in the United States, 400 million, also c/o the Supreme Court to continue this ongoing trauma to our democracy.

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"Well, if the Supreme Court says I have to be thorough? Unlike Trumpy's Parking Lot Lawyers, *I* can be very VERY thorough.

"What my motion will NOT be is concise, not when I have to defend EVERYTHING...!"

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Thank ya young lady, thank ya verrry much. Can’t wait for tRump ta leave the building! Lev Parnas sends his love! UKRAINE UKRAINE UKRAINE!

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Whiny Drumpf and company. When will he go to prison and be quiet.

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You rock AG!

Jack Smith has so many work

arounds Trump and his

erstwhile attorneys, he'll

drown them in motions and

running to court. Billable

hours; hope they're getting

their dirty bucks upfront.

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Watch Harry LITMAN interview Judge Littig from this week. He explains SC 6; Judge adds a seasoned honest honorable view w the constitution as the rule of law.

It’s so telling!

We must arm ourselves w thr facts to look ahead.

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Judge Littig is Awesome!!

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Your prescience is reassuring because it endorses Jack Smith's choices in this part of Trump's trial to keep evidence and reasoning under seal and predicts that Trump's defense will have few credible arguments to ask Judge Chutkin to dismiss the case against Trump without hearing Smith's arguments on immunity.

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Great guess on their rebuttal!!

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Thank you, AG!

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Great anticipation of Trump's lawyers rebuttal! Of course he doesn't read (supposedly). Maybe they'll teach him to read in jail.

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Thank you!!

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WOW AG it's like you have brain jacked his poopy pants lawyers. You sounded so much like them. I bet their poorly written response won't be too different from what you wrote. So sick of all of them but thank you for keeping us up to date on all their BS.

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Huge thanks to you AG, for providing some hopeful insight on the path forward against this vapid wastrel and his coterie of ignoble poltroons!

SCOTUS have become players in Trumps favor, while “We the Serfs” observe injustice carried out by unelected contumacious judges, quite a turn of events!

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