Finally a judge doing what a judge does best! Their job.

The fact that it’s nothing like the Wacko Judge in Florida’s rulings gives me hope.

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Don't pretend it's about judges or the law or American Jurisprudence or the protection of the American Constitutionals Democratic Republic, it's all about whether or not leftists get their way every time, all the time. You people are so juvenile that it's all you understand.

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Hey Cunaeus, your comment makes you look stupid *and* juvenile — thereby yet another projection as you and your ilk busy yourselves defending the pussy-grabbing dementia-riddled narcissistic sociopath fatso megalomaniac traitorous worshipper of murderous authoritarian assholes you so much admire. But by all means do keep exercising First Amendment rights, exposing your freaking weird ideology for losers. And god bless your butt ugly heart 😹

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Your post makes you look like you are falling over yourself in an attempt to turn vomit to words. Keep it up, you are accomplishing your goal.

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Is it Con on us? Either way = LOSER.

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Thank you for that fabulous morning squirt of coffee out my nose. It’s cute when you say “leftist” like that. We have not changed our position in over forty years whilst the right took a bullet train right off the map.

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Please provide the sources of your statements Cunaeus. The ones about removing healthy sex organs from children and abortion up to the minute of birth. I like to keep an open mind and I have not yet decided who to vote for. I would like to see the proof of your statements so i can be more informed. Please help me under stand.

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Why is it that you people always try to depict that you are laughing so hard, why you you just squirt coffee from your nose, and yet you never actually convince anyone that there is a scintilla of humor in you? You all just try to hard too be convincing.

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It is, “too” hard, not to hard. For someone who professes to know the King’s English you are dumb.

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It's been noted here before that the edit doesn't let the writer go back in and correct so all I can say is "WOW" you sure got me! And that mistake is the best reason I've heard yet, to watch American Jurisprudence be relegated to a political urinal to satisfy morons. Anything misspelled or do you get the point?

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Maybe you should check with your compatriots who advocate for removing healthy sex organs from children and abortion up to the minute of birth and make sure nobody fiddled with the compass, make sure you know where the center is. I can't think of any political analyst that doesn't acknowledge that. But hey, "Pigs in a Blanket, fry 'em like bacon" and top of the morning to you centrists.

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Hey, since literally none of that happens except in your mind, you can step off with that trash.

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That's the best you can do? Pretend that you don't know what's going on and undisputable facts simply 'didn't happen'. You people have become such tools.

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Yep, it's all made up because you can't answer for it even though it has been clearly demonstrated in public hearings and defended by your morally superior pals at the DNC. Yeah, you people turned out to be the baddies. "curiouser and cursioser, said Alice"

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She is a hero. If it hadn't been for that immunity catastrophe he would have been convicted and sentenced by now.

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I'm so grateful for your hard working, 24/7, quick and concise explanations - and by extension, Judge Chutkin - so honored by both of your obvious integrity and pursuit of the facts. I trust that you wlll always give us the facts. Thank you.

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it is a relief to see someone who is not in his pocket doing some thing, especially over the weekend. It’s just a relief.

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Hurray Judge Chutkan!

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So glad you are following and sharing all this news so timely!

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Welcome to Mar-a-Lago, where the gold’s so bright,

Lawyers enter boldly, ready for a fight.

But heed my warning, don't twist the facts,

Or you’ll face the judge’s wrath, and that’s just the facts.


I'm no lawyer, but here’s what’s known,

You don’t want the judge to throw you a bone.

Misrepresenting truths in a courtroom tone,

Leads many to disbarment, their careers overthrown.


So why are his lawyers often in disgrace?

Disbarred, suspended, crimes they must face.

Sanctions looming, falling from grace,

Mar-a-Lago’s magic turns this place.


You walk in with a briefcase, lawyerly keen,

But exit with stories like you’ve never seen.

A witness now, spilling secrets unclean,

In this legal circus, the truth’s routine.


So if you’re stepping through those golden gates,

Know the transformation that awaits.

Mar-a-Lago, where reality abates,

Turns lawyers to witnesses, altering fates.

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Ahhhh…like a breath of fresh air compared to the Florida morass.

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Whether this case takes place prior to the election or not is not for her lack of trying. She was obviously using her time wisely since the supremes put the case on hold and dragged their feet. She is a tremendous judge and we are lucky to have her on the side of democracy. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

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Thanks for staying on top of this. Judge Chutkan inspires confidence; one might be content to presume that a case under her care will receive due diligence and informed adjudication. We should probably start sending her court care packages...

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Thank you for the update!

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Awesome, no-nonsense judge! Much like Judge Merchan but even better. She'll get this case done and done right!!

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Unlike the swine judge in Florida.

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Let’s go Jack!! Woo hoo! Yes!

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“Basically, he had every right to lie about the election. But he does not have the right to use lies in the furtherance of crimes.”

This sums this whole case up for me.

As always, you gave us a perfect understanding of what these new developments in this critically importance case holds. We are so grateful to you!

Judge Chutkan is the epitome of the Rule of Law!

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Toxic Trump is having a rough week with ladies. Sweet justice

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Never underestimate the

power of a woman who

knows her job!

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