Thank you for being on the job for democracy. MSW. We each must keep an eye out for Musk, Trump & Thiel corruption in this election!

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Thank you for showing how you and the left continue to point their fingers elsewhere - intentionally ignoring the blatant dishonesty, ineptitude and evil within your party!

You are supporting a DEI puppet - with zero political accomplishments - being controlled by her masters.

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Convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, business fraud Donald Trump is a nearly 80-year old Florida-man who has made history as the first president in 28 years to not serve a second term, the first in 45 years not to release any of his tax returns, the first president in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term, the first in 102 years to allow more than 120,000 Americans to die in a single virus outbreak, the first president in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice, the first in 152 years to boycott his successors inauguration, the first ever to fail to hit a 50% approval rating at any point during their presidency, the first president ever to be elected with the help of a foreign nation, the first ever to be impeached twice, the first ever to have a member of their own party vote for conviction in an impeachment trial, the first president ever to refuse to concede defeat, the first to be banned from social media, the first to refuse to ensure the peaceful transfer of power, the first president to have their home searched for official national security documents, the first president found liable of sexual abuse, defamation & business fraud, the first president criminally indicted (also the second, third and fourth), the first president with a mugshot, and the first president ever to be criminally convicted (once, twice, or 34 times).

He’s has the second worst record on jobs, he added the third most to our national debt, and the Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey ranked his presidency as the worst. Ever.

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WOW, that was a load of TDS bias! Let's see if I can respond to all of this ignorance.

Trump was 'convicted' in a third world, banana republic court. From the despicable DA to the horrible judge who should have recused himself, it was a shameful trial which has damaged the US legal system. It will have long-term consequences to the legal system moving forward. 

Now on to the 'rape' charges. You'd have to be equally troubled, as E Jean Carroll is, to believe this complete wacko! From the completely fabricated 'incident' happening decades ago with zero witnesses, E Jean Carroll's karma will catch up with her - she is a disgusting 'human being', and nothing more!

The raid on Mar E Laro was unconstitutional. Period. This was nothing more than a hit job, whereas EVERY other president has taken classified documents.

To even bring up deaths from Covid, shows how deluded you are! Trump didn't 'allow' any of the deaths, and to even state this is nothing more than your own severe hatred blinding you. If anything, you can attribute a higher mortality rate to Democratic Governors, like Cuomo, who inserted people into nursing homes and then deliberately obscured the full scope of the deaths in New York! 

I appreciate your hatred blinds you, as you follow your unelected, DEI hire, Harris, ...right over the proverbial cliff! Harris slept her way to the top in San Francisco (good for her - it's simply funny), and intentionally damaged black people thru severe incarceration for marijuana charges - that is abhorrent! Harris then threw Biden under the bus in a coup to remove him and be inserted as the first presidential delegate to be anointed without even a single vote! Then, DemTARDS have the audacity to even talk about democracy!

Democrats are truly the party of democracy hypocrisy! 

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Hey. Just D(umbass).

Your parroting of Faux News talking points would be hilarious… if it wasn’t so goddamn sad. Troll, bot, idiot? Doesn’t really matter does it? You’ll end up in the same place as your orange “savior”: the dustbin of history.

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Insults and nothing more - like every libTARD, cannot back up with any facts.

Back to your bubble of ignorance, G May!

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You wish, Buddy. I'd be ashamed for anyone to know my IQ was so low, a man w an IQ of 73 cd manipulate me w outrageous lies to do his dirty work of destroying our democracy!

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I’d hit you with facts if I thought for one second you were interested in actual debate. You seem to have swallowed every lie Trump and his cronies in the media have served up without question. Enjoy the view from the sidelines as the rest of us move forward without you.

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Just pathetic! Stupid 🦎 brained traitors so eager to sell out their nation for a Russian tool who doesn't give one shite about you or anyone else nt with a billion or so. You make true patriots 🤮because noting about you is patriotic!

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1st Question: how many wars started under Trump?

Answer: None

2nd Question: how many wars started under Biden/Harris?

Answer: The horrific Ukraine and Gaza wars - where BOTH wars could have been prevented had there been strong US leadership! The evil dictators of the world see Biden/Harris and laugh, knowing they'll get away with their actions, ....which is exactly what we're witnessing!

The only threat to democracy is ignorance - and the puppets who choose to follow Harris right over the cliff. A vote for Harris is literally voting to push for World War III.

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All I cansy is that you're either a Russian tool or a damned fool. Whichever it is, you're a disgusting heap of steaming 💩. Move to Russia & get the fuk out of our democracy!

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"All I cansy..." (Trudy Crow). WOW. How about working on improving your grammar and corresponding intelligence before you start throwing the (ignorant) insults.

Trudy Crow aka Jim Crow's favorite.

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Zero political accomplishments? Look it up. Harris has plenty.

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Yes, I've researched Harris extensively. From her deplorable record as a DA in the crime riddled, homeless infested streets of San Francisco, to being Biden's blatant DEI hire, Harris is an extremely inexperienced politician who will do more harm than good!

If Harris wins, the States will see increased inflation C/o her attacks on energy. Also, increased wars as the evil dictators around the world see what any sane person sees - a weak leader whom they will take full advantage of! 

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I had a tangential thought in this. I’ve read but not confirmed that everyone who signs up for Twitter is automatically set to follow Elon Musks account. If this is true, it seems,s to me to be a form of digital information insider trading. The analogy is far from perfect but I think it has some merit. He has a captive audience for his misinformation such as the deep fake video of VP Harris saying she’s a DEI hire and the more recent post since taken down that falsely claimed the UK was imprisoning rioters in the Falklands. In addition to forced access to his views, I assume there’s ad revenue that comes from it. I’m not sure this meets a legal test for financial fraud but at the very least, it’s shady.

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Say what? Are you suggesting that here, in America, the rich captains of information supply propaganda instead of truth?

This is the land of Superman, Batman and Captain America. Say it ain’t so.

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I almost wish there was a Marvel hero or heroine to save us. But we do have excellent writers here and can support them. Every single day we’ll have to fact check, keep an eye on local govts. Judges, etc. it’s a slog but it has to be done. ✔️

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“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

We must beat Trump to evolve beyond this whiplash of hope and despair.

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My breaths as catholic girl whom resolved my life in fleshes freewill as mwe are today with truth while Breathing in our relationship with breaths left calmly starkly in our purpose as warned ⚠️ ignored no more HEALS ALWAYS ALL FUCKING CHAOS CALM TRIAGE PAUSE AS APOCALYPTIC PETULANCE PLACATING DUPLICITY 4TH ESTATES in our word's definition in our English LINGUISTICS CONVENTION IN MY vessels attrition FINALLY resolved in gratitude 🙏 BELIEVING OUR ANCESTORS ANCIENT ORIGIN OF ALL SHAPES SIZES COLORS 😂expression freely in freewill the earth 🌎 in 😈 FRAGILEST PRODUCTION in my mouth and hands and feet I was pricked with iniquity in my faith in my breath survival together as explicitly BUILT by our creators purpose whatever that may be requires calm 💙 AS OUR GRAVITY RIDE IN OUR ENVIRONMENT IN 💜 YOU SUSTAINING MY life as reflections though my vessels finite breaths left until I CEASE breathing freely was vexed in my fleshes sustainability to be free in our flesh as psalms and proverbs laws reconcile my imperfect UNEDUCATED ILLITERATE assaulted breaths left calculated in truth had no iniquity of our creators VESSELS brains 💙 AS OUR CULTURES WORD'S DEFINITIONS LITERAL DEFINITIONS OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS CONVENTION was always ENOUGH for my life in your eyes 👀 I was glad 😊 Triage pause for his wondrous works 💪 TOGETHER ✨️ 💪 TO do under heaven all my teachers best practices in our flesh as designed automatically and autonomously regenerative miraculously breathing freely my breath survival in our highest honor's died in our oaths lifted my strangled neck 💜 YOU EACH BREATHING FREELY IN FREEWILL AS WORD'S DEFINITIONS LITERAL SIMPLEST TERM'S MOLESTED duplicity to disturb Your grace sustaining my love 💓 discoveries healing my imperfect ILLITERATE RESPECTFUL ACCOUNTABLE BRAIN'S CALMING RECONCILED SALVATION I LEARNED FROM YOUR SACRIFICE EACH COUNTY YOUR PURPOSE IN FLESH AS MWE CONSENT TOGETHER PROMISED US TO BE INFORMED BY OUR LEADER'S SACRED CONSTITUENTS ACCESS TO BREATHE ONE EARTHLY SIMPLE BREATHS LEFT calmly starkly as mwe enlighten in our senses resolved word's eternal placating PETULANCE NOISES INTIMIDATING ANYONE ANYWHERE IS FORBIDDEN. Triage I am continually understanding my understanding according to his folly that they cried from accountability on earth 🌎 reflections ⏸️ 🌙 IN OUR 😈 CLOGGING YOUR GRACE 👑 SHARED WAS ALWAYS WELCOMED TO MY LORDS LAWS to end expression antithetical POSITIONS SLAVER'S REVENGE AND SPITE LUSTING VENAL BANALITY SADIST betting games entertainment in our future interest existentialist a Psalm and proverb in my fleshes weaknesses discernable in my faith in our purpose in grace's purpose for humanity purpose in Jesus to protect my lords laws as explicitly BUILT BECAUSE MWE CONSTITUENTS in this vessels attrition FINALLY reconciled calm breaths left in our GOOD-FAITHS CITIZENS REPRESENTATIVES INVESTMENTS ARE ANGRY I KNOW BLINDLY HAVE BEEN RETRIEVED FROM CONSCIOUSNESS THIS WEEKEND 💙 💖 BEST SUSTAINED ARM'S OF LIFE'S BREATHS LEFT REDEMPTION HAS BEEN MY EYES 👀 MY SOUL my breaths left redeploy our flesh trembles I love your precepts to keep 💜 BEST SUSTAINED CONVENTION ONE EARTHLY 🌎 MEMORIES grace's SEALED AROUND 62.9 on earth 🌎 mathematically for humanity to chose truth over DELUSIONS SELF-PRESERVATION OPENLY AND BLANTAINLY DUPLICITY LEADER'S OATHS FEIGNED REASONING SO INTRINSICALLY PACARIOUSLY RECONCILED SALVATION YOUR EYES 👀 IN MY FAITH YOU SUSTAINING MY ENLIGHTENMENT ENERGIZED MY WEAKENED STRANGLED NECK DEMARCATION THROUGHOUT OUR planetarium forever before God is merciful. Sharing scriptures sharing English LINGUISTICS CONVENTION IN MY DUTY IN MY FLESH BREATHS LEFT ADORE YOUR PRICELESS BRAIN'S EXPRESSIONS IN OUR FUTURE LIBERTY 🗽 ALL GLORIOUS PAINFUL LIFES REFLECTIONS I SHARE your law continually understanding hate revenge and spite lusting fleshes PETULANCE Putins PUSSIES productions illegitimate assertions in our lives against physical material EVIDENCE Republicans conservatives federalist society DELUSIONS SELF-PRESERVATION JURISPRUDENCE SELFADULATIONS HEDGING war games 🎮 Sadist FLESHES atrocities owning the LIBS IN OUR oaths is silenced 🔕. Access our father’s pray. Triage innocency. Love love love love endures forever 💖.

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Wow. Did that just erupt like a volcano?

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🤔 interesting point 🤬 Wonder how many new sign-ups there are nowadays? Any MAGATs already agree with him & rational peeps are good at blocking so hopefully it has limited actual harm, but worth legal scrutiny 👏🏾

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Just another DemTARD with her head buried deep within the bubble of groupthink ignorance!

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(Ecc 12:1-14 ESV) "{1} Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, “I have no pleasure in them”; {2} before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the clouds return after the rain, {3} in the day when the keepers of the house tremble, and the strong men are bent, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those who look through the windows are dimmed, {4} and the doors on the street are shut—when the sound of the grinding is low, and one rises up at the sound of a bird, and all the daughters of song are brought low— {5} they are afraid also of what is high, and terrors are in the way; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags itself along, and desire fails, because man is going to his eternal home, and the mourners go about the streets— {6} before the silver cord is snapped, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher is shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern, {7} and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. {8} Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; all is vanity. {9} Besides being wise, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge, weighing and studying and arranging many proverbs with great care. {10} The Preacher sought to find words of delight, and uprightly he wrote words of truth. {11} The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings; they are given by one Shepherd. {12} My son, beware of anything beyond these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. {13} The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. {14} For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil."

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Yikes. Easy on the fanatical prophesizing there sKaron.

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How do you say I'm in a cult without saying I'm in a cult?

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I'll say it for you - you're in a cult!

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With Trump and MAGATs, every accusation is a confession.

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I unfollowed him immediately. He’s hovering though and I only have 1000 followers!😊😊😊

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I don’t pay for Twitter and I was not automatically set to Follow Elon😁

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Harris IS a DEI hire! Biden stated he was going to pick a black woman for his VP, and that’s exactly what he did! Harris then threw her boss under the boss (opposed to sleeping with him), and was anointed her position as the presidential nominee! The liberal elites accomplished their coup, and now have the inexperienced puppet in place!

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Keep believing that and stay in your bubble while you go down in flames with Trump.

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You bet it does…. Just say Elon, he writes the checks, but that does not mean his employees will vote his way - not so smaht…

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I just tried to share this to facebook and they removed my post, saying it broke community standards by SPAMMING and accusing me of trying to get likes!!

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Try resetting your FB account, change your password.

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No. There’s something that is triggering their AI. They removed it twice for me.

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However, I copied and pasted the content and so far so good.

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if all else fails, screen shots? 🙋🏾‍♀️

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Trying to get likes? I thought that space was for collecting vacuous minds of worship.

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FB doesn’t like links that take you away from the site. Introduce the piece in your post but put the actual link in the comments. Seems to be the standard for a number of folks I follow.

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Blue check means nothing. Get off twitter

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I understand journalists being on twitter but anybody else is just supporting Musk. We need a more reliable, neutral social media source, like.... Substack.

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I go back and forth between both, to see my friends there and the one and only good. Journalist on the Democrats Side .

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Best answer!

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Great investigative reporting. Thank you.

I dropped my Twitter account four months ago and only read what those who I follow put up. I wish users would get the message that it's owned (although diminished) and is used as mouth piece of Elon Musk.

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Musk is as corrupt as Trump! Never trust a criminal is the rule!

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Why am I not surprised? 🤨

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Someone has to stop Elon Musk!

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I am so sick of grown white men acting like immature little boys when things don’t go exactly how they want them to! They proclaim to stand for something, but their actions suggest otherwise.

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This is violating SOS 1ST Amendment Rights

All platforms should be required to post all official government accounts either an independent agency in charge of what can be deleted

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Boycott Twitter!

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Thank you for digging into this.

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muskrat strikes again. :( Boycott xwitter. Blue sky is a great alternative

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How are all of his manipulations and lies covered under the 1st Amendment? Why is purposeful lying covered by one of our most important rights? Obviously lies we tell little kids about Santa et all are purposeful, but to keep the dream alive for as long as we can, aren’t in the same league as what he and his colleagues do.

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Because, like it or not, Twitter is a nongovernmental entity / and is a private Corp.

Can do virtually anything and it's 1A protected. As it should be.

But EM has increasingly made it "government adjacent"...

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It never was.

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Federal government better have its ducks in a row, because the convicted felon is off his rocker and this year’s scheme will be worse than the failed fraudulent elector scheme of 2020.

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