Thank you for explaining about the Judge’s TRO. I am hoping that all 3,000 people who serve our country by taking care of others in need in the most difficult conditions in the world will be restored to their jobs permanently-along with the food and medicines they need to Lee the programs going. I cannot begin to say how angry I am at lives being lost overseas and the farmers here that Musk and his minions and Trump have irrevocably harmed. I just wish that splotches of blood would just pop up on their skin and clothes every time they harm anyone anywhere in the world so carelessly, so thoughtlessly and yet so deliberately. I wish they would be soaked in it everyday and it would never wash away. Then they couldn’t avoid the evil they’ve done.

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That would be a nifty thing to watch! Splotch … splotch … oooh - there’s another one! 😁

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I am pretty positive that is why Mangolini wears orange woodstain on his putrid face. To hide the splotches. This is a fact. 💯

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This is a very good start! I totally believe that the judge will issue a permanent injunction to prevent what musk and trump are doing. Where is the proof of corruption and fraud? Even if there is what they accuse you don’t shut the agency down you stop the wrong doing, clean out the wrong doers and better the agency!! I see both musk and trump as foreign agents! They damn sure aren’t working for the American people! I watched earlier tonight farmers talking about how they will be hurting because they sell grain to USAID. What would you like to bet a whole bunch of farmers voted for the asshole who is going to screw them over!! Just my opinion!

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Sad truth Teresa, farmers affected by the Trump/Musk autogolpe who voted for this have weighed in, believing that the master plan will lead to a more prosperous future!!

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Sad! What they believe and what will actually happen are two different things!

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They are about to FO that their votes went to the wrong guy

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78% of U.S. farmers voted for the orange sadist. The vast majority say that they would do it again.

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78% of U.S. farmers voted for the orange sadist. The vast majority say that they would do it again.

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Are they all racist's? Are the perpetuating the stereotype of farmers being backwoods redneck types. IS FOX the only channel they get on the TV? Has AM Rightwing talk radio fried some brain cells? Like , are you kidding me?

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Faux is the only channel they WATCH.

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Thank you for shining a light on what can be opaque if not obscure to the rest of us

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tangentially: could Chelsea Clinton sue Elon Musk for defamation, given that Xitter has been actively seeding falsehoods about her "casually taking home $84 million" from USAID? The requirement of proving Actual Malice should be a cinch, as any bad actor who took the time to post screenshots of USAID disbursements & Clinton Foundation transactions also took the time to crop said screenshots to remove context thus creating appearance of wrongdoing. And furthermore since Musk's henchpersons have full access to private information of everyone involved and are actively trying to gut the agency, they can't claim they didn't see the numbers/data/names.

[I'm not proud of wanting to take pages from the Tr*mp playbook and flood the zone with diversions and harassment going the other way; forgive me, I'm only on my 1st cup of coffee still]


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When the fight gets taken into the mud, fight dirty in the mud. Your comments are very helpful. ty.

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i'm trying to get into that mindset.... yes. Not because I really want to join them in the gutter, but because i am *convinced* we can win more often and make our wins stick better with thought exercises that include the whole range of activism! Imagination +Creativity + (most especially, as they seem to lack one) our sense of humor = 💪

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Now that the abhorrent chud and his prepubescent posse have gained access to what appears to be ALL govt systems and data, and now that they've locked out and/or fired everyone who actually had experience, I expect that he and Trump are gonna be making daily claims about supposed new "fraud" they've found a regular occurrence. They'll claim they "saved us Americans millions more dollars". Of course, there will almost certainly be no evidence to support their bogus claims, and the career staff who could've exposed their lies will no longer be there to do so. In other words, they're just going to completely make shit up, and the millions of simple-minded rubes who worship them will cheer every time. Meanwhile, Musk will be selling off access to our most vital govt systems and records to any foreign enemy willing to pay the price...

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It seems the Biden administration had a heads up about what might happen:

“placing almost 3,000 USAID employees on administrative leave would violate the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024, which requires the State Department and USAID to consult with Congress before, among other things, “reorganiz[ing]” or “redesign[ing]” USAID, including by “downsiz[ing]” it”.

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Thank You Allison,

For your in depth description of what USAID employees do. When the good Americans understand the unwarranted disruption to their lives and to the lives of so many others that would be affected by this ruthless act by Trump and his evil First Lady Elon Musk to shutdown USAID, they will unite against it!

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I hope the judge issues a permanent injunction order at the hearing on the 12th. I’m surprised that Nichols actually granted a temporary one given some of his prior rullngs but hey. I’ll take it!

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Why didn't the judge issue the TRO for two or three months?

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Because due process.

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Thank you for the update, it’s about time The Court System is doing the right thing 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Thank you Judge Nichols for reclaiming Justice.🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

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keep not Lee in my comment….??????

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you can edit your own comments ☺️ click the three dots in upper right of comment ⦁⦁⦁ and it will show a little menu and you can ✏️ Edit.

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Thanks! Like FB. I will look for the three dots. I appreciate your taking the time to tell me.

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Thanks for sharing. I appreciate the updates.

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Until Feb 14. That’s next week! How is that helpful? Am i missing something?

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Because the TRO expires 2 days after the Feb 12 preliminary injunction hearing, the judge is giving notice that he will issue a more-permanent decision on or before the TRO expires. He is moving damn fast while ensuring that the parties have the minimum notice and opportunity to make their arguments. Judge is being careful so there is no basis for appeal— and unless DoJ comes up with a smoking gun showing fraud (no evidence exists), judge will order an immediate injunction.

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I appreciate your further explanations throughout the comments, Betsy. Thank you.

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It seems short to me as well. But I appreciate the heads up Allison Gill. I wish the judges would give folks more time. Who can manage an international move in such a short time?

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The judge isn’t giving them more time to move because they won’t be moving — based on his smack down of DOJ. Also, the point of the calendaring is to let the parties have time to research and write their legal arguments. Although aware of the lives it affects, the Court has to focus on timing for injunctive motions per the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. https://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/rule_65

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I would certainly hope not.

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Excellent news. Even better from Tumpy judge Nichols. Enjoy vacation. Peace. We are in this together.

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Thank you, Allison

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The situation becomes even more dire when considering the global implications of these actions. The halting of USAID's programs has disrupted the distribution of essential medications, particularly for HIV/AIDS patients. The United Nations AIDS agency warns that more than 6 million people could die from HIV and AIDS in the next 4 years if U.S. funding remains frozen. The immediate cessation of these programs causes unnecessary suffering, loss to follow-up, and risk of onward transmission that cannot simply be “turned back on” when the suspension is lifted.

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