In the past week, two groups of Amici filed briefs with the 11th Circuit to argue that Judge Cannon should be removed from the Trump Espionage and Obstruction classified documents case. Let's review!
The man took many top secret documents, did not secure them, and in the case of an Australian, seemingly definitely gave away national security information. It has always amazed me how nonchalant the nation has seemed about Judge Cannon’s proceedings, delays and then dismissal of charges. Plus, a number of documents have not been retrieved. Thanks for this. Couldn’t agree with you more.
Excellent post. As one who spent 50 years working in a classified environment, I find Cannon’s behavior abhorrent. She should not only be removed but also punished under the espionage act.
ALL the judges that 45 nominated, should be re-vetted with a fine tooth comb! There’s something ‘not right’ about every single one of them!
They have ties to family businesses, gambling issues, never bothered learning courtroom edict, alcohol issues, drug issues, kids gone wild issues and legal issues.
If they pass muster, they stay…If they don’t, it’s back to Circuit and District Court where, hopefully they’ll learn something!
Don't forget to include Leonard Leo on the top of your list. His nasty,mysogynistic,and bigotry along with vast amounts of Dark money funding has altered our Supreme Court, and who knows how many others in the legal system and also the White House itself. He is the main influence that used Donald Trump's power to destroy Roe vs Wade and also partnered with Ginni Thomas to bolster the Muslim ban,and give pay-offs to her husband,the Alitos, and who knows how many others working inside out government with agendas to undermine our Constitution
To me, it’s very simply the result of trump’s/the GOP’s/Bannon’s adoption of the Russian “firehose of falsehoods” propaganda tactic. I mean, he’s literally used the term on his podcast. “Flood the zone” is what he calls it. And the result is overwhelm, confusion, and inability to tell truth from lies & inevitably, terrible things happen & faith in Democracy tanks, which is exactly the point of it. My father used to tell me “people like Putin want you to believe that democracy doesn’t work.”
Many of the terrible things (like Cannon, and the unchecked Supreme Court antics) will go by the wayside because there are too many of them in the flurry of it all. I very clearly remember high school social studies class where I was taught about this stuff (I’m in my 50s now), and I wonder now why no one paid attention when all of it started here in full force 10 years ago (some would argue it started before that). I wish that some of those history lessons could have been pointed out by the media back then. I mean, I tried, but I’m one person. It’s how Democracies die and now here we are.
How about msndnc, cnn, abc,nbc, npr,, every pos mag owned by the same globalist liars…you 🐀s Are idiots..I wish you could live without the government assistance…we will save your sorry fat asses…WTFU
Did u even think about all the classified docs Biden stole way back when he was only a senator and in all the ensuing years? Did u think at all about how profited during those years and his connections w China? No,? Didn't think so. It's always a one way mindset w u people.
When two of your more senior, experienced brethren suggest you recuse/refuse/withdraw from any case would send flashing red lights. Unless, of course, someone or something has influenced you to a foregone decision…
I, “attack” judge Cannon because she has no discernible integrity. After observing and participating for several thousand hours in different criminal courtrooms, I never saw any rulings so obviously partisan as those adjudicated by Aileen Cannon. She has brought shame to herself, her courtroom and the federal judiciary.
Then we discover she failed to disclose expenses doled out, exclusively, for her travels. Couple this with her singular adherence to a statement embedded in a ruling by Clarence Thomas(partner in crime) and the money trail narrows.
Anyone else think the missing top secret documents are currently located in Saudi Arabia($2,000,000,000 reasons to believe)? Russia? China? North Korea?
I think that not being a lawyer gives you this significant advantage: you don't write like a lawyer. You write clearly in a way that complies with the Struck and White rule: omit needless words. In part because you honor that rule your writing is clear, crisp and to the point. Thank you!
While you are not a lawyer your writing skill and style would - and I am sure does - impress any good lawyer, good judge, or good writer. Again, thank you.
It's a bit ironic that a member of the Federalist Society is joining in on a request to have a fellow member of the Federalist Society removed from a case for incompetence. If the FS was really concerned with upholding the rule of law they'd also admit that the Supreme Court Justices they nominated via Trump are undermining the judiciary as well as being insanely corrupt.
Me too. I think they are so brazen (Thomas and Alito as well) that they think nothing will happen. No one will
Call them out. They watched Clarence and Anita and they watched kavanagh. They have figured out no one will prevail in calling them out. They are now wrong…. They have poked the bear
She was supposedly promised a seat on the Supreme Court. And she is married to the son of a mobster that has a very long history with Donald Trump going back to his casino money laundering days. She was installed as a Federal Judge right after he left office, because he knew what was coming
I suspect the briefs didn't mention the witness list thing bc she reversed herself, so "technically" she didn't really make that error.
Likewise the pretrial suggestions from other judges aren't really part of the record, so if the briefs mentioned them it would seem like bringing in extraneous factors.
It's not like the 11th circuit judges are unfamiliar with those things. They probably know a whole lot more of the behind-the-scenes scuttlebutt than we do. And they'll certainly review the case record.
That purposeful not recusing oneself issue is THE issue IMO. It’s a basically f*ck around & find out stance & I’m certain she will find out soon. I’d love to see judge Cannon’s tax returns, just sayin’. Wink wink wink.😉
Whether biased, incompetent or both, such a judge should never have been allowed to preside over a case involving our nation's national security.
The man took many top secret documents, did not secure them, and in the case of an Australian, seemingly definitely gave away national security information. It has always amazed me how nonchalant the nation has seemed about Judge Cannon’s proceedings, delays and then dismissal of charges. Plus, a number of documents have not been retrieved. Thanks for this. Couldn’t agree with you more.
Excellent post. As one who spent 50 years working in a classified environment, I find Cannon’s behavior abhorrent. She should not only be removed but also punished under the espionage act.
From a purely common sense perspective, that certainly makes sense to me.
Me too,but when it comes to Donald Trump and applying the Rule of Law, common sense seems to dissappear and chaos instead ensues
ALL the judges that 45 nominated, should be re-vetted with a fine tooth comb! There’s something ‘not right’ about every single one of them!
They have ties to family businesses, gambling issues, never bothered learning courtroom edict, alcohol issues, drug issues, kids gone wild issues and legal issues.
If they pass muster, they stay…If they don’t, it’s back to Circuit and District Court where, hopefully they’ll learn something!
Don't forget to include Leonard Leo on the top of your list. His nasty,mysogynistic,and bigotry along with vast amounts of Dark money funding has altered our Supreme Court, and who knows how many others in the legal system and also the White House itself. He is the main influence that used Donald Trump's power to destroy Roe vs Wade and also partnered with Ginni Thomas to bolster the Muslim ban,and give pay-offs to her husband,the Alitos, and who knows how many others working inside out government with agendas to undermine our Constitution
Absolutely 👍
Ha ha…try that on your DEI FRAUDS
White trash?
Cry baby cry.
To me, it’s very simply the result of trump’s/the GOP’s/Bannon’s adoption of the Russian “firehose of falsehoods” propaganda tactic. I mean, he’s literally used the term on his podcast. “Flood the zone” is what he calls it. And the result is overwhelm, confusion, and inability to tell truth from lies & inevitably, terrible things happen & faith in Democracy tanks, which is exactly the point of it. My father used to tell me “people like Putin want you to believe that democracy doesn’t work.”
Many of the terrible things (like Cannon, and the unchecked Supreme Court antics) will go by the wayside because there are too many of them in the flurry of it all. I very clearly remember high school social studies class where I was taught about this stuff (I’m in my 50s now), and I wonder now why no one paid attention when all of it started here in full force 10 years ago (some would argue it started before that). I wish that some of those history lessons could have been pointed out by the media back then. I mean, I tried, but I’m one person. It’s how Democracies die and now here we are.
How about msndnc, cnn, abc,nbc, npr,, every pos mag owned by the same globalist liars…you 🐀s Are idiots..I wish you could live without the government assistance…we will save your sorry fat asses…WTFU
Did u even think about all the classified docs Biden stole way back when he was only a senator and in all the ensuing years? Did u think at all about how profited during those years and his connections w China? No,? Didn't think so. It's always a one way mindset w u people.
You still stupid
Boo fookin hoo …America spoke…now stfu
Loser commies to stupid to know your useless idiots….its coming
Wait dildo ….your well deserved 💩storm is coming.
Yeah …lawfare out….nothing but lies from the Marxist le-ft …you people are mentally challenged
Try some research right here on SUBSTACK ….not leftist drivel
Sad your just mad and ignorant. Try facts, you don't have any!
Wow how wrong can you be
Not wrong at all!
How come all you fat ass ugly cat woman are the same…even your feckless men..morons
You speak so fearlessly, like a bot having a good time…
I know there are fat ass ugly cat women where you live. I hope they all find you and love you within an inch of your fantasy!
When two of your more senior, experienced brethren suggest you recuse/refuse/withdraw from any case would send flashing red lights. Unless, of course, someone or something has influenced you to a foregone decision…
& perhaps paid you, too.
Or made promises of some future promotion.
Tell that to ny judge marshan.
You attack a person of integrity because you understand nothing. Get a life.
I, “attack” judge Cannon because she has no discernible integrity. After observing and participating for several thousand hours in different criminal courtrooms, I never saw any rulings so obviously partisan as those adjudicated by Aileen Cannon. She has brought shame to herself, her courtroom and the federal judiciary.
Then we discover she failed to disclose expenses doled out, exclusively, for her travels. Couple this with her singular adherence to a statement embedded in a ruling by Clarence Thomas(partner in crime) and the money trail narrows.
Well said.
Anyone else think the missing top secret documents are currently located in Saudi Arabia($2,000,000,000 reasons to believe)? Russia? China? North Korea?
Or just copies of ALL of them….
I’m betting all of them.
What about the mumble rappers 50 years of stealing and selling out America …
You probably have no family….cat woman
How come it’s old white losers that are so demented? Can’t afford to subscribe to honest news sources?
Just watch msndnc, and lame stream liar club. I wish you all to live under communist fascist totalitarianism.
Not me ..yea I’m white.i live in commiefornia and I detest liberal morons
And yet you live in California….when I did not like my neighbors I moved.
I think that not being a lawyer gives you this significant advantage: you don't write like a lawyer. You write clearly in a way that complies with the Struck and White rule: omit needless words. In part because you honor that rule your writing is clear, crisp and to the point. Thank you!
While you are not a lawyer your writing skill and style would - and I am sure does - impress any good lawyer, good judge, or good writer. Again, thank you.
It's a bit ironic that a member of the Federalist Society is joining in on a request to have a fellow member of the Federalist Society removed from a case for incompetence. If the FS was really concerned with upholding the rule of law they'd also admit that the Supreme Court Justices they nominated via Trump are undermining the judiciary as well as being insanely corrupt.
Allison thank you for this. Are we just waiting for a response from the 11th circuit? Do we have any idea if a timeline?
I will be so HAPPY to see that treasonous, Trump-sucking fangirl go down in humiliation and shame.
I just wonder why she would risk her career for the insurrectionist, sexual predator and convicted felon.
She wants a seat on the Supreme Court, and only Donald Trump would be crooked enough to give her one.
Me too. I think they are so brazen (Thomas and Alito as well) that they think nothing will happen. No one will
Call them out. They watched Clarence and Anita and they watched kavanagh. They have figured out no one will prevail in calling them out. They are now wrong…. They have poked the bear
She was supposedly promised a seat on the Supreme Court. And she is married to the son of a mobster that has a very long history with Donald Trump going back to his casino money laundering days. She was installed as a Federal Judge right after he left office, because he knew what was coming
She has no legal expertise what's to risk?
I suspect the briefs didn't mention the witness list thing bc she reversed herself, so "technically" she didn't really make that error.
Likewise the pretrial suggestions from other judges aren't really part of the record, so if the briefs mentioned them it would seem like bringing in extraneous factors.
It's not like the 11th circuit judges are unfamiliar with those things. They probably know a whole lot more of the behind-the-scenes scuttlebutt than we do. And they'll certainly review the case record.
She should have been removed after her first ruling.
Awesome article.
The unsealing of the witness list was also incredible even if reversed by her.
When, well I meant if she is removed, is this appealable to the SC ?
I’d add that Ft Pierce doesn’t have a SCIF so they spent all that money (have they?) to build it when all of that already exists in Miami
I don't think they added a SCIF there documents were reviewed at in another areas SCIF.
Thank you AG. Very
That purposeful not recusing oneself issue is THE issue IMO. It’s a basically f*ck around & find out stance & I’m certain she will find out soon. I’d love to see judge Cannon’s tax returns, just sayin’. Wink wink wink.😉
AG: Thank-you for your excellent update on the Amici briefs.