Surely I am not the only one thinking Mr Biden could have had a reaction to a decongestant or antihistamine. To recover so quickly, that seems like a logical explanation. The Biden/Harris ticket still has my support.

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Yes, we can delude ourselves a little longer if you like.

Wait, stop, Lady, the Emperor is Naked.

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You have no idea what you are talking about. You are a Full On maga so that’s zero credibility. Such bullshit. Poorly educated and in a cult

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Salvatore, for me it's not about carrying on a charade. It's about trust. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Joe (and Jill) Biden believe they have a role to play in this moment. Trump (and his backers!!!) must be defeated. The Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society et al have another goal in mind: minority rule. Even if it means trashing the separation of church and state. Especially if it means trashing the separation of church and state.

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Part of the equation of having someone so old and experienced is that he has an excellent track record to go on (political career and 1st pres term).

And he has throughout shown proper decency, respect, and adherence to genuine values, which is a sharp contrast to the dumpster fire of Trump’s time in office and obvious character issues.

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Yes, it is about trust. And having observed and participated in government and politics for the past few decades, there’s not a chance in the world I’d trust another Democrat administration. You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.

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You’re not very swift. Joe has done more for America than anyone. The truth isn’t hard to find. First leave the cult. Get the truth and wake up

The USA has recovered well

But you all are never happy. What about me and what about me.

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Nice tribal goon response to someone who is stating the obvious. But you keep your head planted right where it is: firmly up your own ass. Same goes for Betsy and Penny - tell yourselves anything to avoid the reality that Ol'Joe isn't up to snuff. I'd really feel poorly for him (more than I already do) if it weren't for the legions of know-nothings insisting he's fine and carrying on with the charade. Y'all are just making it worse.

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You’ve picked a side, I get it, but it’s not working. And we’re going to win.

Good will triumph over evil, Biden will win.

I’m sorry that makes you mad.

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As more voters become aware of Project 2025, they are beginning to see the light. VOTE BLUE

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No no no, I haven't picked a side. I'm a reporter - I'm completely non-partisan and fair, in everything, always. Well, except for my job. I'm a bit jaded when it comes to that.

See, "Facts" are flexible things, to be employed only in service of the "truth" (something I have the power to discern by virtue of my J. School degree, my cosseted upbringing, and certainty of my own moral and intellectual superiority - attributes only slightly diminished by my having the emotional maturity of a 12 year old . . . but that's neither here nor there). "Facts" not comporting with this truth simply do not exist - they are propaganda, spewing from the festering gob of the oppressor. I neither acknowledge or repeat them, as they only confuse an unenlightened public, interfering with their ability to reach the same (or roughly equivalent) plane of enlightenment upon which I perch.

It's beautiful here, like a soft, downy cloud of self regard and satisfaction, where insults, negative vibes, and (of course) propaganda can't penetrate my warm, golden, opiatic cocoon. Here, I am one with the universe, where every thought and observation fall like jewels of wisdom upon verdant fields of discourse, where I drive the righteous plow of knowledge through the rich soil of the polis' perspicacity, seeding the earth itself with insight and inquiry, bringing forth the shoots and stalks of unimpeachable knowledge and belief (non-religious, of course): all-knowing, all-encompassing, altogether and always a light illuminating only that which you need to know.

Or something like that. Look, It's nice, trust me.

For I dwell in a land of free wi-fi, with access to the vault of all human knowledge called "Wikipedia" - a magical place where the secrets of the world are kept, subjected only to "light editing" by millions of socially-awkward shut-ins on a power trip, whose familiarity with life, love, war, peace, death, God, Gaia, the earth, stars and universe is informed by Cliff's Notes versions of Cliff's Notes pamphlet treatments of topics of notoriety but limited importance in the grand schema of life, most often appearing in bad high school civics essays.

Thou shall not challenge Wiki (that's my cute nickname for the all-knowing font of knowing . . .ly . . . ness) for the Wickmeister rules without mercy, a firm and unforgiving master befitting its provenance of inscrutability and mastery of all topics great and small.

Thou shall not hold other websites above Wiki, especially the charlatan and harbinger of apocalypse, Reddit, for there is no end to the nonsense within its walls. And finally, thou shall keep a sharp eye out for the unique evil of The View, which looks a lot like the majority of readers/commenters lazing about on "Mengele She Wrote", as they know not what they do.

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Typical ‘reporter’ facts aren’t fluid or elastic they have one version. I’m sorry you can’t find the one version that is very easy to remember. I dont have to search like magas to find some news that agrees with my conspiracy theory.

You are jaded and you are biased and you are wrong. And that’s ok. You are entitled To your opinion.

Now watch…

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Careful, you might overdose on that copium.

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Biden will

Crush the demented felon in a landslide 😎🙂‍↔️

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“Know nothings”? You should talk, LOL

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he was talking about Trump really DeeDee... lol

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Which one. These feeds are confusing

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I was just saying that what he was writing was describing Trump’s future, not Biden 😉

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Yes but who was writing that.

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Trump IS naked and it is an awful sight.

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It could have been the firehouse of lies coming out of agent orange as well. It is humourous that the Russian bot says that the emperor has no clothes. Wouldn't be true of frontbutt? Maybe he was right when he said his voters were dumb enough to vote for him if he shot someone on 5th avenue?

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Did you NPCs receive some sort of software update where you all now spout “firehouse of lies”? Like that specific exact phrase. I’ve heard it everywhere, in various columns and publications and you all parrot it in comments. Like not one of you can come up with an original thought or metaphor; you literally get your opinions and thoughts directly from the corporate media. Which is why you were too clueless to notice Biden’s OBVIOUS clinical dementia, even though it’s been manifest for the last four years.

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Dude, you’re the one that (for reasons we can guess, but may smell like vodka) is spending gobs of time and energy in a forum you obviously have disdain for, nothing but contempt for.

If you’re not being paid, then the only other explanation why you’re just trying to bring down/divide Dems/Biden supporters is you’re a very small man person.

Good luck to your little hate centered pee brain, lol.

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More baseless ad homonyms and projection. And still not an ounce of acknowledgement that YOU COULDN’T see an obvious case of dementia right in front of your damn eyes. Once again, you are so demonstrably bad at interpreting reality that your insults mean nothing: you literally, in every way, don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

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Don’t get mad, bro

You can go watch ONN or Steve Bannon war room (oh wait, te he…)

Also, ED is mainly a mental thing, you just gotta get out there and find someone that’s as desperate as you.

You go get em little tiger! :)

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How about, I don’t know, JOE BIDEN HAVING DEMENTIA??! Are you paying attention? Or being purposely obtuse?

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Anyway, firehouse of lies seems easier or more PG to say than bucket of provable bullshit.

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Is there any substance to any of your random ad hominems? “Donny is in poor health, provable bullshit” blah blah…. But you never name any specifics. And listen, YOU are so detached from reality that you DIDN’T NOTICE Biden’s obvious dementia (which obviously outweighs any of the imaginary health conditions Trump supposedly has that you can’t specify)…. So I don’t actually think your epistemological skills are honed enough to even judge or tell whether Trump is lying. You should yknow, try to open your eyes and listen to what the “other side” is saying… because we’ve been right about everything so far 😂😂

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And what has your side been right about?

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I will pray for you. Life must be really hard. I refuse to vote for COVID-25, though.

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It's amusing that you fail to notice Donny's poor health and very special grasp on reality. He's exactly what I thought conservatives hated. Alas.

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Good point, well put

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could well have been, and i thought that was the most compelling explanation... until i saw igor sushko's havana syndrome hypothesis. what he did not mention, but what struck me is that it explains what a cold does not. namely, trump's behavior. the mango menace strode out on stage like the cocky A-hole he is, and he proceeded to attack joe with his firehose of lies and accusations **like a bully who knows his victim can't defend himself*. trump *knew* he'd have the upper hand, he *knew* he had an ace up his sleeve., and he *knew* he'd get away with it. i sure hope the fbi and cia are on this crap. hope it's nothing, but fear it's not, sadly like the '16 caper.

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Conspiracy theories are not what explains a bad debate showing.

It’s quite reasonable to say these factors led to a bad night:

* being under the weather (esp affecting his voice and energy)

* being very old - yeah, he’s old, that limits the hours of the day he’s sharp, that is absolutely true

* being over prepped, too much info/lists he was trying to list

* getting low blows about his sons

* feeling the need to correct every lie

* the debate format was somewhat alien to him, since there was almost no colloquy

And I’m going to tell you, Havana Syndrome has a high likelihood of turning out to be false. It’s been studied a lot, there’s hardly any rigorous, solid and consistent evidence of that being a real phenomenon, beyond normal issues ppl have in the course of stress overseas.

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Mental fatigue is transient. He recovered admirably, even be for the night was over.

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HE HAS DEMENTIA 😂😂😂 how the hell can you cope so hard 🤣🤣🤣

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Be gone, troll

Using words like “cope” indicates you’re not a serious person

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I’d say the fact that you were making ridiculous excuses for Biden’s obvious dementia (now all but confirmed to be Parkinson’s by even the New York Times) makes you an utter buffoon.

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Hey, I get it. It’s tough being a hater.

Pls, if you don’t get help here, get help somewhere.

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Agree. My husband is extremely sensitive to cold and cough remedies. They hit him quickly and

Usually put him to sleep. Did the President take something to help the cold?

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As PT Barnum is want to say “There’s a Sucker Born Every Minute”. Let’s put our support for Bernie or HRC

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Mine too!

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You’d make a good PR resource. It’s been documented that Neurologist’s specializing in Parkinson’s have visited the White House. Now we have both Parties who will not acknowledge reality. Perhaps the Neurologists were visiting to discuss a reaction to cold medicine.???

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I think medication side effect would remain part of a differential diagnosis but it may not be the most likely cause. More testing would ease my fears about whether or not Mr Biden is up to another 4 years. Of note, the White House Medical Unit treats more people than just the President. Is it possible the neurologists were at the WH to see/treat someone else?

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MINE TOO!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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Note to self. Ask any Neurologist or a Loved one whose spouse died from dementia. You can hate Trump all you want yet it’s not going to change or reverse Medical Science (ohh, right, we don’t believe in Science anymore); Joe has every symptom of Dementia. Howl at the Moon, Disregard anyone who disagrees with your narrative; the guy has dementia. MSM & DNC hv been gaslighting America the last 4 years.

Put Kamala Harris in his place. There’s absolutely zero chance Trump can win yet we keep talking about the boogeyman in the closet

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all due respect, but i am indeed a neuropsychologist, and i can tell you this is absolutely NOT dementia! (nor is it dementia for djt, but that's a different rant.) i won't bother going thru all the behavior patterns that rule this out cuz appears you're more inclined to disregard anyone who disagrees with your narrative, having decided without adequate scientific and medical info.

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Not a doctor, but worked for a neurologist specializing in dementia for many years. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that Mr Biden was having TIAs in the Broca’s area of his brain, which controls the ability to turn thoughts into speech. He reads a teleprompter without problem but sometimes forming the words is a problem. I wouldn’t use the word dementia to describe his mental status, but that’s just my opinion. I also think Mr Trump has had a series of TIAs as we have seen in some of his interviews and rally speeches. I would love it if they both dropped out of the race and we had better candidates.

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Did the neurologist you worked for also treat stuttering or stammering? I am also not a doctor, but I know Biden has coped with this problem for a long time. I am familiar with such speech patterns through my family. They pause as they try to say the right word, even though they have the thought firmly in their mind. Unfortunately in a debate format with time limits this can be a problem. I see no need to invoke a TIA.

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I don’t recall seeing patients where stuttering or stammering was the primary complaint. I am sure President Biden’s speech challenges that are well documented contributed to the poor debate performance but I also feel there was something else going on. Was it medication side effect, was it fatigue, was it something else, I don’t know. We can all speculate about what it could be but perhaps we can agree that if Mr Biden agreed to an independent full neurological workup and shared those results, it would go a long way to easing the fears of the voting public. I never in a million years would vote for Mr Trump. My vote will go to the democratic nominee, whomever that may be.

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I am with you. That shyte show was no debate and Bash and Tapper lost all credibility . What it showed was one hoarse man vs one horse’s ass. I am voting for the hoarse man who tells the truth.

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Lol hoarse voice vs horses ass. Great comment

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They lost credibility because they didn’t challenge Trump on any of his lies.

I’m cancelling my subscription to the NYT today!

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It seems that the standards used to grant people "credibility" are as nonsensical as the ones you people use to claim "loss of credibility", Michael Avenatti for President comes to mind. I think the problem is you people believe whoever tells you what you want to hear, you hold them up and anyone who tells you what you don't like to hear is "not credible". The fact is that there are no standards being used that would result in you knowing anything you don't want to know. It's a Dr. Seuss script.

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Tapper had none and now bash doesn’t either. Haven’t been able to watch them since they drank the koolaid e

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What is the 'koolaid"? Because those two have been faithful party members, true comrades to the Democrats until this day when they can't deny what they are seeing. But you all can continue if you wish. You can at least acknowledge that Bash and Tapper still hate Trump as much as you all do, it's just they can't sit there and lie about Biden being burned out.

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They are both trumpers & Republicans

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So after all these years of CNN carrying the water for the Democrat Party, their moderators put up a fairly innocuous performance at the debate and you people want them run out of town on a rail because your candidate is senile? You can see where this is going, right? Now they are "Trumpers and Republicans"? You all really have lost your minds. It like something Arthur Miller describes in "The Crucible". It's going to be hard on people who are so isolated, no matter what happens.

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Bash and Tapper are Republicans? Reading this thread, I feel like I stepped on to the set of "The View", only (and I think this may violate the laws of nature) dumber. Bash and Tapper are GOP . . . holy shit is that screwball.

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and they call Conservatives a "cult".

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Wondering why on gods green earth you don’t hate Trump? He possesses absolutely no virtue. None.

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You know that he possesses no virtue? I thought that would be between him and his creator. Didn't anyone ever teach you not to hate people? How many paychecks have you issued in your lifetime? Seems that creating jobs for people might be a virtue.

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🖕🏼 they just let TFG lie and lie and lie —blocked

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Why wasn't the president able to counter any of his lies? The American public deserves better. There's no shame in having dementia. There is shame in letting someone who has dementia act as leader of the free world. And it accelerates rapidly once it reaches this point. Use your brain.

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Until you want your man to be held accountable for lying, you have no moral capital to have the "other guy" held accountable for lying. And we know Joe lied about knowing about his son's business and it looks like he took money too.

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Hate on anyone who’s not toeing the line that Joe doesn’t exhibit all the symptoms of dementia. It’s not going to change medical science

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Well you are entitled to your opinion. Trumps has dementia and his aphasia is worse everyday. Biden is old. A very old successful guy who brought the USA out of Trump chaos and has had a very successful presidency. That’s what veeps are for. He wins and steps

Down when he wants.

However Trump will be pulled off the trail by Sept if not at the convention. Chaos as usual insues

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You couldn't have said it better, there's a poet in our midst :)

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Me too

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Agree with everything you said and also cancelled my NYT subscription this morning.

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Cancel the NYT, that will fix it.

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I did in December, and told them why due to their continual boosting the loser and denigrating articles and opinion pieces on President Biden. Response, "I'm sorry, hate to see you go." I'm sure they weren't.

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Yeah, it's completely insane how MAGA the NYT has become. Nuts.

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Yikes, I think they think I'm serious.

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No one thinks you are

Serious 🤦🏼‍♀️

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So.... *don't* cancel your subscription and continue to provide financial support to those who are promoting a dictator?

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What I think is that it's delusional if you still believed that the NYT was "speaking truth to power" up until the day they had to admit that the Emperor has no Clothes. I'm continuing my subscription so I can write in the Comment section.

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Cancelling a single subscription is admittedly a small blow, but at least it has the virtue of being a bigger one than posting comments they won’t read.

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Snarkiness will fix nothing. Get on board.

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Telling an outlier to "get on board"; is that what you all do? join bandwagons? I have never understood the inclination.

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Go ahead and outlie if you're undecided. But quit raining on the parade of those of us who HAVE decided. #BidenHarris2024

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Are you like the hall monitor? Maybe we don't want to go through yet another round of the demented children of the left burning down our streets again when Trump wins.

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It’s a start Formerly Newspapers relied on Advertising for Revenue. That’s no longer the case - Newspapers & especially NYT derive vast majority of revenue from their Readers. NYT slants / reports from the perspective of their Readers, not the Advertisers. Hence, Bari Weiss resigned and started Free Press

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Don't cancel it. That will fix it.

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Pardon my conspiracy mind, but Joe was SO off, I thought someone slipped him a Mickey. Yes he was tired, sick, and jet lagged. But I heard the real Joe the next morning!

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It's probably hard to accept that what you saw was the same Joe Biden without the teleprompters and mics in his ears. You have been being suckered by the press and it's not the first time. Maybe you guys like it.

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Have you ever spent time around 82 year old people with dementia? Writing this off as no big deal and expecting this man to lead 330M people for the next four years is inconceivably naive me.

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So did I!!!! It would be great to see the video of the REAL Joe as a billboard 👏 👍 😀

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Worst case, I'm still voting against the malignant narcissist.

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Jul 1
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The convicted felon and would-be dictator. Recognize him now?

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Maybe people hate wars. There could be other reasons to vote for a anti-war president than wanting a dictator. But you're probably right, half of America wants an dictator to rule over them.

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Well said AG! Have NONE of these pundits ever played sports. You play to the end. You don’t have a meltdown and call to pull the QB because he throws one interception. C’mon now.

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Y'all keep up the fight. The look on your faces will be even sweeter when it all comes crashing down

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This will all blow over Monday after the immunity buffet is opened at the SC.

Two weeks from now this will be 4 news cycles in the past.

On Election Day and during early/mail in voting, it will be a pretty small issue compared to the existential threat posed by this orange turd.

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This isn’t aging well.

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I actually think it’s aging fine.

Agree to disagree, I’m not someone that throws away the country bc of one debate where someone looked old.

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Fair enough. Although your premise that a Biden loss equates to ‘throwing away the country’ is a bit hyperbolic. Also, it wasn’t that he looked old…he couldn’t put a coherent sentence together. It was hard to watch.

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I read the transcript and let me just say, you’re feeling on his speech are probably colored by appearance and poor delivery.

Try it, it’s revelatory. There are gaffes, there is his unfortunate bad phrasing about Medicare, there are wrong figures.

But his answers are cogent points, for the most part.

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You can say it is hyperbolic as that may be your opinion. However, I believe Maya Angelou said correctly, that when someone tells you who they are believe them. Trump tells us his term will be the revenge tour. Project 2025 tells us what menu, if not most, Repubs will support. The lieutenant governor of North Carolina says the right for this country may be to kill non-believers.

I take them at their word which I believe has a higher probability of happening than your unsupported dismissal.

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fair enough...I'd just caution you to pay attention to what Trump actually says and what the liberal media and politicians tell you he says. There tends to be a chasm of lost context between the two ('very fine people', 'dictator on day 1', 'bloodbath', etc.) . He's also said 'America's success will be my revenge' and he has disavowed himself from Project 2025. I've noticed the liberal media are placing a lot of focus on Project 2025. As a conservative who follows independent and conservative news sources, I've never read a thing about it. No one in my sphere is even talking about it. It seems to be something the left is clinging to in order to mix in fear, uncertainty, and doubt (playing on far-right tropes). All said, i think partisans on both sides would be better served to first assume the best in the opposing side's comments...take the charitable view and disprove that first...then move on to perhaps more cynical interpretations.

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Read the transcript . Joe's transcript was 99% better than tRumps gibberish. Exactly what tRump did to Biden during this debate (bully and lie ,causing complete off the wall thinking) makes it impossible to maintain a straight thought around these drama type . We all know them and avoid them at all costs. Joe didn't sign up for this BS and shouldn't give tRump a second chance . Bidens transcript needs to be ready ,he really did circles around the lier . It just was hard when your shell shocked to react diplomatically . I would have been stunned too ... But ,I like Joe have respect and don't like confrontation with lies

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I saw an interview with a Spanish gentleman who watched the debate with subtitles. He said Biden clearly won as he answered questions, had policy and Trump failed to answer questions and his answers were mine was the greatest ever. The key to watching Trump is mute button (I hate his voice) and close captions on. This is a whole new wth was that experience. He spews word salads of incomprehensible b s., but he does it with force and vigor that his base fails to recognize it for the bologna it is.

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Great point. Remember, Nixon supposedly won the debate against Kennedy but Kennedy won the optics. I watched Reagan lose all debates on substance but won the optics. I often wonder about the so called experts who decide who won the debate.

I was simple for me. One candidate never answered a question. If two people decide to debate and one chooses to not answer the questions but only lies, sneers, name calls, there is no debate.

Our so-called pundits who called the debate in the Great Cloaca’s favor are IMO just high priced fools. I never cease to be amazed—not really as I’ve seen it so often—how so many fools believe they are EXPERTS.

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I had to look up Cloaca...and I'm laughing.

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It's called gish gallop and a cult leader does this . It's how Hitler, Mousseline,Jim Jones ,Charles Manson were successful in their endeavors. TRump is dangerous because of these tactics . It's a mind control and for him a Egotistical success when ignorant people don't understand his rhetorics. He didn't prep for the debate he prep for his gish galloping of Biden . This is exactly why he needs to be jailed with no social media . He has said he loves all these types and Hannibal silently , and this is why . No more debates ..you can't debate these types of conmen . It's impossible.

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That’s a great thought! To follow up ...

I suggest the next time tfg’s in a debate or similar or just an interview, the media should collect clips of his favorite rally statements (lies, brags, whatever) and compare those to his “answers."

He doesn’t answer the question; he never intended to in the debate. He used his usual stuff instead because he’s good at delivering it.

That’s why he didn’t have to prep. He knows tv and big media well.

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He had some gaffes, that part is true. But yeah he was actually coherently answering the debate questions, honestly.

What I can’t believe is how easy ppl have been making it out to be: that anyone can get up there with a stuttering issue and get emotionally charged lies thrown at them by a monkey and think straight. It would’ve required Superman, and Joe was sick and exhausted.

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And I am of the opinion that Biden’s handlers over prepared him. Since I have no evidence for I’m only basing this on watching attorneys try to fight every point made by the other side rather than having picked three strong points of their own and staying focused on those points.

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I agree with you, Jim. I think what we saw was a guy who was unwell (that day) who was carrying the burden of too many facts and figures.

I feel like shit today (exhausted from an incredibly busy, taxing week with a rip-roaring headache). I've been asking myself how I would do on stage feeling as I do. Not great!! I'd hate to think that the fate of nothing less than democracy depends on that one poor performance rather than my demonstrably lengthy and illustrious accomplishments!

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I appreciate your agreement and recognize that both our opinions are not grounded in facts. However, your and my point seems logical an is supported by the great speech Biden gave the next day in North Carolina.

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Thanks Jim! It's vitally important that we acknowledge opinions versus verifiable facts if we hope to have any credibility!

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Trump = BS!💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

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Haha Biden challenged Trump to the debate, not the other way around 🥴

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Thank you for this! Democrats are so freakin’ emo it’s embarrassing sometimes.

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I am with you….and Joe!

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Agree with all my heart and soul. Also cancelled my Times subscription and sent that money to Joe & Kamala instead. Dems all the way down the ballot!

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Send all your money to Biden/Harris! As much as you can, even if you have to forego some little pleasures, like air conditioning, or eating protein. We can all live on room-temp soup for months. If you really care, you'll do just that little bit for our President. If not, I question your dedication to the cause.

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You’ll be foregoing more than some little pleasures like air-conditioning or protein if Joe gets back in.

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Fizzygurl, I like the cut of your jib

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I came so close to spitting coffee on my screen just now. 🤣🤣

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So you're splurging on coffee . . . you put sweetener and creamer of some sort in it, as well, eh, Mr. Carnegie? Look, Joan and her ilk look up to people like you and me (and our ilk) for guidance and affirmation, which they need because their heads are not screwed on properly, allowing all sorts of nonsensical thoughts and beliefs to find their way in. Fortunately, we're around to set them straight. We won't always be successful - some are too far gone - but it's our patriotic, nay, our heavenly duty to help the mentally deranged and intellectually less fortunate. Its not something we asked for - it chose us. But we must so endeavor, for the good of the nation and all of mankind. I bid you peace, prosperity, and a new President.

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So did I, the day after the so called debate

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Post Bombed Debate

This is directed to those who may feel dismay and those who still have hope following the debate. For those who say, “we’ve lost” or “Biden cannot stay in the race,” I hope that you will hold on a little longer. I am sorry your hope was so easily dashed. To those who are hanging on I say, it is not our hope that will keep D. J. Trump out of the presidency, it is our strength. Nobody says that this monumental campaign is going to run smoothly with no bumps in the road. President Biden, after multiple trips around the world, with a cold and a week of being subjected to his campaign staffers’ angst and push on debate issues, came and underperformed. This is one debate. Other presidents have bombed in a debate and went on to win their races. Take a breath and relax.

We all grow older; it is the human condition. It does not make us less effective in our decision making, it just takes a little more time. Biden’s decision-making strength comes from his weighing the numbers, the effects on people and our economy, and a multitude of other things. When asked a question he processes a lot, and processing and verbalizing in a two-minute window is a challenge for anyone, especially for an older individual.

Spewing lies is a much easier task. Which was done, as expected, but with no pushback from the moderators, other than a three time repeat of original, unanswered questions, by Diana Bash. I refuse to go into the fact checking Trump in this comment, I’ll leave that to the professionals.

Remember what a dark hole we are viewing in Trump’s Project 2025 plan. I plan to work for the elections of Biden and Harris, and every clear-thinking Democrat up and down the ballot. I accept the bombed debate outcome of this one debate and will move forward, as I sincerely hope all of you will as well.

NOTE: In the next debate, if it happens, I think that the inclusion of notes, on cards or paper, and a three-minute response time would be helpful. While muting the mic was a well-intended addition, it did not mute a debater from making himself be heard on the stage. This was unfortunate, particularly when someone was spewing lies, although it did make the audience’s listening atmosphere calmer.

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You "lost" a long time ago, read the room. The Western world has shifted at this point because the government agendas that Biden et al represent have demonstrated that they are corrupt and incompetent. Biden has always been known as a venal man, his entire career, a nice but corrupt man. Don't worry too much, it wasn't like the entire unbalanced agenda wasn't doomed without Joe. They are bad ideas put forth by immature thinkers that imagined that when they had power, they could make demands and the world would capitulate, no matter how stupid their policies were. Poor thinking, relying on force, their ideas had run their course.

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Troll in the house. Jakarta?

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Is that what you call any dissent from this echo chamber, a Troll? It's time you all tried to come off of your establishment feeding tubes and read the room.

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Hahahaha we are

Reading the room. The cult

Surely can have their opinion. Until you can speak truth there is zero debate.

Zero. We don’t debate with people who can’t see truth.

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And you are the repository of TRUTH? My my, you must be one of the most important people in the universe. Imagine that some of us spend our lives determining where truth and justice lay and people like you just know it. (Actually you fool nobody, nor does the trick of pointing at other's and trying to sound superior cover up that you have produced nothing that resembles an original thought.)

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You've got some cojones to fight so much cognitive dissonance all on your own. Of course they'll call you a troll, it's as far as their brain cells can go. Who votes for corrupt gigaclowns like Biden and Trump, and then does Comăneci grade mental gymnastics to defend the indefensible? Very entertaining though 😅

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Thank you, I live to entertain you. :)

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Hey, it's all friends in here. Why don't you share with us your viewpoint on what the recent election in the EU means going forward and what issues you think the election hung on? I'm sure that you don't want to be represented by some jackass looking emojis when you are a singular keeper of "truth" as you earlier explained to us. Just a few intelligent paragraphs on the recent EU elections and your thoughts on what it we can expect to see as a result. And for dessert, maybe draw a correlation between the EU elections and what we are seeing in the USA.

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Mr./Miss/Mrs./Ms. CUNAEUS, I tried to read your Substack, which you launched eight months ago, but alas it is empty.

You said, “The Western world has shifted at this point because the government agendas that Biden et al represent have demonstrated that they are corrupt and incompetent.” What demonstrates corruption and who is incompetent? The people serving in Biden’s administration endorse his candidacy, however, the felon leader does not have people who worked closely with him endorsing him. No, they are warning voters that he is incompetent, dangerous, and offer statements about his ineptitude.

People reading your comment understand that it lacks substance. I would willingly debate with anyone who puts forth issues and wants to discuss them. Try again CUNAUS.

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If you would like to acquaint yourself with the rift in the western world between the ideology of the left and ordinary people, you could start with any rational analysis of the vote that just took place in the EU voters, or watch the EU capitulate on their agenda to significantly cut the world's food supply. But if you think sniffing in Trump's underwear is a viable path forward, go for it. But a large swath of the world's population have moved on and American politics needs a cure, whether by time or circumstance and those changes won't come from these inane echo chambers like this thread. BTW, I didn't subscribe to this thing. I have 3 paid subscriptions, Greenwald, Taibbi and Seymour Hersch. I don't know why this drivel even shows up in my mail.

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Yabba yabba yabba 🤦🏼‍♀️

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You don't need to try and read the posts with long words and complex sentences.

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I got a Substack account so I could financially support Matt Taibbi when he left the Rolling Stone, Glenn Greenwald when he left the intercept and good old Seymour Hersch who can't hang his hat anywhere. I had no intention of running a commentary nor did I understand it was perfunctory. To your point: You may as well accept that there are hundreds of millions of Americans that think "no war is better than war" since you want an example of incompetence and corruption. Corruption in the fact that Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Victoria Nuland, with generations of family in the Military Industrial Complex, worked for a decade fomenting the war in the Ukraine and bringing it to fruition under Biden. BTW..her resignation in March 2024 signaled the Biden administration's realization that the war in Ukraine was a lost cause and not the "Putin Noserubbing" she has promised them. Did you want a larger example of incompetence than the death toll of dead Ukrainian men? Nuland, the poster girl for a swamp creature, served under Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden. You figure out who is missing in that line-up. She was Cheney's advisor to go into Iraq for godsake. It has nothing to do wtih Trump, it's that Biden created a vacuum of leadership in the world, and he is still your candidate. These are issues you can debate if you like, but I'm not encouraged by the fact that you think my post is about something it does not indicate, I can quote chapter and verse on Modi because I have been watching him. I watched him because I wanted to understand why a certain educated political class of thinkers were immediately set off by the idea of a populist president and saw it as a treacherous thing, regardless of the candidate. So I have been studying Modi in real time. You people need to let people breathe and think and speak before you try and shut them down. It really seems that the minute you all hear something that varies from the establishment talking points you carp that it is wrong just because you can't identify exactly what they are saying. I think you need to Try again. And you spelled my name wrong.

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Full on Maggat. Matt

Too. Giddy up 🤡. You are so full of bullshit.

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I'd suggest that anyone should acquaint themselves as to why a populist president is elected in the first place. India's Modi is a good study on the subject. Like Trump, all Modi had to do to get popular approval after his election was to go and DO the things that the public was paying for and not getting, like waste water treatment in rural communities. Much like the way that many Americans have figured out that they are getting a bill of goods. I don't know why you would expect me to come up with substance in a thread that is so obviously an echo chamber in the first place.

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Maybe you should get out of your echo chamber & check out the myriad accomplishments of the Biden administration.

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Yeah no kidding. He’s part of the poorly educated cult

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I’d like to see the myriad of accomplishments.

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Hey, I'll put on my barn boots and get a shovel. I guess the majority of people in America who are deluded into thinking Biden's WH made everything worse, what is they need? A re-education?

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Modi? You said, “Like Trump, all Modi had to do to get popular approval after his election was to go and DO the things that the public was paying for and not getting, like waste water treatment in rural communities.”

I would also add that like Trump, the media assisted his rise. Like Trump he wants adoration but refuses to go before the public and present his policies. Like Trump he is running on dividing his country between the Hindus and Muslims. Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party is a crumbling party, as recently reported, “(BJP) lost its national majority after suffering major losses in key states, marking a dramatic shift in a political landscape it has dominated for the past decade.”

Have another example?

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Do you understand that I gave no endorsement to Modi? Why then do you think you have countered my point by shading Modi? India's foreign policy is "India is everyone's friend" and have a standing offer to negotiate peace in the Ukraine/Russia conflict. They have a S&P growth rate pegged at 7%. It's also suspicious that you did anything but a cursory google on Modi if you think that with 79% Hindu electorate significantly is divided from the 19% Muslim population is the reason for political divide, the reasons are more complex but include attempts to reduce the rights of Muslims in India. That being the case, in a democracy every leader is only the leader for a time. If Modi's time is up in the August elections, then his time is up. If not in 2024 then perhaps next election, that doesn't indicate something is wrong, it's the nature of Democracy.

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I'd give you another example but you apparently imagine I have told you that I think of Modi as the end all and be all of political leaders. You have completely missed my point. What you might have is a chance to see Trump perform that mysterious trick of closing the borders and turning on the oil spigots again. You had to have watched Biden turn the spigots off and open the borders, right? I mean it would be hard to debate you if you don't watch ALL the news. So if you all don't want to encourage a strong man movement, produce leaders who govern with some sense and not these cartoons who bear an uncanny similarity to the leaders in Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged". They are worthless. The people running our foreign policy, like Blinken, no, I won't tell you. Why not look up his track record on foreign policy? I'll give you a clue, it starts with a capital I. Why are these people like Fauci, like Blinken who have such egregious professional failures that a reasonable man would assume their careers would have been over, being allowed to govern this country with more of the same incompetence? And you know where the deeper damage lies? You have a man like Goldman, who is a party loyalist and defends the party to the end, but the crap he is saddled with and has to defend, I doubt that he, himself would have ever created these messes, he's too smart and probably has control over his appetites, but he's mired in defending this garbage when he just might have been a statesman if he had been given a chance. We all know that Biden isn't the guy formulating the next move but it's on his watch that Blinken was just fine letting Victoria Nuland putting the finishing touches on her pet project of starting a war in the Ukraine. That is incompetence. Or do you deny that happened?

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Such bullshit magga. Such bullshit.

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I think you are missing the point of my post. I presented Modi as a perfect example of how and why a populist comes to power. They are also called "a Strong Man". Nobody that supports a candidate like Biden has any room to criticize any other candidate. I'd vote for RFK if he can get on the ballot. I'd at least listen to Bernie because I consider him a honest broker for ideas I don't agree with. Why don't you support a candidate in your party that has a modicum of a statesman about him?

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You have zero clue what you are talking about… poorly educated cult lackie? Or just dumb and ignorant ? Maybe both 😁🤡

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I actually know what I am talking about and I'd bet good money I know much more than you do about any of the subjects I have brought up. You just call names and use some clown emojis to represent you and that is why you are behind a candidate like Biden.

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I notice you don't really have anything to say except some form of public burping that you manage to create with your mirthless haha's and the clown faces that apparently represent you. Do you know that we actually thought we would be leaving your types behind when we moved to Substack?

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Cunaeus, I don't know how I happened into this discussion, but I did, unfortunately. You have dedicated a.lot of time to these entries in what I'm afraid appears to be a fool's errand. If people can't be serious about what is directly in front of them, I don't know what to tell you. If someone wants to argue that, OK, Biden isn't altogether there but I still prefer him to Trump (a deeply mistaken and destructive position, in my view) at least that appears to be stated honestly. But the "tis but a flesh wound" position, hoping for some rousing comeback, is just beyond. I appreciate the effort, but I encourage you to spend your time in more fruitful endeavors.l

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And I think we would be better served to understand what forces come into play that encourage the public to ask for a "strong man" to lead them. That's a discussion worth having and has to be better than trading these shopworn barbs. They are using language, but they may as well be standing behind a rock wall throwing dirt clods at each other all day long, to no avail.

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I know it looks like it takes me a lot of time, but it doesn't. What really frustrates me is that I am an issue oriented person and I do read everything so I don't like this American proclivity to make celebrities out of their politicians. It's really adolescent and I don't think they are going to grow out of it.

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You are so right. But we need weekly fireside chats from Biden beginning immediately and through November. The country is facing an existential crisis. He needs to sit down at the resolute desk and look at the camera and tell the country the truth, calmly and in earnest, over and over again. Because the message is not getting out.

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We definitely need to see more of Biden. But I don't think he stays up late enough for fireside chats. It appears that you just want Biden in a room with no challenges. I have an idea, why not govern like he had the sense God gave him?

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Just like FDR during the Great Depression of the 1930s.

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Emphatically agree!!!!!!!

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Amen to all of this! I love how you never overreact to anything, but instead take time to think things through and wait for more information to emerge, and even then point out there’s probably more that we need to know about the situation.

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Exactly! And especially the ballot deadlines. One for sure is before the convention so we just completely lose that state..

The New York times is all sulky because Biden wouldn't give them an exclusive interview so they are panning him and we have to totally ignore that paper which has become a right-wing rag.

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Don’t completely agree on the right wing part, but the editorial staff def are pissed they never their one on one sit down with him, and they are being incredibly petty

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Fair enough. I may have let my irritation paint the NYT more right wing then I should have.

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Unfortunately true!😥😥

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Maybe they are embarrassed that even they didn't know how shot that old, venal man was.

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Thank you, AG, for this wisdom. Cancelled NYT months ago, boycotting CNN. Mainstream media run by multinational corporations has its own Agenda, not for the people. I had a dream last night that DJT was abusing me personally. It’s what he’s doing to the country, but most of all to women. We must win this election ourselves

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Now you're abusing us with these thoughts. And it just tickles me pink to hear that y'all cancelled your NYT subscription because it goes too easy on Trump. Keep up the friendly fire.

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