It just me, or did the response have some “we’re tired of the Cannonigans” vibes to it?

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Totally. Bratt and Harbach seem DONE

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Do you think they take turns screaming into a pillow when they have to respond to TFG and Canon's nonsense?

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Great breakdown. You made this any easy read. Thank you for keeping us in the loop of this crazy winding case.

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Great write-up! Thanks for taking the time!

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As to the multiple mentions of “the 11th Circuit”:

well-played, sirs👌👏

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Good reminder that the seized items were and still owned by the government.

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I love getting these in my email! You are TIRELESS!! Thank you, AG! 🙏

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"...Cannon will probably set a hearing for this motion, and then fail to make a solid decision on it."

This! Which in fact has been her MO from Day 1...grant hearings on motion after motion by the defense, let them begin to stack up into an unworkable pile, then declare she can't set a revised trial date because of "too many items on the docket yet to clear...yadda-yadda".

Shameful incompetence or willful sabotage?

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"Shameful incompetence or willful sabotage?"

That's like asking if the sun is bright or if it's hot.

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As Jack Smith points out, not only does Trump's motion lack case backup or court findings, in many of his motions the cases cited do not support the positions taken. But, all of his motions cost a lot of money and Trump is siphoning off campaign money to pay his lawyers. His supporters are paying his legal bills and don't realize, or don't care, how Trump is using them.

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What are you babbling about?

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The taxpayer money as well.

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More desperate and nonsensical measures….

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Where is the penalty for Trump? He should take a hit for filing bs motions. Please screw up, Cannon. Touch the third rail and get fried by DOJ for good.

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"cluttered collection of keepsakes". Nice alliteration. *chef's kiss*

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My money is on Jack Smith in this case! Karen Friedman Agnifilo has said many times that Jack Smith is a lawyer who has a reputation of being a outstanding prosecutor!

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What a great breakdown! This utter nonsense from Team Trump never ceases to amaze me. I will bet Cannon issues a paperless order, without prejudice, at some point.

I Never miss a “Jack” podcast and will look forward to next Sunday’s as there may possibly be more about this issue.

Thank you, AG, for all you do, and for your sense of humor that always puts a smile on my face during these utterly ridiculous and exhausting times.

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Great write-up on preservation procedures. Everything document photo in order. Love it when a plan comes together.

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I'm beginning to suspect her delays and reluctance to issue rulings are done less out of uncertainty and experience than her need to have the time to actively find loopholes and ways to give trump everything he's asking for. And when she can't, that's why she gets snotty when she grants favor to Smith's motions. I think she's much more canny than we realize

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Kay, Cannon is bought and paid for. No one has this kind of luck. Trump is picking the winning lotto numbers every time. Beyond corrupt.

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Allison, thank you for such up to the minute news. We, like Jack Smith et al, are sick of all these mind numbing delays. I hope you got some sleep.

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Jack took the whole lot of them, Trump’s team and Cannon to the woodshed, unfortunately the corrupted judge will delay, delay, delay.

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I would like to know who is on Cannon’s team.

She is getting undisclosed help on the ‘how to’ and pressure to delay, like a judge who is captured by illusions of grandeur. And promises.

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Delusions of grandeur more like!

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A promised supreme Court appointment.

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