Why can’t Smith get the 11th circuit to remove her. Enough of all this. Anyone else would be in prison carrying on in this manner. The Supreme Court is slow walking and Cannon puts her thumb on the scale for her benefactor. Justice delayed is justice denied.

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It’s not just her thumb. Her entire body is lying on the damn scale! Enough already!

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No one is above the law, including the prosecutors.

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Check out her Jack podcast with the link for filing a complaint about Cannon. Flood the 11th circuit with them! She definitely meets 28 US code blahblablah about the appearance of conflict as reason for recusal. I sent mine :)

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As if that Colombian judge in NYC presiding over the kangaroo court way past the statute of limitations didn’t put his dapper ass, his daughter’s golden ass, and Fat Albert’s whole corpulent carcass on the scale at the same time in the opposite direction? I ‘d say that turnabout is fair play. Goose, gander.

Plucking treasonous c*nt.

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¡ay dios mío! what a tidy little fail.

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Ad hominem attacks reflect a lazy mind and a dearth of persuasive argument, whatever language they’re written or spoken in. Have yourself a lovely day! 😘

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“Aileen Mercedes Cannon (born 1981) is a Colombian-born American lawyer who has served as a United States district judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida since 2020. As president, Donald Trump nominated and appointed Cannon to the federal bench after confirmation by the U.S. Senate in November 2020.“


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Just proves to me that not all Colombian Immigrants are bad, only a small minority of them that are Democrats.

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So what, lady?

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You’re parroting Trump, who thought he was denigrating Merchan by stating the Colombia-born judge “hates” him and to “take a look at where he comes from.” Such a petty little man.

This lady’s “so what” is that your mimicked approach is a hollow self-own, since TFG’s own (apparently sympathetic) appointee is also Colombian-born. Such a petty little man, throwing insults against walls like spaghetti. Or perhaps I should say like ketchup.

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Clearly you like the King of Chaos #45 #34 Guilty. Truth is tough to take.

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Yeah, truth is tough to take, there is not a molecule of truth in that corrupt decision. No predicate crime cited (constitutional violation of POTUS DJT's rights), amongst other reversible errors in the trial. Inflation is all the rage (maybe you have noticed it when you went shopping, there is grade inflation, and it looks like you are young enough to have benefitted from that as a student, and then there is now criminal charge inflation. . . .

King of Chaos? We are living under the Pedo King of Chaos, #46 with the world on fire, and illegals coming over the border looking to rape you and your daughters (if there were any that survived your abortions). Did it bother your pretty white ass that blacks and Hispanics were doing better under Trump, did it make it harder for you to find yard workers, cleaning ladies, and nannies (again, assuming that you let any of your pregnancies survive to term). You Karens, are disgusting.

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You have BIG issues. Work on them.

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Nothing like you do babe, supporting demented pedophile bought off corrupt treasonous resident in the White House. Why lady? do you feel threatened by the prospect of not being able to abort your babies in any jurisdiction in the country up until or after they are born for whatever trivial reason? (Speaking as an ex Democrat that realized that R v W meant that if I was born a generation later than I was I would have been aborted. So, Suck it up buttercup.

It's not over until the fat lady sings, and may that be Rosanne Barr.

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Yeah! Why can't the Prosecutor remove a judge when things don't go his way.? That's really all you Lefties know, isn't it? That's why a huge swath of humanity has decided that you all must be removed from power, because you have no internal controls.

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I reported also.

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Are you saying that judges might not be impartial? That’s Trumps argument in NY. Or are only certain judges that you don’t like biased?

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Its time to take the gloves off Jack.

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The Jack~hammer 😂😭

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Jack ass I would say

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Truth is tough for the cult. Buckle Up. If you think things have been bad for thumper. Better start paying attention.

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If she ignores this, surely he goes to the 11th Circuit for a writ of mandamus? (Look at me using the big words like I know what I'm talking about 🤣)

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I’m no lawyer but I listen to AG’s podcasts and I’m pretty sure you nailed it on a “writ of mandamus” being what Jack Smith will need to seek from the 11th circuit if corrupt Cannon does not respond to his motion to add conditions to Trump’s bail agreement. We’ll see what happens. She is insufferable.

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Thanks, AG. I can’t believe how fast you got this out.

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Thank you, AG. ALWAYS on a Friday night. IMO, Cannon won’t do a damn thing. If she enters it, she’ll berate JS in every sentence.

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Cannon won’t do anything and she will berate Jack

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The really scary thing is that trump might actually "remember" seeing FBI agents with guns, etc even though he wasn't there. Because strange memory distortions can happen even to men who are Younger Than That Other One.

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I think you misspelled Biden. He is the one with dementia and hallucinations.

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Oh, I forgot. He's the one who stopped dead mid speech for 90 seconds or so. The yellow wig he was wearing fooled me.

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Are you referring to the usual pauses of Dementia Joe, or are you referring to when POTUS DJT paused his speech so that medical assistance could be given to someone in the audience?

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not even TRUMP has used that excuse. But sorry, it was 30-35 seconds.

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No Trump did not use that excuse, there was some kind of medical emergency at one of his rallies and he stopped waited for the onlookers and paramedics to assist and resumed his speech as if he had Never left off. Pedo Joe would not have noticed anything (unless it was a little girl whose hair he felt needed sniffing or a skirt he could look or feel up.

You loose butter cup.

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Next time you say butter cup I’m reporting you.

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Do Bailiffs in court carry guns? (I have no idea) wouldn’t they be under the same standard orders…like every day of trial?

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Yes. I was a bailiff for 15+ years. We carried guns in the courtroom. We were certified yearly on our use of force policy which involved simulations and scenarios.

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Funny, the autofill I got from google when I typed in "do court bailiffs" was "carry guns." The answer is in general is yes, though special certifications may be required.

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This may be correct, but apparently recent search queries have advised people to use glue to make cheese stick to pizza, said Obama is Muslim, & other inaccurate "facts", some of which read like they used The Onion as the training info 😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️ Getting harder to trust what we read 😡

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That refers to the AI creatures Google is inflicting on us. My source for "yes" was the WA Dept of Justice qualifications for the job of bailiff.

But what will happen if the Large Language Search starts reading OAN?

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I use Duck, Duck, Go exclusively. So far, no AI.

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Yeah ... I knew YOUR source was good, but had just read about the AI answers, so OAN & Fox etc. being sources for "learning" is a total nightmare going forward 💔😵‍💫

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You are concerned about OAN, when the government, the legacy media, etc lied to the whole country, hell the whole world about everything COVID and COVID jabs for 4 years and still are. You people can’t be trusted or taken seriously.

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Pretty much the second amendment lovers excuse.

Self Defense.

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And Israel.

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Ever since the Mueller Report I’ve tried to read all the court documents i could get my hands on, in all the cases, that being the only way (besides Alison’s reports) to extract fact and nuance. Lately I’ve been disciplining myself in practicing ways not to get overwhelmed, upset by it all, and have been pretty successful with one exception — Aileen Cannon. This case is straightforward, the evidence clearcut, the behavior so egregious — I’m having a tough time watching this case dragged through the dust on a rope until it’s nearly unrecognizable. (I’m sure Alison has developed techniques for managing all this.) I’m thinking I might need to avoid news of this trial for awhile — and arrange for a friend to notify me when and if Jack Smith makes a significant move. It might work. For instance, and I’ve written of this before — I set a goal of avoiding the sound of Jim Jordan’s voice for a year, and it’s now been 17 months and counting!

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There are lawyers on Substack. I am not a lawyer, but my understanding is that if Jack Smith must involve the 11th Circuit, he wants to do so by appealing a ruling, and the vast majority of ways Cannon has supported Trump involve very slow scheduling, so she doesn't issue rulings that he can appeal.

My understanding is that she has been trying to avoid a third appeal - she's had two decisions reversed already, and apparently the 11th Circuit has reassigned cases when a judge has been reversed three times.

If (when) Cannon doesn't act on this filing, I'd like to think the 11th Circuit would find it curious that she isn't moved to head off more threats against the legal system, when he involved them.

And it won't take long for The King of Being Treated Unfairly to start complaining about HER, saying she had this evidence Biden planned to assassinate him, and waited so long to release it. Like conservatism, Trump can never fail, he can only be failed by RINOs.

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You all are sadists and racists, you are willing to put the whole world through the dumpster fire that has resulted from Biden’s reversal of Trump’s policies that had the Mideast at peace, Iran behaving, Russia not invading Ukraine, China and North Korea calmed down and our Southern border stabilizing, it is almost as if you want uncontrolled illegal invasion, I mean immigration of unvetted single military aged men free to murder and rape young nursing students, Iran free to subsidize terror by the Huthis, Hamas, and Hezbollah; and you wanted to poke the bear so that the funny little homosexual actor could send 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers to early graves. I have Ukrainian and Russian immigrant patients who have relatives who are in harms way, if not harmed because the likes of you fucked up the 2020 election because what ? You didn’t like mean tweets (which were/are largely retaliatory to attacks from you bastards), or was it that he appointed SCOTUS Justices who actually thought the Constitution meant what it says, and no umbras or penumbras allowing you to kill your babies any time for any reason up to and even after birth anywhere in the country, but those decisions are reserved to the states (actual constitutional language that you are likely not familiar with), or maybe it was because the defense stocks in your portfolio were not doing as well as you would like, or maybe because Blacks and Hispanics were doing so well in the Trump economy with real jobs that they were wandering off the Democrat welfare plantation.

So many possibilities…

Or maybe you just had this irrational aversion to the color orange

But likely it was because he is too rich to bribe and never went to Epstein Island, so you couldn’t blackmail him, and any crimes he might have committed pale in comparison to what the Democrats have done (VPs & Senators have no declassification powers and no legitimate reason to have classified documents in their possession, much less unsecured in their garage and several other places after they had left office.)

If you bastards didn’t have double standards, you wouldn’t have any.

Your verbiage is hypocritical and putrid and you are disgusting.

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Tell Melanie we said hi, ok? 🙄

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I will. Obviously, you have nothing to counter my recitation of facts.

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Whew! Thank you again AG. I truly appreciate your tenacity in getting any & all information out quickly & accurately. 🤜🏽🤛🏼

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Aileen Cannon is an incompetent judge and a disgraceful partisan hack. She’s a morally compromised stooge and an embarrassment to the legal profession. What makes it worse is that she’s got so much company, including the corrupt majority of the of Obscene Court.

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What a fool. Aileen Cannon can at least define what a woman is, unlike slow Pedo Joe’s diversity appointment to the SCOTUS, who thinks she (s/he/it, does she even know what she is?) needs a biology degree to answer the question when all she really needs is to remember what she saw or didn’t see between her legs that morning or whether she had birthed any children or was that what the spouse did.

What are the qualifications for legal profession, Leon? Being able to hallucinate umbras and penumbras in the Constitution (in other words to make stuff up to satisfy your own evil desires?)?

You must be afraid to get off the Democrat plantation or of losing your diversity position, or your government Union job.

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You are clearly disappointed that your hero Judge Cannon is so incompetent and biased, and that legions of citizens have angrily pointed it out. The petulance that you reveal in your deranged, racist and disgusting screed makes it clear that you, too, are sadly challenged mentally and morally, which is patently obvious. You are in need of serious help, and if that MD (probably fake) after your name is indeed legitimate, heed the well-known prescription: “Physician, heal thyself!”

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Indeed. I reported this tiresome miscreant. I suspect he’s attended too many Trump fascistic so-called political rallies i.e. “Poor widdle me.. I got caught…blah, blah, blah!”

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Well Leon, I don’t know, I just think that you have homonymous hemianopsia. I don’t know whether Judge Cannon is competent or not or whether her judgments just differ from your preference and those of your leftist partisan friends; I don’t know whether Judge Cannon is a hero or not, I do know that legions of citizens have been angrily pointing out the lawfare against POTUS DJT on the part of the federal government in coordination with state and local jurisdictions in lieu of having a competent coherent candidate and/or a defensible record and current policy. Trump was being too successful and slow pedo Joe too unsuccessful to chance leaving the results of the election up to the voters.

You are not confident that the voters will make the right choice, so you bastards have to have the bureaucracy and the lawyers and judges make sure that we make the right choice, eh?

So, we’ve got legions against legions

And I think that you have no respect for the SCOTUS or any other judicial body unless it agrees with your leftist ideology, regardless of whether it fits with the plain reading of the constitution or laws as written.

As far as my alleged racism, your strong preference for policies of what used to be rightly called reverse racism combined with Trump’s successful nonracial policies in raising the prospects of blacks and Hispanics strongly suggested to me that you depend upon those policies of racial preferences for your current status, having observed your picture.

I don’t think reality is racist.

I believe in equality before the law, not ‘equity’, whatever that is, if it is not ownership of some type of property.

We are all challenged morally according to the Bible and to deny that is to lie. My MD degree is indeed real and not consequence of affirmative action, and I have maintained stellar specialty board scores throughout my career.

We disagree, I am not sure that means that either of us necessarily needs help, though I do have an opinion.

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We can hope. But Cannon is slippery and will probably either sit on the motion indefinitely or just approve it because the cat is already out of the bag and tfg doesn't need to say another word himself. His surrogates will continue to pump out the disinformation for him.

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A true gangster moll. Checked out Mr Cannon? Mobster.

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Gangster moll against an illegal unconstitutional gangster (Jack Smith for the slow witted, who was not properly appointed to his post, and therefore has no legal authority).

Now go pound sand until November 5 when you bitches can put your pink pussy hats and 1980s glasses on your fat heads and scream at the sky, and January 21st when you can run and hide.🙈

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🟧🦜Once again: YOU ARE REPORTED.

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And you got this out after happy hour...

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During 💃🏻

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I didn't think it possible but your writing keeps getting better! Well done. Informative and cheeky. 👍

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I suspect Cannon will say something to the tune of “Jack, you’re a poopy pants and you are a horrible person. I’m confident I can tell TFG lawyers to talk to their client and tell him to tone things down a bit. But you, Jack, have no right to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do. Consider yourself put on notice”.

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That sounds like her.

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this is an interesting development, but will Cannon act on it?

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I agree

Such arrogance in that small person who has the gull to publicly state she doesn’t feel a jury has the capacity to rule on such complex issues


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