I’m planning upon receiving my ballot by mail, filling it out, and then instead of mailing it, I’m physically driving to my city hall to drop it in the ballot box myself.

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Please, everyone, take a photo of your ballot before it permanently leaves your hands.

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Exactly what we do since DeJoy came around.

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I take the time to walk my ballot into our city hall and hand it to a clerk. It gets documented that it was received.

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I’ve been taking our ballots right to the courthouse ever since our township went to mail in ballots during Covid. I was a Postal Clerk for 29 years but I don’t trust DeJoy.

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That's always my route, too. I want to make sure my ballot is delivered.

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I’ve been saying it for years over and over again. It was announced about a month ago that the United States post office would be cutting back on delivery of the mail just in time for the election and mail in ballots. DeJoy was appointed to this position by #45 - undoubtedly his large contributions to 45s campaign for the presidency was this reward to help further limit the service, remove post office mailboxes - to make it more difficult for people to get to send mail and the rising cost of stamps - less services- DeJoy wants to crush the USPS and privatize it.

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Yes, "DeJoy wants to crush the USPS and privatize it." That is why he was appointed.

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Yes, that is what my entire statement is about. He was appointed to destroy the USPS and he’s doing a fine job of it slowly but surely

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So it sounds like we should all write to our senators to get them confirmed!

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I just emailed both of my senators urging them to expedite the confirmation of Biden's nominees to the USPS board.

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Chief Demings ran for Florida Senate in 2022 against republican marco rubio. She did not prevail, but clearly made her mark in the first House impeachment of traitor trump. She will be an enormous asset in purging de joy from further undermining vote by mail and USPS in general. 🇺🇸🥊🥊🥊

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I will, too. This is BS. Filibuster needs to go on Jan. 21, 2025.

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Thank you for the update on the DeJoy "employment problem". I never understood why Biden never pushed out this Trump appointee. Now, I have a better understanding of the situation.

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USPS is being degraded. For those of us who live in rural areas, our mail service is just pitiful. You order something from Amazon that's supposed to come on a certain date and you look at the tracking and you can see that it has gone towards us and then away from us and it's just sitting in some post office 80 mi away.

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Karen, if it makes you feel better, it's just as bad in suburban areas. Amazon will come before. Their employees deliver it right where the boxes are always run over.

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I have been posting about getting rid of LaJoy for years. I know all that needed to be done to get the job completed. Now it is almost done. As you said, “Democrat Val Demings and Republican businessman William Zollars to fill the final two slots on the board.” BUT – “The Senate has yet to confirm them.” <<<That is the job that the Senate should get done, immediately, but will they?

LaJoy is a snake. Appointed by the king of snakes with the task of slowing down and making voting next to impossible. He destroyed all the sorting machines. He decreased the staff while crunching their time schedules and adding extra duties as well. GET HIM THE HELL OUT OF THERE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. But - the Senate has to approve the last to appointments made by a level headed work horse named Joe Biden.

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Nine years ago approximately, he should NEVER have been chosen to run the postal service into the ground to convince us to have the SERVICE go private! The Congress is supposed to be IN CHARGE & regulate it. The Congress needs to do its job starting with a new person in charge and bring joy back but certainly NOT DEJOY!

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haha nice 😁

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Thank you so much for using your platform to highlight this issue. I've been trying since March to find out who or why is blocking Marty Walsh's Senate to hearing.

It's not just Demings and Zoller. It's Walsh as well and he's the one who has been waiting since March. The other 2 nominees are more recent.

I've tried everything I can think of to get information. I still have no answers.

Even the unions are silent. It's very concerning.

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I hope it happens. My town, Medford, Oregon and the surrounding Rogue Valley does not get 6 day mail service. DeJoy removed our sorting machines so our mail, believe it or not, is routed here then, instead of being delivered, is routed to Portland, Oregon for sorting and then finally comes to us. It typically takes mail from the East Coast 10 to 12 days to reach us.

In addition, our packages frequently get lost. And I mean LOST. They don't make it at all. All of us neighbors stick together and, if packages or mail, are delivered to the wrong house, we get it to the right house. Sometimes the packages don't even make it to our neighborhood.

I hope DeJoy gets fired. His performance absolutely merits it.

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Ready for DeJoy to be gone! We had local post offices that were convenient and helpful, assigned mail carriers for our neighborhood, and our mail wasn’t sent to Missouri and then returned to Kansas for delivery before he took office. Now we have our neighbors mail we have to deliver, packages delayed and mail that arrives after 5:00pm most days.

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Same here. It’s a mess!

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Especially since we're hearing more rumblings of ballot delivery delays again (as in 2020 as well). Letter dated September 11, 2024 from NASS ( National Association of State Election Directors ) -- all 50 states, District of Columbia and US territories : "in nearly every state, however, local election officials are receiving timely postmarked ballots well after Election Day and well outside the three to five business days USPS claims as the First-Class delivery standard. For example, election officials in multiple states report receiving anywhere from dozens to hundreds of ballots 10 or more days after postmark. "


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Why on earth would Joe Biden appoint a Republican anything to that Postal Board? What is wrong with all these Democrats. They persist in wanting to play footsie with the other side, while the other side is only interested in slitting their political throats in any way they can. I hope to God DeJoy doesn't pull some stunt to try and help Trump in the election.

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The board has to have close to half and half, Democrats and Republicans.

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According to the rules: "No more than five governors may belong to the same political party."


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DeJoy was not appointed by Biden

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No choice…there has to be both Ds and R on the Board. I suspect Biden knows this person and trusts him.

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He didn’t appoint him. Donald did! Don’t you remember back in 2020 when DeJoy dismantled the mega sorters and began removing blue mailboxes all over. He had a master plan to ratfuck the mail; same time period when Dump first started claiming mailed ballots bad. But DeJoy was stopped from continuing his radical destruction of USPS before he finished the job, TG.

DeJoy was a Dump mega donor and is a real villain.

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deletedSep 12
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Here's an account of the event. It was a brief, playful gesture to a firefighter at a 9/11 memorial event.


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That’s pretty odd…I guess he thought it would represent unity but I disagree. No unity with disgraceful felons like trump!

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Yes and before November 1. The massive amount of money that is going into senate races is akin to buying a senate seat

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It’s long past the time when DeJoy needed to go. Hopefully the 2 candidates will be approved in the Senate in a reasonable amount of time so they can take their seats on the Board. He should have been fired when he discarded brand new equipment a couple of years ago.!

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The 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act,signed by GW Bush, requires the USPS to fund employee pensions FOR THE NEXT 75 YEARS! A 2022 bill, which would have ameliorated this onerous requirement passed the house but died in the Senate.

Besides firing DeJoy, this requirement has sapped funds from the USPS, putting it in jeopardy, which of course, was the purpose of the PAEA and the appointment of DeJoy.



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My husband was a letter carrier. Once you’ve been on the inside, you know why they “go postal”! Decoy must go. What an idiot.

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It’s difficult to find information on the hold up of Marty Walsh’s confirmation, other than he is being held up by the Republicans pissed off over Trump’s conviction. 51 Dem and Independent votes aren’t enough?

And Demmings seat won’t be vacated until Dec. 8th, so that won’t help anything for the election.

Also I found this:


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