I don't know anyone (and I have a large group of grassroot activist friends) that no longer support Biden. In fact, it is quite the opposite. We are all doubling our efforts. I know two people who think he should drop out, and not surprisingly, are daily NYT readers. But some electeds, movie starts, etc. are saying publicly they want him to drop out. That has been so hard for me and seriously has led me to despair. How can our party be such a mess at this point in the election season?

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Dropped/canceled The NY Times-I was so pissed at their nauseating overdone attempts to oust Biden !!!

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Because they reported facts?

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Because they only report facts on Biden. Trump's authoritarian threats are pushed to the back pages.

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That’s strange cos Trumps are usually front page and Biden’s aren’t reported at all.

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Just about any Biden voter I’ve spoken to has not changed their support for Biden. They are more concerned about Project 2025, the Epstein files, and Trump’s own obvious cognitive issues than about Biden’s age.

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It's the republican plan, they can win without cheating......don't fall for it. Ignore the noise, read today that several people nytimes claims are calling for Biden to step down ARE CLAIMING THEY HAVE VEEN MISQUOTED, Hakeem Jeffries and Nancy Pelosi to name 2 prominent dems. Wake up people.

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Fascist trolls are everywhere. If we give in to the bullies now we will forever be bullied. We need upstanders everywhere to stand up to bullying!!

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The party is not a mess. We have a deep bench. Something has happened to Biden. We do not know what but I see it. You saw it. Joe is dug-in. Joe must decide. Dems will not remove him. This is the time for him to resign.

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I disagree! Obviously President Biden is a threat to the Republican Party, and the media is against him because their bosses are for Trump! Most voters want President Biden to stay in the race!!

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History shows every single time the democrats changed candidates or had a contested convention WE HAvE LOST. Consider the alternative if you can't see voting for President Biden who has brought the country back from the mess the criminal inflicted for 4 years. Project 2025 poorly written but spells out their intentions. DEMOCRACY over the bullshit, every single time.

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I agree that the party is a hot mess and that we have an extremely deep bench. But what exactly justifies a call for Biden to resign? I saw the debate and I saw his actions/speeches post debate. Not to mention his accomplishments. Can you be more specific on what you think justifies resignation?

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Dems are notorious for eating their own. They’re cowards. They don’t fight. The first sign of trouble they tuck their tails

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My $.02 is that around the end of the Obama admin the Dems as a party stopped doing what was right and started doing what was convenient. It would have been hard to have Bernie as their candidate so they manipulated the voting process to block him. It would have been hard to have an impaired Biden fight a nomination process so they dropped the nomination process in every way that counted in 2020. Now they have no easy way out of the corner they have painted themselves into.

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Thank you for letting us know about this. We all need to disseminate this study and let voters know what's going on.

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Project 2025 needs more public exposure. Use trump's image and voice repeating over and over what he wants to do on Day One. It will reach the independents and the rest of the fence-sitters if democracy is worth saving. Everyone freedoms are at stake now.

Every Republican in office needs to be asked where they stand on Project 2025, specifically the show trials, the stripping away of Constitutional rights, the religious takeover of our secular government structure, and the underlying mindset that White Christian Males have ANY call to “privilege” over everyone else.

I've gotten so many high-fives wearing this anti-Trump 2024 t-shirt and people asking where to get it.

I got it from here 👇


VOTE blue! For the love of God VOTE! Our entire future depends on it!

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Very good, but a Senator from Colorado went on national news expressing that Trump was positioned to win with basically a Red Wave, blah, blah, blah. Media is running with it. Dems need to lock these people down and unite.

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exactly! and that is what has made this so hard for me. Yeesh, did Bennet watch Biden's NATO speech before he said it?!?

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Was listeing to liberal radio in the car yesterday and they kept referring to bennet and his being a partiot and all ad maybe............NO PEOPLE, republicans are up to their usual. Think what you will about our President but you must look at his record and ignore the noise, if we lose him we absolutely let the criminal back in our white house and democracy is lost. STAND UP, be heard, VOTE BLUE.

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Perfectly stated. Bennet ran for President before - is he prepping for another run🤔🤔🤔

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i’m starting to have some conspiracy thoughts…those documents trump left the white house with must contain something that he is holding over people’s heads…also, since the media is all about getting clicks and money now, they have to be foaming at the mouth at the thought of doing write ups about a historical second presidency for 45. Reuters top story is “Biden allies Pelosi and Clooney raise fresh doubts about his reeelection”. Folks project 25 is here and it’s working already..their plan was to sow doubt in our base…

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Something I heard yesterday reminded me that if democracy is lost so is "journalism" even though most of the media isn't "journalism" IMHO but propaganda. The criminal if in our white house will dictate who gets to say what and when the press as they call themselves these days will cease to exist and they will all be out of work. Our world will be lost, STAND UP, VOTE BLUE.

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And the NYT and others bashing Biden are kissing Trump’s ring already in hopes he’ll choose them to be his “official” paper 😡😡

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Bennett - nuf said, he’s my sen, he’ll be getting a strongly worded letter

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This is rather good news indeed.

It means, tho, that we’re in for a life/death struggle for Biden to win again these next four months.

Pls, everyone that is reading this that have friends/family/contacts in swing states: reassure them their vote matters to continue great policies and governance, from foreign relations (allies, Ukraine), to the economic boom we’ve had (better recovery than all European nations), fighting for civil rights and inclusion, including the most diverse cabinet and a huge number/variety of qualified and moral judges appointed even with a difficult power sharing agreement with republican senators.

Biden has threaded a huge number of needles, and done it while seeing his son prosecuted (tho I believe justifiably), and acted to help the most “left behind districts” in America (defined by lessening population and jobs in last 24 years, thanks AG!).

If you think someone else coulda done better over the last 3+ years, I think it would be difficult to prove that w much evidence.

Vote like your life depends on it.

Encourage people mentioned above to vote for sanity, grace, competence and character.

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COMPLETELY agree, vote everyone, don't let them take our democracy, that is their plan.

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I feel like you wanted to write a headline of “It’s the Media, Stupid” and thought better of it 🤣

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Ha! I just shared it in a note using that very quote!

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Thank you for this important information. I just tweeted it every member of the media I could . PBS Newshour opened with yet another horrible story about Pres. Biden and polls, polls, polls. I have no idea what they did with the lies in the NYT about Nancy Pelosi as we turned off the sound. Now will share this in my Slack channels and via email.

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How can we push back against the main stream media? I’ve cancelled subscriptions and I do not turn on cable news. They need to feel it in their pocketbooks and I don’t know how to do it in big enough numbers that it matters

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I've done the same, used to be a big consumer of news in all the forms. Now I pick who I read online and no tv or subscriptions to the rags like wsj, nyt or wapo.......no longer. They think they want the criminal, few will survive if he is installed even the morbidly rich.

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Thank you. The worry: media will not learn from this and discipline itself. Ex. the neurologist's visits to WH. It will keep attacking Biden, whether or not the nominee. Another nominee? It will similarly hound that person.

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Oh indeed! I still listen to NPR’s now news podcast and they are still at it…saying that George Clooney a huge Biden donator and supporter believes he should step down. It’s sickening! We’ve heard 0 on the news that trump was all up and down the Epstein documents. Capitalism really is the major perpetuator of everything that’s wrong on this country. The only way I see Biden stepping down, is if he does it during his term. Which would most likely not happen and if it did, I think we’d see some more outrageousness. maga gop is chomping at the bits to be racist and misogynistic toward VP Harris if she were to even be seriously considered to step in as President.

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Will you and others please address this in a larger sense? Saying what sources 1 can trust? How to fight back, etc.? Thanks.

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I have just started to listen to the daily BBC news podcast for world news and I am really enjoying it. And of course, the Daily Beans podcast for pollical/national news. I also have some good daily blogs on substack: Robert Hubbell, Heather Cox Richardson and Seth Abramson. Curious to hear other sources as I am with you Lauren/

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Thank you. Like you, it's various substacks. It's the BBC/The Guardian. It's also trying to get the same general story (local or otherwise) from multiple sources to see how the 2 compare in bias and thus form my own opinion. The BBC/Guardian do a nice job going into depth with the stories. (Obviously nothing right winged.) Even within NBC/CBS/ABC/WGN being careful to compare and see who the reporter is and their bias.

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That being said, I'm curious what other sources people use. Especially sources that don't require a paywall. When people use those sources, I'd like to see those articles gifted.

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On Substack: Scott Dworkin for sure.

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Joyce White Vance substack is excellent, Steven Besschloss as well.

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Great choices!

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Medias Touch Network, Mary Trump Media

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I can't believe that anyone smart and informed who actually puts America first would vote for Trump.

And that explains who's voting for him.

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They will vote blindly because of fear and ignorance, repubs are counting on it and media is enabling every minute of every day.

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I was one of the people on Twitter (gently) calling Pelosi out. She wrote a tweet praising Biden, but I had received an NYT email saying exactly the opposite. I reposted it over her praise tweet and asked her to clarify.

This media BS has to stop. Politico is joyfully doling out an email every time someone goes against our President. The latest was Senator Peter Welch.

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Thank you Allison, once again. I cannot tell you the conversations with friends & the damage control I feel like doing on the daily. Your information helps immensely to get the word out to people in my orbit. It’s maddening, infuriating & exhausting. I feel we are truly in a battle for the soul of this country.

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Now the New York Times wants me back-they still send me emails with discounts!!

I think they are hurting!!

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Same with WaPo! They’re offering me a year for $29 🤭🤭

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Good! I hope they lost a ton of subscribers. I hope it bites them in the wallet.

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Maybe - since they and LA Times and WaPo all came out with editorials bashing Trump - just before RNC convention. Should have been done years ago!!

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Excellent! Thank you.

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Cook political report just moved key states in SW to ‘leaning red’. Biden is losing. He will lose to Trump.

Believe what your eyes showed you. I love Joe. He is and he has been a good/even great president.

Something has happened to him. I don’t know what but something. An annual exam is not frequent enough for an 81-year old.

Dems want to make it a choice and it is a choice between Democracy and Autocracy. Right now Joe is losing on the edges: browns and young people. He is not bringing the fight.

We need to explore our options, not just dig-in: put our blue ties on and “Stand by your man”!

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There are no other options. It's too late in the game. History shows us that changing horses this late in the race is a guaranteed loss. So buckle up and get behind someone who is Not a Fascist Pig, and do everything you can to have him win.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

When someone says something like that to me, ie that Trump is going to win, I ask them what are they going to do about it to make sure that that doesn't happen? None of us our powerless here. I knock doors in the swing state of NV and the majority of independents/No party preference voters that I have spoken with said there is no way they will vote for a convicted felon. I would encourage you to get involved with a grassroots group near year. It feels a lot better to be doing something and keep ones mind from going to making medical assumptions about a man who is surrounded by a full medical team 24/7! It is up to all of us!

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I have worked since 2016 to defeat Trump and MAGA. I have canvassed, donated, called representatives, protested. Written postcards to voters, letters to voters etc.

Personally I have thought, Joe just needs to make it through the Inauguration, then if something goes wrong we have Harris. I have always assumed we would win because of Roe being overturned and that Dems have won every election since. But, that all changed for me after the debate then hearing a clip of a Scavino ad where he presents tape of Biden in 2020 compared to Biden 2024. I just imagine that clip running on Tik Tok etc etc in the next four months. We have time to change now

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Now is not the time to give up!! Based on a Scavino ad? You are a warrior! Stay with us in this fight.

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Based off a 90 min debate!!???????

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“Browns” and young people?? Interesting use of descriptors, friend-o. I believe what my eyes tell me, and what I see is a race between an effective, intelligent, incumbent president and a 34 time convicted felon and adjudicated rapist who idolizes Putin, Orban and Kim Jung-un. And now that Project 2025 is FINALLY getting a spotlight, and Roe v Wade has been overturned, I’m fairly confident that only MAGAts and idiots will want to see the Tangerine Mussolini back in office.

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Don’t believe the polls- they had Le pen going a victory lap round the champs elysee. Lotsa time left, but not if we bail - anything can happen to DJT- heck, he almost died one week in 2020 and could barely breathe as they propped him up on a WH balcony - that’s legit. & HRC almost died in 2016 - !!- that wasn’t legit😉anything can happen to anyone - let’s let that news about the 13yo and DJT and Epstein percolate a bit , and project 2025, and the sentencing in sept . I hear Gen Z going to Milwaukee next week - be there, will be wild !

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Kris=my resister sister!

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We don’t have time for that story to percolate. Biden is not taking the fight to Trump. We need to take the fight to Trump.

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