Bad time to have a broken judiciary.

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No shit!!

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The ultimate murder board starts with Joe McCarthy’s lawyer, Roy Cohn. This would be a third or fourth generation branch of that tree (Bannon is 2nd generation).

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Cohn is a big character in that movie The Apprentice that Trump is flipping out over.

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Of course!! He was the source of the disease ( at least the current strain)

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"life is quirky when you connect the dots." Love this!

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Is everybody CORRUPT?

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It seems that way, doesn't it?

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Wow...THAT is a lot to keep track of. I still can't believe the "mob" would enlist soooo many useful idiots. It always leads to their downfall.

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One can hope!

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Amazing - an entire movie script with title!

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Excellent breakdown. Guo was also tied to the United Front through his co-defendant, William Je.

Jenny Cohn asked us at HarkHerald.com to show the connection. On March 13th, 2023, two days before Guo’s arrest, I wrote the following article proving that connection:


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Wow, just read your article. What a rat hole! I have a headache now - and will follow you for more.

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Thank you. We worked on exposing Guo starting in the summer of 2021. @HarkHeraldPress @JamesFLoveIV on X

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and I am sure the FBI is under strict orders from Biden to assassinate all of them.

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Actually I did know one of Jho Low’s money laundering vehicles was a movie production company that fronted $9M to help fund The Wolf of Wall Street. And that Leonardo DiCaprio had to return a Picasso and a Basquiat gifted to him by Jho Low. I was living in Singapore at the time all hell was breaking loose a little further north. Now it's a tRump-adjacent story it\s an even more interesting and shocking scandal. So much corruption in so many places.

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Holy shit.

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Same first thought, lol.

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Isn't Steve Bannon supposed to go to prison today for contempt? I can't find any confirmation that's happening.

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Disgusting how long a delay the appeal decision took (6months) and perhaps another (deliberate?) ball drop in scheduling report date/location? I've been checking too, champagne chilling a long time, I want to pop the cork!

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Lol! I'm in champagne mode myself. Let's goooooooo!!!!

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Loved this FO cork by Freixenet 😎

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I idly wonder if the delay is to our benefit by taking him off the air for a few months just now, rather than last year.

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Timing wise, with his NY trial that was supposed to start next week but now delayed to Sept, it may work out in our favor but will feed into their whole ‘I'm being silenced’ narrative even though we can still hear them…ugh.

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The good news is he's facing Judge Merchan in September.

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I'm sure we'll see a request for removal or recusal based on BS like POS has been trying over and over and expecting a different result…the definition of insanity. 😎 May justice prevail for all.

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Does Bannon still have appeals left? Also, will he have to get by with wearing a single shirt while in jail?

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Love your detailed breakdowns! As an involuntary proofreader: Gui instead of Guo in first paragraph. Trump capitalized twice and trumped 3 or 4 times. Would you like an involuntary proofreader to help out? 💜

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Second that. Another involuntary proofreader here, but I’m focusing on Joyce Vance. The complications in this story might also benefit from a few commas. ❤️ Your work is important, AG, thanks for all that you and the gang do for us!

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Oh. My. Goodness. No wonder the MAGAS want to defund the DOJ and FBI! How does anyone keep track of all this criming?

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Wow! Just WOW!!

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