Well this sounds like a good reason to start wearing flags on our t-shirts when visiting the VA.

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Trans flag t-shirt that says "I fought for your right to hate me" is very popular among Trans Vets

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You know I had to go look those up already! Cool tees!

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This blatant new directive re: flags at VA locations, is an affront to all our military. What could possibly be wrong to welcome all Vets, irrespective of personal choices, to the care they should receive. I am NOT a Vet however I feel it is my patriotic duty to provide my taxes for care of every single Veteran who have put themselves on the front lines to defend Democracy with a capital D.

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so, will the P.O.W. flag still be allowed?

Will mail carriers using their own cars (because the P.O. fleet of trucks is never quite adequate to the demands of delivery load) have to scrape off the Rainbow Dash stickers from their backseat side windows?

What is WITH this vindictiveness and Rules for Thee But Not for ME, perpetually emitted by the pathetic pawns from the Party of Pee-on-it?

Seriously, thank you Dr. Gill. We're on it. ✊🏳️‍🌈

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AG, you are a gem. Thank you for tirelessly sticking up for the marginalized every time.

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Cowards have infiltrated where they’re not allowed. They are afraid of everything !!

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Ignoble poltroons, the lot of them DD!!

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I’m going to buy a t-shirt with a pride flag on the front and back. I’ll wear it every time I take my husband to the VA.

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I have been reliably informed that employees are doing subtle acts of rebellion

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This is a blatant violation of the Constitution!!! They can’t do this!!! Just another example of how they want to control the people.. RESIST!!!!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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There is no level to the depth of harm and vindictive behavior that all members of this administration won’t lower themselves to. An absolute slap in the face at those who have served our country- and continue to do so. I can’t ever understand how an individual’s sexuality is anyone else’s business!

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Thank you, Allison. I am all about " good trouble".

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I work for VBA, and so yesterday, I added a jpeg of pride dogtags to my signature block. I am a gay Veteran, and my ass can be kissed by anybody who has a problem with that.

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Rainbow scrubs, shirts, socks, jewlery, pjs, hair bands

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It even says they can’t be on any vehicle on the property. I know our VA has trucks covered in the ahole’s crap.

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I absolutely get your point, I don’t think any change should be made that would be a signal that certain groups of people are not welcome, but if I read the directive correctly, didn’t it say the “only flag” shown is to be “the U.S. flag?” Doesn’t that already mean that MAGA flags are also no longer allowed? Just curious.

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Thank you for publishing this❣️

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Thanks Allison! You rock!

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