Thank you for naming the trial properly. I’m so tired of the hush money bullshit.

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SAME!!! It annoys me to no end, especially when I hear it on MSNBC; they should know better that how you frame things matters!!!

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AG-so grateful you were able to be there today. Hope you get in tomorrow, too!

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Loved the little vignette about Trump pretending to be awake. But I'm not sure how to reconcile Trump's obvious physical and mental decline with this morning's poll results. Make it make sense.

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Biden is up over Trump among likely voters. As I read today in Simon Rosenberg's Hopium Substack, NYT made an editorial choice - the likely voter results could have been the lede.

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Not hardly. Stop watching corrupt Fake News media, they are all headed to GUAM to the jail they opened especially for them, for lying to people for years.

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Only people with land lines are polled.

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That's not true, mobile phones are called as well, and it usually doesn't come up as "unknown" but with the polling firm name.

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Only democrats are polled by Fake corrupt media.

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i think that's a popular misconception, my understanding is that they have been polling using mobile phone numbers for some years now, and to that end, the polling is even more accurate when home phone numbers were used. i know i've been polled heaps of times on my mobile

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I had a landline for 50+ years, and a mobile phone for 20+ years, I’m a registered voter who actively votes in every national and local election I’m eligible to vote in and have NEVER gotten a poll call. I’m pretty sure there are MANY people like myself who have never been polled. I say polls schmolls and believe they are not an accurate indicator of how millions of Americans vote.

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Do you know by whom? Are they reputable pollsters?

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Not true. I was texted with an invitation to respond to a poll. It could be a method of screening out landlines in order for the results not to skew elderly (I am 82 🤷🏼‍♀️). I can’t imagine MAGAts don’t use smart phones.

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I also lie when I’m called. I say I support Trump when I don’t.

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WHY? What is the point??

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That is so cool that you got to go be part of history, and even better that it was such a great experience! I hope you get in tomorrow, and that good things continue to happen for you.

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Thanks for the details of today. Glad Michael was acting humbly. It will definitely help his believability.

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So happy you got to be a witness to this today. I appreciate your emotionally intelligent take on everything from the camaraderie of your fellow press people to Michael Cohen’s candid testimony. You are fukkin brilliant!!!

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AG! How freaking awesome! Love you, love your tenacity and your descriptions are amazing. I felt like I was there with you. Excellent writing!

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Wow! Thanks so much, AG, for your perspective. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you telling us what your experience was, both as a person and as a brilliant observer/interpreter of these things. You are a national treasure! Thank you!

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Thanks, AG. Glad to have your perspective on this.

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I'm so thrilled for you that you got in! First you became a part of history, when the juror mentioned listening to your podcast, and now you've witnessed history. What a delicious experience for you and for us, your grateful listeners/readers!

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Your reporting is outstanding as always. Thank you for capturing the subtle details that bring the courtroom to life and make it feel authentic.

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🙋🏾‍♀️Look forward to the podcasts with the "local colour" - love that you pulled it off! (Sounded like a military op 😁)

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Thank you for this.! An interesting and somewhat different take on the reporting.

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fascinating. You've been privileged to be able to see the Trial of the Century. Lets hope you can see the Conviction of the Century.

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Thank you so much AG, for this. Your super detailed reporting, made me feel like I was sitting in the press room with you while I was reading this. I had been really wondering what it would be like to be there and now I know thanks to you :) You truly are amazing at what you do and I hope you know how grateful people are for you.

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So great to have a trusted ear in the room. Your personal reflections and perspective are so valuable. Thank you, AG.

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