Good work. They need to be able to reach out. And not be silent like what happened in Germany and we all know what happened.

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Thank you for compiling this information. I am a government worker and my partner was just placed on leave from her DEI position. DEI is good for the USA: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/dei-is-good-for-the-usa

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It’s definitely good for America.

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At 1st Trump blamed a race and women, they were taking all the jobs, and as Trump progressed and started to see the fruits of his propaganda and indoctrinations, he added others, LGBT, transgender, and then the Mexican immigrants as well as adding other countries immigrants, were taking the jobs away from Americans. But those who follow him do not seem to comprehend that Trump has filled his cabinet with those who have no qualifications for the office, or back ground, as he did in 2017.

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I respectfully disagree. The majority of those who follow Trump DO know his cabinet picks have no qualifications or background...and they do not care. They are brainwashed. Anything Trump says, does, pushes, picks, etc., is a good thing in their eyes. There is a difference.

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Perhaps brainwashed, or perhaps followers of ‘90s idea of reducing the government until it's small enough to drown in the bathtub.

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Forced diversity is not diversity at all.

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Exactly, because Trump is following the steps of dictators he sees as his heros, those he Covets, and wants the same. Hitler did the same. 1st he divided the people, then selectively made one group as the enemy, as well as those within the government. And continued, it was not just the Jewish People, it was all who Hitler saw as tainting the blood of his Aryan nation, who he considered the chosen ones, all others needed to be eliminated. And because Germany was portrayed by him to the people, that the loss of the war was caused by the Jews, and they caused the suffering..Sounds familiar..

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Thank you for doing this Allison. Even if this starts small, federal employees can know that this community are with them in this time of chaos. And yes, this feeling of 'confusion' is exactly what the orange guy wants...so that they either leave on their own, or forced out. These are truly, truly dangerous times but getting the truth out there will be crucial.

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Over my career, I dealt with federal workers from multiple departments. I want them to know that they are held in high esteem by the public and those, like me, who worked with them from the outside. Thank you for the work you do.

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I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. Me and my federal coworkers are feeling like everyone outside the beltway hates us. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

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Not true — we are grateful for the hard work you all do! It's the sickening politicians, their corrupt actions, and their viewpoints that we detest. Be safe! You are highly valued!

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Not true. My husband retires as a civilian DoD worker this year. After I retired from the Navy I worked as a civilian for the DoD at the Naval Hospital I was stationed at. Believe it or not, people do appreciate you more than you know. I know I sure do, especially since I have been on the civilian and military side of the government.

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Linda, throughout my career as a state university administrator I worked with wonderful federal employees in the State Dept. and in the Dept. of Education. They were dedicated, hardworking folks, and i learned so much from all of them and loved working with them. We're lucky y'all choose to work in government service.

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They are the best of the best. We can all learn from their integrity! Please tell them thank you !!

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AG. What you are doing to save our democracy inspires me every single day. Especially your commitment to people who work in the Veteran's Admin and the U.S. government. I'm a few days behind in listening to the podcasts, but I heard today where your guest talked about being terrified that America is leaving WHO. Another friend expressed the same thing to me yesterday. She suggested that EVERYONE write their Senators and Congressional Reps to demand this not be allowed to happen. As your guest implied, the next pandemic could be the one that kills us all if we are not careful. It wasn't "good trouble" but I immediately emailed my two Senators from New Mexico (Democrats Lujan and Heinrich) telling them they must help stop this insane action from taking place. I also wrote my Congresswoman Melanie Stansbury. Thanks again to you, Dana, your staff, Andy McCabe, Harry Dunn, and everyone at MSW. You are American heroes.

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With the Avian flu being an issue at the moment, not just in America but other countries also, WHO & CDC are essential if the disease spreads to people and can transmit from person to person.

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Trump needs to get rid of them in so there is no conflict of knowledge being put forth by RFK, as head of FDA. that has no medical knowledge other than a worm that ate parts of his brain. All these insane ideas he has put forth, in reality sounds as if it is away of population control. ALL should remember the quack remedies The self proclaimed genius put out, and that cure.. Hydroquinone, seems Oz pushed it, but then Trump and Oz owned shares in the company, and Trump put Jared in charge of the pandemic, abd pressure the FDA, to authorize it.

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I have no doubt that Trump wants to rid the country of the elderly and disabled, and he's not be being particularly subtle about it.

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Hydroxychloroquine (https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-5482/hydroxychloroquine-oral/details) is an old anti-malaria drug, not much use for most sorts of malaria, but a blessing for sufferers of lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and such. It was quite cheap until Trump latched onto it as one of his wonder shields (along with bleach) against covid, perhaps through the influence of Dr Oz (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/07/dr-oz-has-ties-to-hydroxychloroquine-companies-as-he-backs-covid-treatment.html). The shortages receded after a while, but the price is still much higher than before. I haven't seen whether the two men still own shares in one of the companies making generic versions.

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Trump is making exactly the same mistakes he made with COVID. Ignoring the facts doesn't change them.

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Bless you all !

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Thank you for reporting this..My concern is, even among friends, too many just don’t see the seriousness of what is happening to our country..I’ve had to cancel subscriptions and turn off all news outlets but continue to follow a few serious truth tellers like yourself. I know I can’t afford to ignore this coup we’re are witnessing🙏

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This is such important information. When they have successfully hampered the nursing staff at VA facilities, they will open the door for private enterprise to step in, claiming that government is unable to do a good job.

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This is the same that they are doing with Social Security and Medicare. Put it in a corporation and placed on the Stock Market where Americans retirement funds could go the way the teachers funds went during Emron..

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Please as a fellow local CSEA union member, retired. I suggest everyone contact the union! This is the time for Unions to step up. Civil Servants work for the people by the people of the United States. We also get paid fair wages with benefits, but we are not rolling in the dough! We are the back none of the govt. We know where the bodies are & how to get the massive paperwork moving. Yeah the public dies not see this. But the accountability of our work is needed as congress & the public keep asking we’re & how much was spent & to whom.

These Oligarchs only see $$$ they can’t use. They want cheap labor without benefits so they can be multi billionaire corporations! Do not fall in place like other people who were living in countries that an oligarch’s ruling class aka dictatorship took over. As you have seen , the VP Vance, Musk & others use the Hitler salute. That was NO mistake!!!

Do not fold fight we have your back. Trump only won by less than 2% this was not a landslide!

The public needs to back civil servants. They are the 1st line against this oligarchy!

We need to March!!!!

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Do you think unions will still matter if they remove all of the protections? I am very curious about that. I'd love to be in my union as a paid member to be covered better.

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One of the unions have already filed a lawsuit to protect federal workers.

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Thank you. Sincerely appreciate your updates on this!

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Yeah, my friend who works for the IRS says she doesn't know where they're going to put the entire federal workforce - there's no space in her building for everyone working remotely.

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Trump is planning on moving some of them to the border.

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Thank you for giving fed employees an outlet and hearing them.

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Thank you so much for your work. I’m 70 years old and have lived through many of our country’s upheavals, but I’ve never been frightened out of my wits by our government before. Is this how it felt in 1938 Germany? My gut is telling me yes.

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I think your gut may be spot on, Ms. Morris. No doubt in my mind. I'm 67 and have never seen anything like this.

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Your gut feeling is correct..My grandmother and father lived it, my grandfather was not so lucky. My grandmother was so afraid after being in a camp, that when she immigrated to the US, she changed her name legally as well as her religion.

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Lisa S. - I'm 72, and I've never been this fearful, and that's saying something!

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Thank you! Keep up the good hard work! #REsist

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Thank you for the update, Alison. Please watch your back. The new administration is likely spying on all of us who refuse to kiss the ring or bend the knee. You are appreciated!

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Exactly as horrific as expected. Cannot believe people voted for this. Heartbreaking.

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I can't believe this is what the SC wanted when they carved out special immunity for this guy. They created a monster and he is going to eat everyone alive.

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There were those within the cult, who felt they were immune because of their allegiance to the cult leader, that they somehow be exempt from his retributions.

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He stated he needed their vote. How they could not see they were not dealing in an honest negotiation is beyond me. He is the king of lies. What is more horrifying than voters for Trump, is voters who did not vote, thinking they were making a statement. Perhaps they did not realize THEY also would be affected, but now we all are losing.

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Once again, the fear and confusion are intentional. This is how fascism works to get people to obey in advance. Thank you for NOT bring silent, but bringing this to light and having federal employees’ backs - more need to do the same if they are in a position to do it. These are the people who hold the government together and the oppressors know it. (Bluesky had better expand their servers, they are going to be flooded with new accounts!)

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As well as Tribel. Perfect place to voice opinions. And find BOTS, carrying on the Trump propaganda, report them and they are gone.

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I feel for the many dedicated federal employees who are getting screwed. I was once one too (can’t tell you how many 18 hour days I put in). However, you have to ask who did they vote for. In the agency I worked for, most were hard core republicans so to me, these individuals are getting what they voted for. Also, I live across the street from the wildland fire boss. She NEVER went to work even when fires were exploding.

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