Trump committed some of the gravest crimes against our country that a president ever could. He deserves prison, not the presidency.

Jack Smith’s redacted filing in the election interference case should be made public. We deserve to see the information in it BEFORE the election.

Trump abused his power and his crimes should have been addressed long ago, but with power and money he was able to delay and then cry persecution. Let' see what Jack's upcoming filing of FACTS intended to be proved reveal. Trump of course is objecting to the disclosure.

That's why this isn't it past your jail time? t-shirt will NEVER get old 👇


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That’s hysterical!!!

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Can’t wait to call him JAILBIRD

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You should read a post about the Salon.com article. Written on October26,2016. Author Michael Sheffield. 2 things happened

1 Hillary Clinton never visited Wisconsin 2.

Michael Mooore’s article about Trump that I reference. Look at conditions now in 2024. I posted that article today on Substack.

I’m not making any opinions just observing.

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France had a wonderful poet Jean de LaFontaine, from the 1600s, who wrote 243 fables often having animals portraying men, and there was one very well known quote which might apply to Donald here :

"Tel est pris qui croyait prendre ! "

"Such is caught who thought to catch !"


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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Does Donald have access to all the unredacted info? Could this be why he has been even more unhinged & incoherent at his rallies over the weekend? Because he’s terrified ?

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He would have access to tweets that he or his handlers posted that name people who are potential witnesses.

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Well I guess he has now😋

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Why is he not referred to as former president Trump?

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This is his legal team's way of impressing the rube supporters, but I find it seriously annoying, as though they were referring to him as "Emperor Trump", President for life.

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That’s extremely irritating, right?

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Because his team


Think he’s president.

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😂 Thanks AG!

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You know...I wonder...Frightened, terrified,shocked, alarmed, horror struck, panicked, hysterical...is he?

This person has gotten away with his disgusting behavior and unbelievable crimes forever. I'm thinking the last time I remember Trump et al had a judgement that they actually paid up on was the Trump university case. And my guess is that he paid up on that because he was running for President the first time.

I think, he thinks that he has compromised enough of our Judicial, election, media, and political classes that he's not going to pay or be held accountable for anything. And as a current example of the "getting away with criming" part ...it looks like the 5 judge panel on the NY appeals court might just chuck out Letitia James whole case.

Of course the most outrageous example of "getting away with criming" is brought to you by so called Chief Justice on the so called Supreme court. Presidential Immunity anyone?

And DO all the postcards that I just sent out balance any of this corruption? This level of corruption? At so many levels of corruption?

Thank Goodness today for the Judge McBurneys in our world, who keep me off of my roof.

And Thank goodness for all the Substackians and AG, DG and all her people and for Marc Elias and all the fighters that keep our democracy moving in the right direction. The Question for November is:

Is the corruption deeper than our collective efforts to save this Democracy?

posters note, this is a 5 cups of coffee comment. Thank you for your patience.

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I am left to wonder what his attorneys think and say in private about all the insane arguments they are forced to make on his behalf. Like do they really truly believe what they are saying? There is part of me that has to believe they must be asking themselves how they ever got to this point in their career. Can they really be this stupid? I don’t know I feel like half the country has lost their damn minds! Well because they have but what the hell????

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Hoping Jack will nail him , and send him off to prison where he belongs..

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Well, Donnie, boy, the fat lady is about to sing, stick a fork in it, Mike drop, that’s all she wrote, turn out the lights is party over, you deserve it

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It should be released. He can’t change his mind and get what he wants every time. He chose to have it all released before so be it. Quit screwing the rest of the country to make Trump happy!

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I need to start by saying I love your substack and value everything you write. And I despise Trump and long for long-awaited justice for this country.

However, I didn't feel like this was as big of a switcheroo as I expected to read from the intro.

When Jack Smith wanted to keep it all private, Trump said:

"...[he] does not contest the government’s claimed interest in restricting some of the documents… "

but he was mad about the gag order:

"However, the need to protect that information does not require a blanket gag order over all documents produced by the government."

So he wanted the non-sensitive stuff public back then and he wanted to be able to talk about it


And now he sounds like he's angry that the sensitive stuff is public. Am I reading that right? Will it be?

B/c that sounds like he consistently agreed that sensitive info could stay private, but non-sensitive should be public. He also sounds like he's just still angry that he's under a gag order, which he always was. Where did his opinion change in this particular context?

Now he's saying:

"Accordingly, the Court should require the Office to make consistent redactions regarding identity-related information and to show cause why their proposed public disclosure of voluminous purportedly sensitive witness statements will not pose risks to potential witnesses and unfairly prejudice the adjudication of this case.

President Trump has abided by these restrictions for over a year. Yet now, in advance of predictable national news coverage, the Office seeks to disseminate protected content of Sensitive Materials, including direct quotations and summaries, while the gag order restricts President Trump’s ability to fully address the details of the filing on the campaign trail."

What am I missing that makes this a typical-of-Trump hypocritical change of heart?

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Sounds like he’s chasing his tail.. round… and round… and round…

‘Til he melts to butter.

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Very rancid butter

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I don’t think you’re missing anything at all. The CONVICTED FELON is demented and unbalanced and just acts in ways he believes might help him at that particular time. That changes as time goes on and the political process moves forward. So he himself is merely instantaneously reacting to whatever comes up. I presume that the government, as is routine, had to provide him and his lawyers, as well as the judge, with copies of the full unredacted filing and also the government’s proposed redacted filing. So DEMENTIA DON and his lawyers now know everything the special prosecutor proposes to prove at trial, and they’re scared to death to have much of that disclosed now. His bought and paid for lawyers now have to dance their way around their prior arguments to try to satisfy his demands that the unfavorable proposed evidence not be made public at this time. Since their only real objective is to satisfy their "client", they are making up any excuses to assert that certain things shouldn’t be made public. They portray the public release as "unfair", like he always claims about anything critical of him, or as "prejudicial to the jury pool", because they don’t have any other grounds to support keeping everything sealed. What isn’t clear to me from the little I’ve read is whether they’re also contesting the release of limited portions of the government’s brief or just trying to keep the entire document under seal.

Does this make sense?

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Do you want cheese with your whine❓

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Go back and watch J6 documentary. Then

watch with current SC6 immunity rule in place.

Telling ain’t it???

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Can don-old appeal the disclosure of this information?

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Not from what I’ve seen. Jack Smith cut that off I think. Stay tuned…

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nailed it, as usual, MUELLERSHEWROTE!

AFTER TONITE'S DEBATE, reading that will brighten all of us sane-ish people's day!!

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