You had me on “I refuse to call it X”… ❤️

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Me too. I've taken to calling it Xitter nowadays (think Pinyin, i.e. the x is pronounced sh). With thanks to Ethereal Fairy Natalie (on here) who came up with it or, at least is the only person I've seen using it. I did tell her, “Ooh, that's good! I'll start using that myself if I may?”. She gave her blessing by explaining the Pinyin thing in her reply to which I replied “😂, that's even better, thank you”.

I haven't gone as far as unsubscribing yet but more and more of the people I followed have or are considering it, so I've deleted the app from my phone for now. I probably will unsubscribe soon. It's just not what it was, Musk has absolutely destroyed it in the name of ‘free speech’. Ha! It's not free speech, it's hate speech a sanctuary for racists, misogynists, misanthropes and misfits (with apologies to the ever shrinking decent people persevering with it). I recommend The Trawl podcast by Jemma Forte and Marina Purkiss (@thetrawlpodcast, @jemmaforte & @MarinaPurkiss on Xitter), two lovely, wonderful and delightful women who “trawl social media so you don't have to”. They're very funny, left leaning commentators (Jemma is a real comedian and Marina has the most delightful laugh and both are regular guests on various political discussion shows on British TV where they shred the Tory guests apart (think MAGA just not quite as demented) the Tories are the Conservative Party, Tory being singular. Prime example are Suella Braverman, nicknamed Cruella, the daughter of immigrant parents who is staunchly and cruelly anti-immigrant – she boasted that her parents wouldn't have been admitted under her watch as home secretary; she doesn't have the tiniest shred of empathy. To quote NIИ, “but inside [her] heart it's black and it's hollow and it's cold”. Liz Truss, our shortest ever serving prime minister famously outlasted by a lettuce: she was thrown out after 49 days in office but in that shirt space of time managed to wipe £30 billion ($37.5 billion before the pound plummeted, $30.9 billion after) off the British economy and saw the £ fall to its lowest ever exchange rate of $1.03 – an 18% drop: it used to be around $1.50 many years ago, but had been reduced to around $1.25 before her disastrous budget. She insists that she was betrayed and that her policy of ‘trickle down economics’ would have led to substantial growth 🤪 utterly deluded and refusing to accept the evidence: a year later inflation was over 10% (our food expenditure had risen by nearer 35%), we were on the verge of a recession and there was a cost-of-living crisis with energy costs having risen by a similar amount despite a price cap. Without the price cap it would have been 60%. It doesn't work anyway. The rich hang on to their money and get richer, they don't share it by, e.g. increasing everyone's wages). Anyway, I can see Xitter ending up with only Musk's million odd followers left on it and with no one left to troll them starting to leave too. I know many have switched to Threads but I try to avoid Meta as much as possible. They collect more data than any other platform and Zuckerberg sells it to the highest bidder. And don't get me started on what he did to WhatsApp all the promises he broke that he made to it's founder. He's just as much of an arse as Musk. It really does take a special kind of arsehole to become a tech billionaire, with the exception of Bill & Melinda Gates who are at least doing some real good giving away half their fortune to worthy causes, unlike the gits who think they're saving the world but actually doing their damnedest to rip it apart (excuse my language. I've actually tempered it considerably. It just makes my blood boil. I'm glad I found SubStack, a much kinder, more civil and less divisive place on the whole.

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Great pictures!

It was an incredible and inspiring week at the DNC. This excitement for Kamala Harris at the DNC is unlike anything I’ve ever seen in politics.

Kamala's acceptance of the Democratic nomination marks a historic milestone and sets a powerful tone for the campaign. It's going to go down in history as one of the most important ever!

The joy, fun, good vibes, excitement, celebration, and information.

Please donate to the Harris-Walz Presidential campaign and share this link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bringbackthejoy

In addition to some official merch, I bought this Kamala Removes Tough Orange Stains T! 👇 🤣


I'm getting lots of "where-did-you-get-this?" comments.

Let’s carry this energy forward and continue fighting for the future we believe in!

A lot of work needs to be done to secure a Blue Wave for November.

Let’s work together to get this done WITH JOY!

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Allison, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for your Daily Beans and other podcasts. I appreciate the time you take to discuss the issues that matter and how you let the "f-bombs" fly when the news is deserving of your indignation.

I especially enjoy your "Fridays with Fugelsang" episodes. John is always ready with his rapier wit and humor, and your on-air chemistry is awesome. 🙂

Cheers from Montreal, Canada 🇨🇦

Greg R.

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Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

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I love vicariously living your life. Thanks for sharing and for all you do to “breakdown” one of the most crazy political times of our generation, here, on Twitter, and on the podcasts. All news should have swearing, BTW. When will Corporate Media catch up? Oh yeah, never.

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What a incredible experience this must have been for you! By the way, most of us still call it Twitter as well!

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Shitter previously known as X

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AG - just wow! I m so proud of you! You’ve been through so much in your young life…and here you are — stepping up, speaking out, raising good trouble. I wish I would have been as bravely as you are, am trying to keep up with you. Here’s wishing you continued strength to keep up the good work!

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Independent Media is the way to go!! So exciting knowing you & some of the other awesome content creators were there. I bow to you Dr Gill 🙏🏼

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These are great pictures, thank you; that convention was seriously awesome. And thank you for all things JACK! I look forward to Sunday’s mainly for you and Andy!

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I heard you on the Thom Hartman show, which was wonderful!

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What are the steps supposed to be saying? They seem out of order.

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Read from the lowest step first (since you're walking up the staircase and not down as you read the banners), it says: "History is in your hands. Let's win this!" 💙💙💙

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Thank you! I swear I looked at it for several minutes, but I will admit that I was also standing in a line and not 100% paying attention. I feel very silly!

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Yeah, I made that mistake at first. LOL

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Thanks for sharing the pics & providing a different view of the event! Although the convention has been over for a while, I still live off its positive vibes. I appreciate you and was so excited when Heather Cox Richardson mentioned you in a recent newsletter. She was my original saving grace many years ago when I had no idea that there were other people out there like me--freaking out and fearful for our democracy. In one of her reader comments, I learned about your show, the Daily Beans, and then I got hooked on Clean-up on Aisle 45 and Jack. You then led me to John Fugelsang. It has been a domino event for me over these last several years, connecting to many intelligent and uplifting people. So, again, thank you!

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AG so exciting, and yes I too am living vicariously thru all your amazing good adventures. Thank you.

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Thanks for sharing your experience with us 🩷💕😎

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