Oh, my. What a difference an independent judge makes.

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Hey, Judge Cannon: pay attention. A real judge at work.

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Judge Chutkan, you go Girl! Time for accountability for the Defendant. Now let’s beat him hard in the election and put his butt behind bars!

She did not come to play. I LOVE her!

Talk about the Friday news Trump. Has ketchup been delivered to Mar-a-Lago?

That's why this Jack Smith shirt will NEVER get old 👇 🤣


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Yay! KarmaLA! Lol!

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Lou, a judge who leaves politics at the door. A tribunal overseer calling balls & strikes according to our constitution.

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Yeah... but they did 't want to bring that up, it would have tipped their hand. If there's anything the modern Republican party can't stand, it's full disclosure. As in... under Roberts the Supreme Court is busy rewriting the Constitution and overturning about a century's worth of jurisprudence, just as the Republican strategists had planned. And all six members of the Con majority all testified about their great respect for settled case law. They were lying. They perjured themselves. All six should be impeached and removed. And in a perfect world they would be.

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I recall wanting the question, “If you overturn standing precedent can we impeach you, without complaint?” Never happened but, man, I wish it was.

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You mean like CJ John Roberts said he was when he perjured himself before the Senate in order to win confirmation???

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Keith, yeah just like the known racist Robert’s. Not. Recall his work before landing on the court. Finding ways to disenfranchise minority voters.

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Compared to Loose Cannon

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She said “oxymoronic!”

She threw in “unofficial!”


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I LOVED THAT. Her language indicates some frustration and impatience with the defendant. LOVE IT!!

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It's judicial-speak for "bullshit."

[I know - I've been a lawyer for 44 years and an administrative law judge for 15 of those]

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Dropped my ballot off this morning, got a text it was received about 3 hours ago, another text it's approved and will be counted an hour ago, and now this news. What a wonderful day. Ketchup will be flying.

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May I ask... what state has all of those checks and texts? I ask because in some states the Republicans are being so sneaky that they won't even tell you that your ballot was deemed null and void. Which is pretty low & dirty & conniving, just the way they like to do things.

I'm no political genius... obviously... but seems to me if you've got to hide from the voters then your political party has some real problems. Something they're obviously well aware of.

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Chutkan is so smart. I used to have her sister as a doctor - she was also brilliant.

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Small world isn't it???

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Oh, yes. I never appeared before Her Honor, but my husband did. He had only praise.

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Judge Chutkan...maintaining HER courtroom, and HER rulings...and, NO, defendant tRump's campaigning for office means dick in MY courtroom.

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Looking forward to reading the appendix tomorrow! 👌🏻

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That was fast, clear and concise! 🧐

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I’m going to have a great sleep tonight and try as I might, this big silly grin will NOT leave my fizzog!

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Oh, wow, that’s fantastic!!

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I appreciate she said “oxymoronic”.

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Thank you Judge Chutkan. The Court is separate and could care less—Trump and his lawyers are professional litigants. Roy Cohen was trump’s guide for decades untile he was dying from

AIDS. Trump is a fraud and Aileen Cannon, stop calling yourself a Federal Judge. She’s next.

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I like how Punk Trump threw Cohen over the minute Cohen became a liability. Cohen deserved no less.

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A pattern of behavior Trump has continued through the years.

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Excellent. Let’s get this out there as soon as possible.

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Why? Because it bears directly on this election, that's why. It should be crystal clear exactly what kind of man Trump is... before the election, not after.

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Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

Better question: Why not?

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Because the more people know, the more informed their decisions.

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From your lips to Judge Chutkan’s ears! 🤩🤩🤩

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As another judge (McBurney in hammering the Georgia election board's attempt to turn a ministerial duty into a discretionary one) recently said in quoting Gandalf, "You shall not pass."

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