Jul 26Liked by MuellerSheWrote

You and Joyce Vance do us non-lawyers a great service by “making the case” in plain understandable language. If only our august Justices of the Federalist Society®️Supreme Court had your common sense! Thanks!

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I'm a non-lawyer! But I speak fluent lawyer, so that helps.

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I guess you fooled me….

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You do realize these are losing arguments, though, right? They are blatantly, partisanly self-serving, and they are a mirage insofar as they might sound comforting, but are bound to disappoint asa they fail in succession where it actually matters.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

Make your case then; Lewis already explained he's a non-lawyer so why should he "realize" your point? Why are they losing arguments?

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No, they don't recognize that these are losing arguments, they just need someone to tell them that they are going to "win" and the other guy is "going down".

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Jul 26Liked by MuellerSheWrote

I admire you so because you can take a really super complicated issue like this and explain it so very well. Thank you.. I tried to explain this to someone this morning and I didn't quite nail it, but you sure did!

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I wish we were immune from Trump and his family/sychophants.

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Great statement. I’m with you on that.

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Honestly, the most well-argued points of law seem these days in great jeopardy whenever SCOTUS is asked to rule on them. I mean, is everybody absolutely sure that five Justices won't support the Aileen Cannon ruling on "unconstitutionality" of Jack Smith's appointment, and dismissal of the docs thieving case? And how confident - no matter how air-tight - are we that DC Bragg's response to tRump's "immunity" claims vis-à-vis his 34-count conviction will hold up?

"Rule of Law " is taking a real beating when it concerns tRump and tRump alone, and I for one hold my breath when appeals finally reach SCOTUS and what the far-right judges say during the hearings.

To try to apply consistency and logic to SCOTUS decisions is a mug's game, and we're in uncharted territory here...hope for the best but expect the worst, no more and no less.

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The stark contrast to what Chief Justice Roberts wrote this year on the subject of Presidential Immunity to what he wrote in '20 during the investigative stage of this NY case, is what I hope Judge Merchan points to as being 'the ruling of the Court at the time of these proceedings.'

See Trump v. Vance, No. 19-635 (July 9, 2020) (recognizing that the “public has a right to every man’s evidence” ).

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"Everybody is absolutely sure". How does one go about quoting "everybody"?

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Figure of speech, mate, just a figure of speech.

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Even the kooky old fellow down the block has a soap box upon which to wax eloquent regarding “points of law”.


What a great country, eh?

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Thank you Well done.

Another abuse of process by Trump and his lawyers.

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Wonderful breakdown Allison, thank you. I was a bit concerned that some shenanigans might have resulted in TFG's appeal being upheld, and him being able to announce in October that he was 'not a convicted felon after all' just in time for the election. Phew!

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And even if Hope Hicks is dealing with a campaign issue, that might be a Hatch Act violation…

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Alvin Bragg is certainly going to be known as one of the greatest legal minds of our time. (Yeah, I'm not serious)

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RemovedJul 28
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Notice how Cyrus Vance wasn't willing to tie his family's name and reputation to these garbage legal abuses? I think we are seeing yet another way that the white liberal abuses his black brother. In fact all these "novel" cases were brought forward by black prosecutors and their white handlers letting them carry the water. Shameful.

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If you are not embarrassed by this clown show of a trial, created for no other purpose than to smear a political opponent that the left can not defeat in a fair fight, then you are part of the problem. There is apparently a large contingency of people in America, calling themselves American that no longer think it's imperative to play by the rules.

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🙋🏾‍♀️😼Oh look! The proof you are doing great work 👏🏾- fact-free cult-followers (or perhaps one of the Russian?North Korean?Chinese? TROLLS???)❓❓ has decided to join in by trying to sound rational & informed 🤔& failing miserably 😁😺in this well informed & fact-based community built by Mueller She Wrote et al😻

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Amazing that this "fact based" platform resembles the establishment narrative in every single point. Nothing said here isn't repeated a million times a day at every lefty watering hole on the net as the daily script is released. And that doesn't mean it's the "truth" it only means it's been approved by the ministry of truth. Oops, did I sound rational and informed? Must be a Russia Trick. Stay safe out there, Russians everywhere, keep your mask on, can't be too careful.

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Does it hurt when the light from your projector hits you in the eyes?

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Does that comment pass as "wit" in your circle?

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The great failing of this justice system is the DOJ's failure to promptly prosecute this flagrant seditionist for his multiple crimes, some bordering on treason & scores of co-conspirators from his administration, Congress & Supreme Court & to imprison him & several others as a clear & present danger to national security as would've been done to any ordinary person who had done a small fraction of what he had done. Anyone who doesn't think that planning, organizing & inciting an insurrection & autogolpe against the government automatically disqualifies Benedict Donald from any government office, let alone the highest office in the land is neither a Constitution-abiding democrat nor any kind of American patriot.

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Ha you think if the DOJ could have made those charges stick they wouldn't have fallen over each other landing them? It's fine to pontificate about "sedition" and "treason" but it only raises the old dander if you imagine it was Trump that was seditious, and not the government stooges that have been openly exposed by their own words to have plotted behind Trump's back to work against him and the abuses of FISA et al that never offended his opponents. You all just need to admit that there are no rules when you are after Trump, and not try to distract us by feigning some love of law or country on your part. The only "clear and present danger" is that too many Americans agree that someone they hate can be dealt with lawlessly. You people are what you pretend to hate.

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Oh, it's you. Why do you hound these poor people so? They have shown the world nothing but kindness and sincerity, cried out for the laws to be applied fairly and evenly, have remained sober and judicious in their thoughts and expression, and ask nothing of society other than than the power to force others to do as they say. They are the salt of the earth, and plan to win at all costs, literally salting the earth and burning the Constitution if necessary. But it's for our own good, so we should be thankful

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I don't know, maybe because it's too easy and maybe because it shouldn't be allowed to go on without commentary. When they start patting each other on the back for their "astute" legal insights, I find it unbearable.

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Amen to that, brother. Even if it’s like pissing in the wind, they deserve minimally to have someone with some brains stand up in the crowd and call bullshit. In fact, it’s the key action to initiate the preference cascade that will eventually bury their nonsense in an avalanche of reality. It can be lonely work, but the sputtering non-sequiturs and ad hominem attacks in response do make the effort worth it. It’s like these people have never received any pushback, and it makes them sitting ducks

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Or wait for it, the 3 emoji reply. Why does anyone bother to do that? Do they tell themselves "there, I really got him"?

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Thank you for such understandable answers to hard legal questions. I have learned so much and appreciate you.

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How is it that we the people cannot weigh in on a topic as fundamental as presidential immunity? I suspect 100’s of millions of American citizens agree with N.Y. Attorney General Barge. Mr. Bragg should not have to fight back against a Supreme Court gone rogue by himself. When our justice system decides to omit accountability as one of its foundations, I suspect vigilantism is not unforseable. I have long advocated for a sort of citizen iniative or referendum process much like that practiced in many states. If such a system existed at the national level we could put the question onto a national ballot and if as a people we decide a president can be both prosecuted and be convicted while in or out of office it should over-ride any decisions made by any one or even by all three branches of government. This is a nation whose constitution empowers “we the people.” We must not sit by idly while a handful of the powerful or influential act without deference to our expressed wishes. We need to rally behind Attorney Bragg.

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I think the process for making amendments to the Constitution needs to be expanded. I like the idea of creating a procedure for Citizen Constitutional Amendments. Perhaps a national referendum conducted in all 50 states would be a way to break the impasse we have due to to partisanship and money influenced politics. If the majority of citizens, and a majority of states vote to abolish presidential immunity, it should become a constitutional amendment. We should as citizens be able to vote and override Supreme Court decisions, and we should as citizens have the power to impeach politicians and Supreme Court justices.

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You and Pete called it right again!

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Very nice. Thank you.

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Rulings concerning interpretation of any Constitution can be overturned. While the constitution is not clay and cannot be shaped to fit a narrative, it can be amended. Plan on the overturning of this decision right after Trump loses the election, and plan for the long game.

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Yeah! Thank you again! Bragg is a hero! He is doing the work not just for New York, but for all of us who need justice! Respect!!!! I can’t say how much I am thankful.. James, Willis they are truly American hero’s!!

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Yes, indeed!

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Karen NPC weighs in

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please refresh yourself on the proper usage of apostrophes

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