Different day...same old GOP BS.

Thanks AG!

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Justice Thomas, Kavanaugh, Alito and Robert's are in Trump's hip pocket. This country was established on equal rights for all people, not immunity for a corrupt ex president to keep him out of prison making a mockery of justice.

The only immunity Donald Trump deserves is to cancel his campaign. He's not above the rules of law. Every president who ever served the country always done their job without having total immunity.

That's why this isn't it past your jail time? t-shirt will NEVER get old 👇


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That's exactly what it's about.

Thankfully trump is not the President and this " bill" will die in the Senate.

Vote 🗳 Blue

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Thanks for calling this out.

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Holy crapola.. this is super alarming like most others cruel devious shenanigans they pull out of the hat

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Thanks AG. Why am I not

really surprised though.

They've been losing cases

all over the country

concerning voting rights.

They are bound and

determined to cheat their

way to Trump Project 2025.

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Even considering the Save Act redundant, why don’t the dems check voter rolls etc. The constitution limits federal election voters to citizens, yet Just z facts estimates that over 2 million non-citizens vote ( mostly democrat). Why not install confidence and some checks and balances as our forefathers intended.

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Non- citizens CANNOT vote people!!!!!!!

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They *don't* vote, Nona, and "Just Z Facts" is probably a disinformation agent. Get actual facts from actual people who actually know what they're talking about.

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So why do they?

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They don't because you're told that you'd get deported, so who spends all that money and effort to come to the United States only to be kicked out. As an immigrant to the US in 1999, I knew I couldn't vote. I had a green card for 10 years and knew the consequences if I would have tried to vote. I chose to become a citizen in 2009, in order TO vote. Every immigrant is informed of this when they come to the US, so "Just Z Facts" is LYING.

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Think about it. What is in it for a non-citizen or illegal person to risk getting caught voting?

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You don’t understand either the Constitution or the Civil Law do ya Nona? Did you familia support Mussolini in the old country?

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Your racist comments are just that. Show me your ignorance and biased hatred.

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So then only The Prince Of Lies would be eligible for election?

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Who, pray tell, is the Prince of Lies?

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Yeah, that doesn’t happen. Try again.

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So why do they? In my small state there are 7 + million on voter rolls and 3.5 + voters. Any non-citizen.can get on the rolls with a drivers license, utility bill etc

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They DO NOT VOTE. Even if they got a ballot somehow, and filled it out, it wouldn't be counted. Even if one slipped through, how the F do you think that would change the results? Instead of trolling here, go to your local board of elections website and read all about the process and actual laws and procedures that are already in place to ensure a fair election. Then F straight off.

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So sorry, Nona Gleason, that you missed critical humanity skills. We missed skills like respect and treating other Americans with dignity and compassion. Have you ever actually cared for other people or is that just another exercise you perform in your megachurch evangelical hive when you wave your hands above your head and scream unintelligible sounds you think of as language?

The Prince of Lies, who is he? Why your Lord and Savior Donald John Trump!

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So you know for sure, because YOU say so. And totally disregard the 1million extra found in Texas wjhen checked. And Arizona . If breaking the law is a deterrent, they have already broken it. So swear all you want, it is real.

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You and the rest of the MAGA cult are in for a hard reckoning in November. Bless your heart.

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So your vote goes to a person who has never been selected by the people and has not defined a stance on the economy, or other issues and runs a campaign of “joy”. So sorry that somehow you missed critical thinking skills.

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Yes, it makes sense that this federal nexus would add to the potential for chaotic intervention by a president after an election. Makes me wish presidents could only serve one term of six years so the wouldn't spend so much time, money and effort trying to stay in power.

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To be fair, it never used to cost so much money until Citizens United. A huge financial mess, with an abhorrent and absurd ruling that “money equals speech”. That plus the electoral college makes for a horrible situation. It was easy to kneecap Clinton, who had a clear 3 million majority, but the “wrong” 100,000 votes in a few states, with the inequities inherent in the electoral college.

Restore the publicly funded elections we had before Obama, overturn Citizens United, and abolish the electoral college. And then something more like fairness would be restored.

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I just want you to know you are losing me. You used to allow people to comment on your X posts. Now only people you follow can talk to you. I have always listened to you. But you now write such opinion pieces without the details and facts to support that people need. I feel like you are living in a small world of people who think like you just like the right do. Hopefully you will realize that closing yourself off from everyone you don’t already know or admire is very dangerous to your common sense.

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I don't think AG is the problem here.

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Because of right wing justices appointed by Trump on the US Supreme Court who now do his bidding and the bidding or right wing Christo fascist billionaires who bribes them, the Republic is in great danger. They are unable to make objective decisions on behalf of all Americans and will cause a civil war if they end up deciding an election.

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The SAVE Act amends the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, landmark Clinton-Era legislation that established uniform voter registration procedures for federal elections. Yes, the Elections Clause does direct state legislatures to set the time, place, and manner of federal elections, but also "confers on Congress the power to alter those regulations or supplant them altogether." Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Ariz., Inc., 570 U.S. 1 (2013). So the SAVE Act doesn't really expand the Take Care Clause; in fact, it transfers a lot of power and authority for rulemaking on important issues—such as what to do if birth records don't match current gov't-issued IDs—back to the states to mess with. Personally, I see the suppressive effects of the SAVE Act as Trump's motivation. Unlike Arizona's Prop 200, which the law is purportedly is base on, the Act requires IN-PERSON verification of documents and completely disenfranchises voters whose documents don't match—as is the case in 80% of married women. These provisions take effect immediately, and would decimate registration between enactment and Election Day, which is why Trump is demanding Johnson pass it.

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Actually, because this would have to be changed in all 50 states, it would take years to implement.

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Some of the provisions take place immediately, e.g., must present documents in person, and can't register if documents have name discrepancies. Others that require third party action could take months, if not years, to pass. It's the provisions that take place immediately are the ones that would suppress and disenfranchise registrants in the Nov 5th election.

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Isn’t the goal to AVOID shooting yourself in thr foot? Making a SC 6 decision that gives any president immunity in crime and in essence setting up a standard where crime , any crime is legal. I cannot believe the current SC of 6 doesn’t want more of a legacy than this.

Perhaps pride, greed, this is not something thr SC6 have honored their oath.

If this is the new standard taking an oath isn’t even NEEDED. Now is it?

I guess this is the next change coming to congress huh?

Like article said every single future election is the main one to vote for.

SC 6 has shot themselves and everyone else in the foot.

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I guess elections don't matter much if the plan is to sieze power.

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I think he also hopes to argue that since congress made that law now, it was always the intention of the voting laws to involve the feds and thus him. This would give the supreme court another far fetched argument to absolve him from the current charges.

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I don't understand why anyone would not want to harden the elections so that only citizens can vote. In my state, the only i.d. you need to present is...pretty much anything with your name on it. An expired drivers license, a name on a utility bill, etc. Anyone crossing the border **illegally** and yet are given SSNs and work permits can get a driver's license, and at that point automatically registered to vote. Yes, they are NOT citizens, and enjoy benefits that I as a tax paying citizen do not get, and they can vote. And they do, egged on by a corrupt political party. The only people who are against the SAVE act are those people who would promote cheating.

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There is so much misinformation written in your post, it's clear you've swallowed the koolaid. The Secretary of State in each state verifies your citizenship when you register to vote. That's why people who vote illegally get caught (which is mostly Republicans by the way). To make voting more efficient and faster, you don't need to repeat the process on voting day.

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No, you are incorrect. I am an election officer and the fat is the Board of Elections certified if someone is eligible to vote. Do you actually think the SoC sits and wades through the evidence of each and every voter to determine whether they're legal or not? That's nuts and you know it.

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It's the time to fight for our freedom and stop this shit.

Never Go Back!


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Frightening that the top court of the land is willing to sacrifice this country’s future for personal power. This is how every autocrat succeeds, by using and twisting laws to justify his power. We need to vote blue in down ballot to ensure a blue congress to deal with the S Ct: expand to reflect 13 circuits, Harris appoint new judges, impeach thomas and alioto ( i would say Kavanaugh and Barrett for perjurying themselves however we know both go with the wind) ,set/ require a code of ethics for members and institute term limits

We never worried about the SCt’s devotion to the rule of law before Trump’s appointees. We can never be complacent again.

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Second law of Thermodynamics in action at the macronucleaic level. You win again Rudolf Classius.


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That's smart talk saying that all these politicians are pathetic copies that are just destroying humanity slowly. Heh.

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