This is what Michael Popock with Meidas Touch suggested yesterday. He feels it gives Smith an opportunity to go to the 11th Circuit, because she’d ignored (purposefully or not) section B of said clause.

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That was my question, is this, plus the other legal errors from this judge, enough to go to the 11th and have her removed?

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Yup the laundry list.

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She’s done her job and can now live in Florida safely without having to preside over Trump’s ultimate conviction by saying “oops I had the case taken off me by the deep state, I tried”

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I wish.

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Don't forget she deliberately hasn't set a date for the Classified Documents trial and is firmly intent on ensuring it cannot start before the November election - as if Trump wins (frightening but possible given national opinion polls have them neck and neck) he'll ensure all cases go away, possibly while also pursuing frivolous cases against Jack Smith and Fani Willis.

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Jun 12Liked by MuellerSheWrote

Dear Sleepless Sleuth, Quote for the day? Year? Last 9 years?

"Moral cowardice & intellectual corruption are the natural concomitants* of unchallenged privilege"

~ Noam Chomsky

* accompaniment

PS. Your clean up on aisle 45, today...Martha Ann spitting on her neighbors car might be one tawdry example of that "unchallenged privilege". thank you, thank you..for all you do for us.

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The “This is settled law with clear Supreme Court precedent” doesn’t necessarily mean anything anymore though, does it? Not with this court anyway, not after they killed Roe v Wade! Perhaps this was intentional. Take this all the way up to their buddies on SCOTUS and get that changed, making it harder to convict Trump and getting more delay in the mean time. The country be damned, it’s all about power to put their white nationalist agenda in place.

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Especially if they give him immunity.

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RemovedJun 18
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Trump will soon be a complete blithering idiot while MAGAland collapses into heaps and Biden walks away with a landslide. No thanks. You may prefer the US version of a dumbed down Putin but the rest of this nation never will.

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70% of Americans agree…trump & maga MUST go the way of the DoDo bird.

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Yo Dennis, he be convicted already, just waiting on the sentence on this first of four!

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Yo Robert. Of course he’s convicted. When the jury instructions are “I order you to convict,” you convict. Appeal is a slam dunk. A Stalinist show trial that will backfire in a real meaningful way.

And let me save you the time. Yes they’ll throw him in jail. Of course they will. Merrick Stalin will make sure of it.

Doesn’t matter. Get ready to soil yourself just like grandpa Joe.

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So you presumably believe that Presidents can help themselves to any classified documents they like on exit, as the very process of removing them from the White House automatically declassifies them? And that it's perfectly innocuous to hide boxes of them when the FBI turn up to requisition them (at a raid deliberately scheduled for when he was not only away from Mar-a-Lago but out of the State)? That there's nothing wrong with falsifying business records to hide hush money payments? (Note: the payments themselves are legal, the "creative accounting" isn't).

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RemovedJun 23
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Others may have retained some records, but did they take dozens of boxes of documents, with both personal and Presidential records mixed up, store them all at random places within their properties, and not only fail to hand them all back when NARA identified the first tranche of missing Presidential records but when an FBI search was organised to try and find the remainder, arrange for multiple boxes of documents to be taken to another address? While outgoing Presidents and VPs sometimes accidentally take official records with them, upon discovery they're supposed to be handed over to NARA. Notably, when Biden's lawyers discovered some, not only did they arrange to hand them other but they invited the FBI to search his properties.

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Look for a reputable deprogrammer.

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Hey you’re the one being led off the cliff by a dementia patient. The fact that you defend Biden tells me everything I need to know.

You’ll always have to live with Orange man bad syndrome. Tragic

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I survived TFG'S first 4 years and if this country elects him again I hope we all survive. But the hate and anger you hold inside may linger for a lifetime

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Doubtful the judge will give him any jail time as we the voters will kick him to the curb in Roevember and he will fade into oblivion. The MAGA morons & insurrectionist officials are another story

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Only a a dem pedo would say something so moronic.

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The only way we survive is by electing Trump. That is our only chance. Your assertion is ass backwards.

Anger - yes

Hate - no.

I’m doing the work to educate the masses. I will do the work to save our country from this communist criminal regime.

You don’t like my posts. You may exit stage left anytime you want.

I stand for freedom.

Where will you be moving to when Trum wins? Brazil? Luna is running the country into the ground so that’s probably a good choice for you.

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No thanks. Two millennia or more of white male supremacy and the world is pretty fed up with you. Thanks for playing.

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I’m tired of your Bull shit asshole. GFY!

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Sweetie, if you are waiting for Cult45 to save America, you gotta helluva long wait. The SOB can’t even save himself.

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I'm not your Sweetie....

Your boy obiden destroyed the f country! And it assholes like you that helped him!

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Just another Cult45 sweetie

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So, convicted of tax fraud and insurance fraud on his properties, found liable for defaming the woman the judge said he raped and defamed her again and owes over $80 million, convicted of voter fraud in and election interference latest, waiting for trial in GA for voter fraud and election fraud, waiting in FL on an open and shut case of stealing top secret docs that endanger our personnel all over the world and Aileen is doing everything she can to screw that up even though it is the easiest case to litigate, and waiting trial for sedition and incising an insurrection .... and this guy has your vote? Find yourself a deprogrammer because if he says drink the Kool-Ade, you will.

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He’s going to be a great president again!


Dennis - 10

Lefty Communists - minus 10 (penalties for lying)


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Aw, honey, the fact that you call “lefties” communists shows that you haven’t been listening or learning anything since the 1990s. You might look up the definition of communist but I doubt you will.

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I'm not your honey.

your comment above simply illustrates that:

1. You have your head buried in the sand

2. Your a Marxist follower that has been brain washed

3. You have TDS - It's terminal. Condolences to the family

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Get help, David. Seriously. Your delusions are verging on insanity. Look for a reputable deprogrammer because you are in a cult.

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Sure. Reelect a malevolent, misogynist, mendacious ignoramus with a criminal mind. What could go wrong?

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Don’t talk about Biden like that - shame on you.

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Enjoy your kool aid when your orange god forsakes you. He will. And you will have no one but yourself and your fellow cultists to blame when everything crashes down around all of us together. Being white and male won’t save you from what his ghouls will have wrought. I hope for your sake that you are wrong about him. As he doesn’t give a rats ass about his followers. You are merely a means to make more money.

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Time is up, loose Cannon! Garland with his recent phony baloney “contempt of Congress” paper spearheaded by the toady Jim “not-MY-coach” J. ought to strike while the irony is hot!

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Let’s get rid of the puppet loose cannon. She has spread enough fodder

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RemovedJun 18
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Do you enjoy raising your blood pressure to dangerously high levels? If what we say is all lies hop back over to whine central it will make you feel a lot better

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Sorry can’t do it. This thread is in need of truth bombs. All of my assertions and statements are backed up by facts. Remember? Facts stand, lies fall apart. Please pay attention. Keep up with the conversation.

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Ohh now that you explained that I totally get it. Not. Cultist gotta cult

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Listen to yourself...🤣

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Such a blathering pack.

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And the videos of him going catatonic are fakes

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Omg, they are not. You don't believe what you see w your own eyes. You don't believe what you hear w your ears..look hard at yourself.

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Of course they are! But please use the correct regime phrase. Cheap fakes.

My God you’ve really taken to the brainwashing. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?

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"Are you capable of thinking for yourself?"

Obviously, you can't.

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You can’t see or filter any information objectively because of your TDS.


Sorry, not sorry.

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Keep kneeling in front of that glory hole

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Under normal circumstances Judge Cannon would have been taken off the case by now for all these legal miscues to preserve the judicial process and ensure a fair trial. So who's protecting her? And with one legal error after another the pattern is becoming apparent that Judge Cannon is deliberately making all these errors to impede the legal process so as to either generate a mistrial or make sure that this case does not even go to trial before sometime well past 2025 - giving the opportunity for Trump and his lawyers to appeal every ruling ad nauseum until he is either elected, imprisoned or dead. Sure hope Jack Smith can file something soon to force the 11th Circuit Judges to finally remove Cannon the Trump lapdog.

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Tick tock Cannon has to go.

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At least Cannon keeps Substack really busy.

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She better watch her P's & Q's: her ignorance and partiality are getting checked from all sides!

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Andrew Weissman is my favorite guru. Nothing gets by him.

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Enough of Fangirl ratfucking the most important case against Trump. She's aiming for a dismissal. Jack needs to put a stop to this bullshit!!

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I cannot believe she has the gall to do this for almost a year and it’s about the nations secrets. Lots of them. Stolen and no me is in any hurry. Disgusting

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3 were charged w a crime

2 of them will not be charged one will.

You see nothing wrong w that,

You've lost your way

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Thank you for the succinct clarification.

So thrilled to see you on Substack!

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So? When is this Appeal going to happen? Maybe by 2026? Seems to me the Repugs completely took over the judicial system while the Dems had their heads up their asses.

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And There is the problem with partisan politics.

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What Jerry ^ said. I appreciate your hard work keeping us informed.

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She’s balsy for sure. If not just flat out corrupt.

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Cunning vixen or a puppet with the right hand up her butt?

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My guy feeling is that she's being coached behind the scenes, possibly by certain attorneys who have a vested interest in dragging this out as long as possible. I'm honestly just waiting for her to open her mouth and say something in Fozzy Bears voice.

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Gut not guy (freaking autoannoy)

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It’s hard to know which one she would

Choose to ruin her career. Make no sense. She could have recused and simple walked away.

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I hope you are right. Trump has been using highly placed people to run interference for him, his entire life. It is a flagrant miscarriage of justice!

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